meta Holstein Canada Achieves Another Record-Setting Year | The Bullvine

Holstein Canada Achieves Another Record-Setting Year

Holstein Canada, Brantford, Ont., announced on February 3rd that new records for animal registrations, classifications, herd visits and genomic tests were achieved in 2013. A total of 285,449 registrations were completed in 2013. This number is up 4829 registrations representing a 1.7% increase over 2012. Also showing a significant increase was the number of animals genomic tested. In 2013, 14,712 genomic tests were processed, up 4300 from the 10,412 processed in 2012; an increase of 41.3% over 2012.

Holstein Canada also experienced fantastic growth in classification services in 2013, classifying a total of 266,578 animals representing 13,736 more animals than in 2012 and a 5.4% growth. Holstein Canada is extremely proud to work closely with its 10,798 members across Canada to achieve these impressive results. It is for this reason the number of herd visits also showed a significant increase in 2013. A total of 16,999 herd visits were made in 2013; an increase of 5.2% over 2012.

“The Holstein Canada team is determined to stay focused on the strategic plan put forward by our board to be the best we can be for our members in this changing and dynamic industry,” says Holstein Canada CEO Ann Louise Carson. “Great teamwork between staff, branches and members has yielded these great results – thanks to all! The team is already focused on delivering another great year!”

Holstein Canada is certainly proud of these record-breaking figures. These great results can be attributed to and would not be possible without the field service work being done across Canada along with provincial branch support; willingness of new members as well as existing members; and a new, more functional website that has made online services easier and more efficient.

(T1, D1)
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