meta 2013 Iowa State Fair – Ayrshire Results | The Bullvine

2013 Iowa State Fair – Ayrshire Results

Senior & Grand Champion – Sharwards Calimero Megan (Calimero), Aged Cow, Old Bankston, Epworth, IA

JUDGE: Dr. Doug Evans, Georgetown, NY

Junior Champion – P&A J Crosby Rhianna (Crosby), Junior Yearling, KCCK Holsteins & P&A Ayrshires, Dyersville, IA
Reserve Junior Champion – Lazy M Reality Shelby (Reality), Lazy M Farm, Stitzer, WI

Intermediate Champion -Daltondale Captail Rosid-ET (Capital), Senior 3 year old,  Bear-Ayr Farm, Neosho, WI
Reserve Intermediate Champion -Stillmore Modem Imogene-ET (Modem), 2nd Senior 3 year old, Old Bankston, Epworth, IA
Senior & Grand Champion -Sharwards Calimero Megan (Calimero), Aged Cow, Old Bankston, Epworth, IA
Reserve Senior & Grand Champion – Right-Angle T Harley (Traveler), 2nd Aged Cow, Yarrabee Farm, Brooklyn, IA
Junior Calf
1.  Edgebrook Karohot Mattie (Karohot), Bushman Dairy, Calmar, IA
2.  Daltondale Lucky Monique, Daltondale Farms, Hartland, WI
3.  Ridge View Chase Cindy, Bushman Dairy, Calmar, IA

Intermediate Calf
1.  Sco-Lo Reality Mystique-ET (Reality), Lazy M Farm, Stitzer, WI
2.  Onword Mordicus Ali-ET (Mordicus), Onword Cattle Co, Oelwein, IA
3.  Kar-Ayr Burdette Cocoa (Burdette), Holtz View Farms, Maquoketa, IA

Senior Calf
1.  Covey-P&A Harmony Jazz (Harmony), KCCK Holstiens & P&A Ayrshires, Dyersville, IA
2.  Ridge View DW Jasmine, Ridge View Farm, Lancaster, MO
3.  Old Bankston Millionaire Money, Old-Bankston, Epworth, IA

Summer Yearling
1.  Holtz-View Burdette Dani-ET (Burdette), exhibited by Holtz View Farms, Maquoketa, IA
2.  Old Bankston Raven (Raven), Lango Dairy, Hopkinton, IA
3.  Daltondale Dyno Sandy (Dyno), Daltondale Farms, Hartland, WI

Junior Yearling
1.  P&A J Crosby Rhianna (Crosby), KCCK Holsteins & P&A Ayrshires, Dyersville, IA
2.  Bushman Reality Molly (Reality), Lazy M Farm, Stitzer, WI
3.  Sharwards Bingo Eva (Bingo), Fishersons, Edgewood, IA

Winter Yearling
1.  Lazy M Reality Shelby (Reality), Lazy M Farm, Stitzer, WI
2.  Edgebrook Remington Albany (Remington), Arthuracres, Maynard, IA
3.  Grand View Duncan Heybay (Duncan), KCCK Holsteins & P&A Ayrshires, Dyersville, IA

Senior Yearling
1.  Ski-Pal L.G. Phoenix (Loto Greg), David Koss, Epworth, IA
2.  Ski-Pal LG Kalina (Loto Greg), Josthc Acreage, Conroy, IA
3.  Brij-Ayr Farm Snazzy, Brij-Ayr Farm, Wilton, IA

Senior 2 Year Olds
1.  Michael Whammy Sami, Lazy M Farms, Stitzer, WI
2.  Family Af Ayr P Kim, Fishersons, Edgewood, IA
3.  Iow-Ayr Hummer Ruby, Yarrabee Farms, Brooklyn, IA

Junior 3 Year Olds
1.  (2BU) P&A OB Superior Goldmine (Superior), KCCK Holsteins & P&A Ayrshires, Dyersville, IA
2.  (1BU) P&A Potter Cassidy (Potter), Old Bankston, Epworth, IA

Senior 3 Year Olds
1.  Daltondale Captail Rosid-ET (Captital), Bear-Ayr Farm, Neosho, WI
2.  Stillmore Modem Imogene-ET(Modem), exhibited by Old Bankston, Epworth, IA
3.  Old Bankston Trident Pancake (Trident), Old Bankston, Epworth, IA

4 Year Olds
1.  (2nd BU) Old Bankston Ristourn Shawn (Ristorn), Old Bankston, Epworth, IA
2.  (BU) Old Bankston Sausage Shocker (Sausage), Old Bankston, Epworth, IA
3.  Mackayr R Primetime, Yarrabee Farms, Brooklyn, IA

5 Year Olds
1.  Ski-Pal Burdette Hannah (Burdette), David Koss, Epworth, IA
2.  Daltondale Kryptonite Rose (Kryptonite), Lazy M Farm, Stitzer, IA

Aged Cow
1.  Sharwards Calimero Megan (Calimero), Old Bankston, Epworth, IA
2.  Right-Angle T Harley (Traveler ), Yarrabee Farm, Brooklyn, IA
3.  Edgebrook Raven Afton (Raven), Old Bankston, Epworth, IA

(T2, D1)
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