Archive for Breeder Profiles – Page 2

Rai Valley farmer on quest for perfect jersey bull

Rai Valley jersey stud breeder Steven Leov  thinks his prize young bull, Glen, would fit in well on the catwalk.

“He loves posing for the camera at the shows, he’s a natural, ” said Leov.

At the Rai Valley A&P Show the R2 bull, Koroglen Glenmorangie , won both champion jersey bull, and champion all breeds bull.

Leov also took home champion jersey, and all breeds cow with Hasty River Key Jemma .

Leov bred the bull himself after trying embryo transfer on a previous show cow. Two pregnancies resulted from the transfer.

“He’s about 300 kilograms now but I expect him to get up to 700kg-800kg as he matures.”

The bull’s mother,  Koroglen NS Gloria, has a classification of VHC 92, or very highly commended, while his sire, Family Hill Ringmaster, is a well regarded United States sire.

Both Ringmaster, and the mothers sire, Sunset Canyon Nadene Supreme, come from dams which scored EX (excellent) 97.

“He’s got good conformation, and has a good temperament.”

The remainder of the total 500ha farm is used by his father, Bernard, to run 700 romneys. 

Slowly but surely the dairy herd is becoming more jersey, Leov said.

“My father liked friesians but I tend to like brown cows and I’m gradually changing the herd to jerseys,” he said.

Leov took over the Koroglen jersey stud prefix from his maternal grandfather, Rex Brew who bred jerseys at his Koromiko dairy farm, between Picton and Blenheim.

“When my parents took over the family farm from Bernard’s father they didn’t keep up the registrations on jerseys they had been given by Rex. The emphasis was more on dairy farming than stud breeding,” he said.

Leov started dairy farming in 2000 and started registering jerseys using the Koroglen stud name from 2001.

“I’ve always liked brown cows since I was a youngster,” he said.

“I can’t explain the reason why, I just like them.

“People go on about the two breeds, jersey or friesian, but it comes down to personal preference and what are easier to work with.

Rai Valley jersey cow breeder Steven Leov, with his prize winning bull, Koroglen Glenmorangi, or Glen.

“I find the jerseys more fertile and efficient, I can produce more milksolids per hectare from the jerseys than I can with my friesians, around 350kg of milk solids on grass.

“I can also run more jerseys to the hectare than friesians.”

Supplements would increase the production but with a low pay out grass was a cheaper feed, he said.

“We also grow turnips, and a chicory/plantain/clover mix crops.”

While the emphasis was on breeding top class jerseys, the bills still had to be paid from the cow’s milk, he said.

“I’d soon get bored if I only milked, and it is nice to try and breed something that is better and more efficient.

“Although you will never reach perfection it is good fun to try and achieve the best result you can.”

Leov admits he faced an uphill battle to maintain high breeding quality.

“It’s hard to compete against the big semen companies now who have dominated the market.

“This is the reason I always support the local shows.”

Facebook also worked to spread contacts and the wins at Rai Valley A&P Show had drawn interest from overseas as a result of social media, he said.

“We will use him on our own cows and see how he goes.

“If there is enough interest in him we will take straws from him if it is cost effective.

“There’s no reason he won’t be around in 10-12 years.”

Source: Stuff

Second-generation family farm grows quickly into a robotic dairy

Dan Steffens highlighted some of the features of the 120-cow freestall barn that has a lower ridge for improved tunnel ventilation and cow comfort. (Photo: Dan Hansen)

In 1971, at age 24, Joe Steffens bought an 80-acre farm on Mullen Road, south of Seymour. A year later he and Lorraine were married, and the couple began to grow their farming operation.

The farm continues to grow today as a robotic dairy with the help of sons Steve and Dan, and was featured on the recent Cow College tour of cutting-edge dairy farms in Outagamie County.

Joe and Lorraine bought their first dairy cows, and the herd grew from within. Over the years, additional land was purchased and several new building were constructed. The farm grew to 240 acres, the original 32-cow tie-stall barn was expanded to 64 stalls and the freestall shed was built. Two 20- by 70-foot concrete silos were erected, and a machine shed and new home also were built.

Sons Steve and Dan also were actively, involved in the farm’s operation, although both held full-time jobs off the farm.

In January 2003, Joe was diagnosed with a brain tumor and passed away in April 2004. With Joe’s passing, Steve and Dan took on a larger role in the farm’s management and operation while continuing to work at their other jobs.

For the next 10 years Lorraine, Steve and Dan were able to keep the farm operating successfully without the need to hire outside help. They handled all the fieldwork, maintained machinery and other equipment and milked their dairy herd twice a day.

“We put in some long days and even longer nights to get everything done,” said Steve.

Finally in 2014 Steffens Dairy Farm LLC was established, and Steve and Dan quit their off-farm jobs and became full-time partners with Lorraine.

Their first improvement was buying a Patz portable mixer to provide their herd with a balanced ration. “Soon after that we saw a substantial increase in milk production,” he remarked.

Because their stall barn needed major repairs and updates, they decided to build a new 120-cow freestall barn, featuring sand bedding and tunnel ventilation to maximize cow comfort.

After a lot of discussion and research, the Steffens decided to install two Lely automatic milking units. “Now we we’re able to milk three times a day without hiring any outside help,” Steve emphasized.

A Lely Juno robotic feed pusher was added to ensure the herd always had a supply of quality feed readily available.

“To make sure the cows remained clean and calm, we finished of the barn by installing a Patz alley scraper,” he noted. “Milk production has been continually increasing, our somatic cell count is down, and our conception rates remain high thanks to the heat detection information provided by the robotic milking system.”

Their herd is currently just over 100 cows, 60 percent of which are heifers. Milk production has increased 17 percent since the robotic units have been in operation. Butterfat is 3.7 and protein at 3.1. Cows average of 3.2 trips to the robots each day. The seven-day average is nearly 82 pounds of milk per cow, with the top cow producing 137 pounds.

For the past three years they’ve been breeding their heifers with sexed semen to help grow their dairy herd more quickly. They’ve also temporarily broken their tradition of running a closed herd.

“We been adding only around four or five animals at a time so that we can work them into the herd easier,” Steffens said. “Once we reach the capacity of the barn, which we hope will be within the next year, we plan to go back to a closed herd.”

Currently, the Steffens’ family is also remodeling their old tie-stall barn to house young calves, heifers and dry cows as their robotic dairy continues to evolve at a steady pace.

Source: Wisconsin Sate Farmer

Wormont Dairy: Fire extinguished. Help, hope ignited.

2013 Photo: Chuck and Vanessa Worden

On Saturday evening, January 14, the entire Worden family was together at the dining room table celebrating Chuck and Vanessa’s birthdays, including daughter Lindsey who was home visiting from Vermont.

By daybreak Sunday, the family was facing an uncertain future, but was lifted forward by friends and neighbors showing up when news spread quickly of the fire at Wormont Dairy, Cassville, New York.

“I had just walked through the cows and done a little clipping that night, so proud of how the whole herd looked and how well they were responding to the changes we had been making in the ration and fresh cow protocols,” Lindsey Worden reflected. “Less than four hours later, I was calling 911.”


Photo from Kate Worden


Wayne and Mark Worden, who live off the farm but nearby, were throwing on clothes to come down and join their father Chuck and brother Eric in rescuing calves and heifers penned in the box stall barn adjoining their parlor/holding area and office, which was totally engulfed in flames.

Their mother Vanessa had gotten up in the middle of the night and saw the flames from the window.

“Just as Eric was carrying out the last calf, the fire trucks arrived and the barn was totally filled with smoke and starting to catch fire as well,” Lindsey reported. “Volunteer firefighters, friends and neighbors were pouring in. We managed to wrangle all the baby calves and young heifers into a bay of our machine shed, and got the older show heifers into our heifer freestall, while dad and the boys were helping the firefighters.”

Amazingly, the wind was blowing in the opposite direction of its usual course – sparing the main freestall barn and Wormont Dairy’s 270 milking cows from damage.

By 4:00 a.m. Sunday morning, “It was quiet,” Lindsey shares. “At daybreak we met to try and figure out a game plan for how to get 275 cows milked on a farm with no milking equipment.”


Photo provided by Lindsey Worden


Not one person or animal was harmed, and the family was so thankful, but reality was sinking in. Now what?

“It was amazing,” said Vanessa. “There are no words for the way people just showed up and lifted us up.”

Chuck said a neighbor started the ball rolling to place the cows, and people came with trucks and trailers lining the farm lane. “I didn’t make one call, people just came,” he said.

As Wayne and Mark noted, “It was humbling.”
“At one point, we had at least 10 cattle trailers lined up out the driveway, and we got animals relocated more efficiently than I would have ever imagined possible,” Lindsey reflects. “We are so thankful to the friends and first responders who showed up at 1:00 a.m. on Sunday morning to help get our immediate emergency under control.”Before long, with the help of some awesome neighbors, the Wordens had figured out two farms that could take the majority of their milking cows (heifers and dry cows are staying), and a short while later, cattle trailers started showing up, as did more friends and neighbors to help get them loaded.

Friends and neighbors came from near and far – bringing trailers, helping to get cattle loaded and moved, helping to get scared cows milked off site.

“People brought enough food to feed an army for a week,” said Vanessa.

“At 7 a.m., my first thought is that we were probably just have to sell everything, but then as neighbors showed up, and connections were made, and trucks started moving cows, you start to feel how hope can change the whole outlook,” said Vanessa. “By 3:00 p.m., our friends and neighbors had given us hope that we can do this. I was actually happy yesterday. There is no way I could be sad after all that everyone has done, after all the hope they have given us.”

Each member of the family has so much gratitude for the dairies that opened their barns and took in cows. The 270 cows were moved to three locations by 3 p.m. Sunday.

“What an incredibly humbling day,” Wayne shared Sunday evening. “There are no words to describe the support we received and are still receiving with the cows. Thank you is not enough to say about what we were all able to accomplish today. What an incredible community the dairy industry is.”

2013 photo Wayne, Mark, Eric and Chuck Worden

Electricians worked all day Sunday to restore power – light, heat and water. “And companies worked with us quickly to help us with things like restoring our DairyComp records on a new computer, getting basic medical and breeding supplies and all those little things that we need to keep the wheels on the bus this week,” Lindsey observes. “It is a really strange feeling to literally have none of those everyday supplies like calf bottles, navel dip, ear tags, IV kits, etc.

Everyone who reached out with suggestions for help or just kind words, prayers and encouragement, by call, text message, email, and facebook, or dropping by in person. We are so very grateful.”

Eric shared how “truly overwhelmed” he was by the amount of support received from farmers across the state following the fire. “Thank you for making the day go easier,” he said. “This is a tough blow for my family, but we will come back stronger than ever.”

Adds Lindsey, “By some miracle, not a single animal was lost, not even our lone barn cat!”

While there is no question, “we’ve got a tough road to hoe to get back on our feet over the next several months,” said Lindsey, “with some luck and the attitude everyone in the family has maintained over the last two days, I have no question we will come out on the other side.”

Aug. 2016 Eric, Lindsey and Chuck at county fair

“Words cannot express how thankful we are,” Vanessa said. “The way people reached out to us in those early hours gave us hope. Hope is an important thing. It’s what we give each other, and it is amazing.”

As the family meets with insurance adjusters, lenders, builders, equipment specialists and others to chart a course for moving forward, the ready support of others in the darkest hour serves as a continual reminder of what the dairy community is made of – people who keep putting one foot in front of the other and helping their fellow producers get through times like this.

Even more importantly, the family notes that this dairy community is quick to give each other hope — that they’re not alone when confronted with a life-changing event — that when it seems everything is coming to a halt, it is the hope brought by others that carries everyone forward.

Crews from six fire departments responded to the fire at Wormont in the wee hours of Sunday morning, January 15, with others on standby.

Cleanup continues as the family pulls together to make decisions for the future – a future that they say reinforces how special the dairy industry is and how humbled they are to be part of it.


Source: Agmoos 

Pinehurst Farms boasts rich history

Pinehurst Farms of Sheboygan Falls, started in 1838 by David Giddings, was a model of innovation from the very beginning.

An article in the March 4, 1908, edition of the Sheboygan County News states the following: “Pine Hurst Farms, which is situated partly within the limits of the picturesque village of Sheboygan Falls and part in the town of Lima, is one of the most beautiful and productive farms in the Northwest, consisting of over 400 acres, about 200 of which is under a state of cultivation, 120 in beautiful woods and the balance in natural pasturage, well supplied with water by the Onion River and an abundance of natural springs.”

Giddings, a consummate businessman and adventurous Yankee, never stayed very long with one occupation. He always took an active interest in political affairs. When the Greenback party sprang up, he became identified with it, and in 1878 was a candidate for Congress, receiving more than the party vote.

In 1863, he purchased a farm containing 577 acres southeast of Fond du Lac, and in 1874 went there to live, leaving Sheboygan Falls behind.

On Nov. 20, 1912, Harvard Giddings, son of David Giddings, sold the Giddings Pinehurst Farm to Peter Reiss, president of C. Reiss Coal Company. Pinehurst Farm became the summer home of the extended Reiss family. Reiss upgraded the buildings and in the fall of 1913 the completion of the new 210-foot long barn was celebrated with a barn dance hosted by the Reiss family.

An article from the Sheboygan Press in 1913, entitled “Hundreds Enjoy Barn Dance at Pinehurst,” documents the event. “More than seven hundred were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reiss at a barn dance at their country home at Pinehurst last evening. The affair which will linger with pleasant memories for a long time, took place in the large barn which is being completed on the farm and until one o’clock this morning the guests enjoyed themselves… For instance there was one dance where the lights were turned off, and the two large automobile lamps furnished the light for the dance.

“This was a novel feature that brought forth applause from the dancers as well as the onlookers and the orchestra was called upon for several encores before the lights were turned on…from eight to nine o’clock the full Sheboygan Concert Band was stationed in the south end of the barn on a raised platform.

“Looking down a space of 210 feet on either side were strings of lights shaded by leaves of tinted paper giving a color that harmonized with the entire decorative scheme. Giant corn stalks together with pumpkins, and sheaths of barley comprised the decorative scheme…the concert under the leadership of Henry Johnson was one of the treats of the evening. But the grand march, comprised of 608 dancers was the highlight.”

Peter Reiss enjoyed his farm and summer home for just fourteen years, passing away on Sept. 5, 1926. Peter and Mattie had two daughters, Carita who married Harold Bachmann and Gertrude who married John Corbett. Both families spent their summers at Pinehurst.

Mattie Reiss continued the operation of the farm after Peter’s death, but in 1930, hired Harry Hill to manage it. Mr. Hill managed Pinehurst Farms for 14 years. Hill, a native of Scarborough, England, was widely known in regional farm circles. He was active in the Wisconsin Holstein Breeders Association and was awarded the Wisconsin Agriculturist gold medal in 1937 as one of Wisconsin’s five outstanding farmers. Hill left Pinehurst in 1944 for a position in the farm industries’ division at Curt G. Joa.

This is the 125-foot Pinehurst Farms towers which went down for scrap on Nov. 11, 1942. Over 80,000 pounds of scrap metal was reclaimed. The 50,000 gallon tower supplied water on the farm.

This is the 125-foot Pinehurst Farms towers which went down for scrap on Nov. 11, 1942. Over 80,000 pounds of scrap metal was reclaimed. The 50,000 gallon tower supplied water on the farm.

At that point the dairy stopped bottling its own milk, selling its product to Verifine where it was processed. Besides the cattle, Pinehurst also operated a greenhouse and continued to raise poultry. In 1948, Mrs. Reiss donated a part of the property to the city of Sheboygan Falls to be used as an athletic field.

The following year, the summer home, the original Giddings home, a large garage, two poultry houses, a greenhouse, 10 acres of virgin pine woods, 180 apple-bearing trees and twelve acres of garden land comprising 37 1/2 acres were sold to The Christian Home Inc., a non-profit organization which took over the property for a home for the aged. The corporation represented 13 churches in Sheboygan, Oostburg, Cedar Grove, Sheboygan Falls, Gibbsville and Hingham. The Giddings home, greenhouse, stable and apple orchard were sold to private parties. The remaining property was remodeled into a residence for the aging. This part of the estate became Pine Haven Christian Home.

In 1950, Mrs. Reiss sold the rest of Pinehurst Farm to her grandsons, Peter and David Bachmann. The two young men operated the property together until 1955 when Peter sold his share to David. David Bachmann became known as one of the best-known registered Holstein breeders in Wisconsin. The prestige and reputation of Pinehurst cows brought foreign buyers on frequent visits to the farm and animals were shipped to all parts of the world.

Lightning struck between a pair of concrete silos the evening of Sept. 16, 1983, during a severe electrical storm. The large L-shaped frame barn, a landmark along State 32, was destroyed by the resulting fire. The barn was immediately rebuilt, but on June 29, 1993 a second fire demolished the barns at Pinehurst. No cause was ever found.

The 1993 fire marked the end of Pinehurst as a dairy farm, but began the dream of a championship golf course on the property. Construction on The Bull, a Jack Nicklaus signature golf course, began Aug. 4, 2000. The course meanders through the farm and features beautiful views of meadows, woods, wetlands and streams. Each of the 18 holes is named after a bull bred by Pinehurst Farms, each with its own unique story.

One hundred seventy-eight years later, this beautiful property, cared for by just two families, is a landmark of which the citizens of Sheboygan County can be proud.

Source: Wisconsin State Farmer

Pedigree exhibitor explains commercial roots

090916_p114_-116-mark_robinson-2323_main1One of the younger exhibitors at Dairy Day is Mark Robinson who is making his debut in the event’s show ring. Neil Ryder reports.

As a teenager Mark Robinson once considered a career in professional golf, but instead trained in agriculture and joined his family’s dairy farming business in Nantwich, Cheshire.

This, in turn, led to an interest in Holstein genetics and showing cattle, with his next show ring appearance taking place at this year’s UK Dairy Day.

Show ring success so far this year has included the breed championship and reserve at Nantwich Show, as well as the breed title at Royal Cheshire Show.

He says representing Team GB in Colmar, France, earlier this year with his heifer, Woodhey Atwood Sally, has been the pinnacle of his showing accolade to date. However, he stresses these successes have only been possible from a strong commercial base.

The Robinson family moved from a farm near Winsford, Cheshire, to Woodhey Hall, Faddiley, Nantwich, 17 years ago in response to urban development encroaching on their Winsford farm.

They moved with about 300 dairy cattle which they ran as a commercial herd averaging 8,000 litres. After five years, they formed a contract farming agreement with a neighbouring dairy farm business, which entailed the purchase of 160 full pedigree Holstein milkers averaging around 10,000 litres. Milking continued on the existing two farms until 2012, when both herds were brought together to improve efficiencies.

During this time Mark had finished school and completed a three-year course at Reaseheath College, Nantwich, before returning home to farm with his father Paul and mother, Ruth. Now 27 years old, living with his partner Jocelyn, Mark became a director of the family business, Woodhey Dairies, five years ago. Apart from the family the business has four full-time employees.

The introduction of the pedigree milkers were a turning point for the direction of the herd. Mark says he found the yields these cows were achieving and general cow type highly desirable and this sparked his interest in pedigree Holsteins. It was this which would also lead to his passion for competing in the show ring.

“When I started showing in 2007 I was coming last or nearly last in every class I entered but each time I learned a little more and gradually I crept up the placings winning some firsts and now even some championships. I am lucky in that I have the support of my parents and the team here at Woodhey, plus a good friend Tom Lomas, who helps me prepare and show the cattle. It gives all of us a little boost when we win,” says Mark.

Woodhey Dairies now covers just over 405ha (1,000 acres) in a single block of land all grass apart from about 109ha (270 acres) maize and 51ha (125 acres) wheat. Wheat grain is milled and used for home feeding with the straw welcome for feed and bedding. As the dairy cattle are housed all year round, all the grassland is used for silage. Feeding is based on a grass and maize silage TMR ration, modified as necessary for different groups of cattle and supplemented by parlour fed concentrate.

The present dairy herd totals 640 cows with 500 followers. There are currently 550 animals milking three times a day, averaging 11,300 litres sold at 3.8 per cent fat and 3.1 per cent protein with a cell count of below 130,000.

“We are all year round calving with our milk being sold on a level supermarket contract.

“In 2012 we installed a new 64-point, fully computerised, rapid exit parlour. This now allows us to complete a milking in three hours including clearing and washing. Six months into our new parlour, we moved to three-times-a-day milking to increase yields and for better cow welfare, while enabling us to make better use of our investment”, explains Mark.

“The parlour has an American style underpass below the parlour, this allows noise levels to be kept low in the parlour as all milk metering and other equipment operate here” he says.

Mark has an ‘elite’ group, currently 32 strong, which he selects from for showing.

“I look for cattle which have show potential within the main herd for my elite group. Using sexed semen has allowed me to produce more females from the best cows in my herd, benefiting the herd in both the milk tank and the show ring.

“The show cattle are fed and managed slightly differently from the main herd being housed on deep sand beds instead of the mattresses used for the main herd and fed additional hay for rumen development. In the weeks running up to a show, we aim to develop a routine where there will be as little change as possible between moving from the farm to a show. They are like Olympic athletes and need additional care to compete in the ring,” he says.

Regarding breeding decisions, Mark selects a team of bulls in line with the herd’s goals, and makes bull selections based on each individual cow’s characteristics.

“The elite group are bred for show type. To me this means amazing udders with good attachment, wide square rumps, large body capacity, but still boasting plenty of femininity.

“For the rest of the herd we are breeding for more of a functional cow. She should still possess a solid udder and wide rump, but we are happy for these cows to be stronger and built for life in a large herd environment with large amounts of milk essential. Health traits are also heavily emphasised on, there is such a wide selection of bulls available these days there is no excuse for us not to be using a bull that isn’t positive for the traits we want.

“All bulls used are genomically tested, with very positive results being seen so far in the herd. As for cow family’s there are many different ones in the herd, such as the Adeens, Ambrosia, Roxy’s, Lustre’s, Destina (Raven) Spottie’s, Jennifer’s, Jazz and Pansy. All of these, we are keen to develop throughout the herd.

“Currently the best family we work with and have had most animals from are the Beattie’s. Now 100 per cent Holstein, they have British Friesian roots. These animals just seem to last forever, with most of our 100 tonne cows coming from that line. We currently have one that’s last three dams all made 100 tonnes of milk, and she is still working on her record so fingers crossed.” says Mark.

“Because we want to grow our herd, we currently retain all Holstein heifers born on the farm for replacements. The lower performing percentage of the herd are bred to British Blue sires and sold to Meadow Quality providing us with a good cash crop which we can reinvest in the business” says Mark.

Mark chooses his show cattle by eye, but his keen interest in superior dairy genetics and use of elite genetics has been fundamental in growing milk yields and improving herd health.

He is quick to say cow performance is dependent on both management and genetics, hand in hand; an animal can only perform to its true genetic ability if managed correctly.

“Growing the herd’s average yield from 8,000 to 11,300 litres is testament to this, our next short-term goal will be to achieve an average of 12,000 litres,” he adds.

Woodhey Holsteins show ring success


  • Champion Holstein Nantwich Show – My ABBA
  • Reserve champion and inter-breed champion heifer at Nantwich Show – Woodhey Saturday Night Ghost


  • First in class at the All Britain Calf Show – Woodhey Heztry Lustre
  • First Western Spring Show and reserve champion – Woodhey Bolton Jennifer
  • Champion Cheshire Sow – Woodhey Bolton Jennifer


  • First Western spring show and honourable mention – Woodhey Bolton Jennifer
  • Cheshire show 2010 champion Holstein – Woodhey Shottle Sunbeam 2

Mark says his last goal was to win a class at National Calf Show, which I completed in 2015 and his next goal is to win a milking class at a national show such as UK Dairy Day or UK Dairy Expo

He adds: “A bigger goal is to return to the European Holstein Show in 2019 and succeed near the top end of the ring. It is the most amazing atmosphere I have ever seen, it is just electric.”

Woodhey Hall facts

  • Slurry is stored in an above ground tank and two pits being spread through an umbilical system which reaches all fields on the farm
  • Rainwater is collected from building roofs and is used to wash down, including flood washing the milking parlour
  • Newborn calves are housed individually in open fronted kennel type housing moving on to being group managed using an automatic milk feeder
  • As much work as possible is carried out by the family plus four full time employees
  • Mark started showing Holsteins nine years ago and has a 32 strong show group of cattle managed and fed slightly differently from the rest of the herd to maximise their potential in the show ring

Source: FGInsight

On Cows and People: What I Got When I Bought Popsicle

I’d not personally bought a Registered Holstein since the 2011 Pinehurst Dispersal in Wisconsin. Owner David Bachmann, Sr., had for decades been a useful and wise resource, not only on breeding registered livestock, but on operating a farm entity with viable scale and income. I had bought a lot of bulls and some frozen semen from him, and he used me as a ringman in the World Premiere Sale series at World Dairy Expo. At his dispersal, I bought a direct maternal descendant of Audrey Posch, not so much because I wanted one, but because she was a good value, and Mr. Bachmann had been most generous and fair with me for many years, so I helped his sale a little.

Move forward five years to a Facebook message I got from Dan Hovden in late April, 2016. “Eric,” it started, “We have decided to offer Popsicle for sale.  She was Grand Champion at last year’s Iowa State Fair and due to Shottle June 24…” There was a photo attached, some more information and a price that was reasonable, but more than I was inclined to pay for pretty much anything.

“I’ll stop and look at her today,” I replied. Popsicle was housed by Jason Volker, and his farm was right on my way to a Wisconsin Jersey Show where I had an interest in a couple of head entered.

Mr. Hovden had introduced himself to me a year earlier at the Iowa State Fair, and Mr.

Volker, I knew only by his part in a successful Iowa Holstein show string from the last couple years with Mr. Hovden. Neither gentleman did I know well or at all, really.

I arrived at the Volker farm and put on a pair of boots I’d kept in my trunk from my sale days with Donny Vine and a couple of other sale managers in the 1980s. They still fit and serve a purpose, giving me an opportunity to babble mindlessly as a has-been about a bygone era and render control of the visit from the outset.

Jason took me into a modest barn with a clean, well-bedded area where Popsicle was stalled with some other exceptional cows. Popsicle was recently dry, kind of heavy, and had a huge middle that looked like she could deliver tomorrow. Maybe deliver twins – certainly a giant bull by Shottle from an Atwood from a Shottle. She looked like she could even have giant twin bulls. “Hells bells something smells,” I thought. “I need to look at the other stuff and take off.”

“We didn’t ultrasound her,” Jason said.

“OK, who wouldn’t ultrasound a champion cow?” I thought.

I looked over the rest of show stock, washed my old ringman boots and left for Wisconsin thinking how to word my facebook rejection message which ended up saying, “I’m going to pass for now but may reconsider in a couple of weeks…also, milk went under $13 today and there will be some good values in the months ahead…”

That night in Wisconsin we had the requisite pre-show supper with me heading the table and show cow-partner Jason Steinlage on my right. A win followed the next day for a Jersey cow named Rosa, owned with David Koss. Lea McCullough took a lovely picture after the show, and I posted it a couple of weeks later. This apparently gave Dan Hovden an excuse to pitch again.

“I like this one!” came a message from Dan. “A Purple Ribbon for Queen Rosa!!

Congratulations. ”

“Thank you,”  I replied.

Dan continued, “Jason Volker and I talked again about Popsicle and are willing to take…” The message went on and outlined an agreement that I could consider, but I just thought something was wrong. There was something wrong with this cow, and Mr. Hovden and Mr. Volker either knew it or thought it.

I made another trip to the Volker farm and Jason had a veterinarian diagnose her long bred. I looked at her and thought she had cleaned up some, and her middle looked less ominous for a cow due in 30 days. She was great with calf but didn’t look dangerously great.

I was under some pressure – disguised as encouragement – from dairy show enthusiast Jason Steinlage to buy Popsicle. Jason Volker was again most cordial and professional, and delivered what seemed to be a full account on the cow regarding her health, the price they wanted and an assertion that they did, in fact, not know what she was carrying for a calf or calves. One heifer, one bull, twins, it could be anything, but it was sired by Grandpa Shottle. A double cross of anything could result in a really big calf or two, or small ones. They told us that at Iowa State a couple of times, or at least that’s how I remembered it.

Popsicle did look pretty good, and I did think a best case scenario was a Holstein that could win her class at State Fair. Our last Holstein Grand Champion was during the Carter Administration. Another Holstein Grand Champion might be a fun goal, and Popsicle looked like a reasonable risk – once I found out what was wrong with her.

I had a signed check with me that day, printed out for the amount I was willing to spend on Popsicle.  I had no blank checks, maybe fifty in cash and Jason Volker had storm damage from a tornado the night before. Jason Volker and Dan Hovden were still wanting more than I wanted to spend, so I left on good terms and made it to the local Casey’s General Store for milk, cookies, a couple donuts, and coffee to go.

While eating my sack lunch, I decided to seek counsel from Jason Steinlage. I called and got some words of encouragement, and an assurance that he and his in-laws, Pam and Dan Zabel, would work in concert with me on Popsicle before during and after calving, then get her in to the ring at State Fair.

I decided to pay the price. I called Jason Volker, and he had left the farm to get stuff in another town, but he would call Dan Hovden and go back to the farm again. I drove back to the farm, as well.

Jason Volker and Dan agreed to sell, signed the transfer over to Jason Steinlage and me, agreed that I could send an additional check the next day, and got a health chart that said she was long bred. They also delivered her, though I said I would have my guy do it. They further assured me that Popsicle had not been ultrasounded to determine sex, and they knew of nothing wrong with her, health or otherwise.

They were right.

Jason Steinlage, Pam, and Dan Zabel cared for Popsicle, delivered her very nice typed, medium sized double Shottle heifer calf which, incidentally, was born unassisted and without incident. Popsicle got some Ca++ Boli for a couple days, milked down, uddered up and was named Grand Champion Holstein at this year’s Iowa State Fair. But that’s not the story here.


Mr. Volker and Mr. Hovden at all times and in every instance acted in good faith with full disclosure. I got a cow that cost more than I had hoped but turned out to be exactly as represented.  They, in turn, got their full asking price in full and on time.

I’ve bought and sold bulls and cows totaling a couple million dollars over 40 years, primarily as a family owned livestock farm that milked many cows, sold many bulls, and showed a few Holsteins, Ayrshires, and Jerseys. Few times have sellers apparently misrepresented, lied or lied by omission to me. I have refunded some money or replaced some livestock a few times, too. I didn’t get paid for all or part of three low-dollar animals over the years and had to bite a small loss on those.


From my perspective, Volker-Hovden Holsteins’ integrity ranks with current and former vendors Pinehurst Farms in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, Lyon Jerseys in Toledo, Iowa, and Tim Rauen here in Iowa. Mr. Rauen has sold me a few lots of ova, then promptly made a couple of adjustments when some eggs came up missing.  I think I got the long end of the adjustment both times.  These are four examples all well set for the registered livestock industry.

Photos by Randy Blodgett of Blodgett Communications



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The Hymers Cows Have Come Home Two Years After Fire

From left: Scott Hymers, Lauren Nelson, Tyler Hymers, Lloyd Bishop and Teddy DeDominicis stand in Hymers’ new barn on Elk Creek Road Tuesday. Rosie Cunningham/The Reporter

It was a great day for the Hymers family and their livestock on Tuesday, Aug. 9.

Scott and Gail Hymers lost their family barn to a blaze on Dec. 11, 2014, displacing their Holstein herd for nearly two years. The Hymers’ are one of Delhi’s few remaining dairy farms and their barn was destroyed after a tractor caught fire in the hay loft on Elk Creek Road. About 40 firefighters were on the scene from Delhi,Bloomville, Bovina and East Meredith, while the Walton Fire Department stood by for support.

The new barn is located just up the road from the original one.

“I bought this farm in 1981 and during the fire, we lost 14 cows,” said Scott Hymers, whose family has been farming for more than 100 years. “Today, we started moving about 60 milking cows in at 9 a.m. and we were done at about 11 a.m.

The Hymers cows were happy to be home following a 16.8 mile move from Warren Post’s farm in Stamford. 
Rosie Cunningham/The Reporter The Hymers cows were happy to be home following a 16.8 mile move fromWarren Post’s farm inStamford. Rosie Cunningham/The ReporterHymers said he is “very happy” the cows have come home.

“It will have been 20 months this Thursday since the fire took our barn,” he said. “We have been keeping the herd up at Warren Post’s farm in Stamford.Although I am thankful for that, I am excited not to make the 16.8 mile trip twice a day, each day, anymore.”

According to his son Tyler Hymers, the family milks at about 5:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., daily.

“I am happy we can start milking here,” he said. “It’s definitely been a process. We started the work last August during fair week and began moving dirt in the fall. In March, we started building the new barn and we were working with used equipment, so it took time.”

Area farmers and friends helped transport the herd from Post’s farm back to the Elk Creek Road location.

“We had eight people who hauled, which included Rick Holdridge, Andrew Post, Teddy De- Dominicis, Steve Hall, Dave Lloyd from Middleburgh, Al McClure, Randy Inman andDonnie Hoskins,” said Scott Hymers. “Everyone has been great through all of this and we have had a lot of support.”

Source: The Reporter

Dairy Farmer Shares His Loss With Dairy Community on Social Media

Kipp Hinz of Hinz Registered Holsteins has always been an active member on social media, especially Facebook.  But recently Kipp has been going through similar challenges to most dairy farmers in this tough dairy economy.  But Kipp’s most recent comments on Facebook and the troubling decisions have stirred a great deal of reaction.  In fact in under 8 hours Kipp’s post (found following) had over 1,000 reactions, 300 shares and over 150 comments.  While this is certainly troubling times, its great to see social media is allowing us to support our members who are having a really rough go at it.

kippKipp Hinz’s Facebook post:

The word omission, is defined as a failure to do something, especially something one has a moral to do so. Failure, other than “to fail something” is the omission of expected or required action. In the last two weeks these words have been ringing in my head. Because two weeks ago I experienced the biggest failure of my life to date losing my beautiful herd of black and white bovines and my best friends. I lost my farm.

Iv reflected a lot since saying goodbye. Defeated, heartbroken, overwhelmed losing a dream of a 10 year old boy that prayed every night to one day have his own dairy farm. I let myself down, my family down, an industry down being a fairy tale of inspiration that came to a bad ending. My goal in pursuit was never to milk cows and just have a “farm”. But instead provide an opportunity for a son or daughter that I myself never had. An opportunity of passing down a herd that shared love and passion for cows in hopes that they too would love them like their father does with the morals of hard work, honesty, and integrity. All while being raised with the best most rewarding lifestyle anyone could ask for.

However for my 27th birthday I watched a trailer leave the driveway with cows I had raised from birth and they were never coming back. 6 years, I fought the endless fight. When I shared the news with someone they replied “Oh you gave up huh”. Umm no. I did not just give up. If someone is tied to an anchor and thrown in a lake. Did they give up breathing? No. They drown. And that being said this is how I describe this experience drowning in a financial, physical, and mental lake of hell. Constantly fighting to swim to the top reaching for air. But only to go deeper where the pressure grew tighter, darkness surrounded me, and finally I could not breathe anymore. The worst part was making the decision. The 10 days following the decision before the cows left I had to go through the everyday actions like nothing was wrong. Looking at my cows in the eye feeling like I was a walking lie knowing their lives were about to change, or end. You can not describe that kind of pain to someone. Pain that that makes you feel numb. Where you’re unable to concentrate, unable to eat without throwing up, unable to sleep without frantically waking up constantly through the night in disgust. And when the day came and the cows were gone the worst sound on the farm was silence. Silence that echoed the end of an era.

Now I face starting life completely over. Starting my farm from scratch I rose from what I called the bottom. Built up what I had visioned from day one. I made accomplishments I never imagined in my short time. But one thing never changed no matter how good or bad it was. The cows always came first. People say “Kipp went broke because he spent too much money” “Kipp went broke because he had a hired man” “Kipp went broke because of… you name it” You know what, they’re right. Kipp Hinz went broke not because he did not take care of his cows, but because he took EXCELLENT care for his cows. And was determined to do so every single day of those 6 years. Never let them suffer, never let them parish because of what he could not control. Every single decision was made with confidence and was thought out. I love the people who will judge that don’t even have the balls to even try something of their own. If I hadn’t worked, improvised, experimented, or risked it all like I did starting on day one I wouldn’t have made it as far as I did. I would not trade anything I did to settle for mediocre. And I would go back and make the same decisions every time. Show me someone who risked it all and never failed somewhere along the way. I have no regrets.

In fact I have ZERO regrets! None. I exploited and exhausted every single option or opportunity God provided me to a pulp trying to succeed. A friend has repeatedly told me “The dairy industry is the only industry where you can do everything right, and still fail.” That a corrupted industry filled with greed, selfishness, and lust for more doesn’t allow superior effort and skill to always win. I was finally at a dead end road and refused to put myself and my cows in the position I was forced into.

I am no stranger to failure. God has majestically had me experience many failures leading up to this. I have failed to clinch a state powerlifting title, missed the record breaking lifts, and have already been through a failed marriage to name only a few. But I know these failures were all part of Gods plan. And through those failures the experience gained helped me coop with this one. Tattooed on my arm is Psalm 56:3 that says “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you”. It is there for a reason. This is Gods plan and I have full trust in that plan. And it was put there to look at everyday and remember just that. On the other arm is “Live in vision, not circumstance”. It too is there for a reason. I know I have shared this many times and I’m here to say it again! I refuse to let my vision be determined by the damn circumstances I have to endure such as this. The greatest part about failures is the opportunity to learn. Without failure you would not gain experience. Wisdom would not be a word. And patience would not have the same meaning. With every one one of my failures I never ever woke up the next day and said that was it. I have always kept going. “The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart”. This will be no exception.

For now Hinz Registered Holsteins is gone. But the experience, wisdom, and patience I learned and the character Iv built for myself can not be taken away from me. “It is not how hard you get it, but how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” My work is not finished and I swear HRH will be back someday. When that time comes it will be bigger and better than ever before. God has a plan for me and it will take more than this to knock me out. It’s going to take some time, and I’m still looking for the next opportunity to present itself in my next chapter. But rest assured, Hinz Registered Holsteins will be back.

Feel free to share the shit out of this so everyone will know. If I have the balls to tell the world about my stories of success you bet your ass everyone will know I failed and own up to it

North Cape dairy farmer won’t let wheelchair slow him down

Jim Waldron checks on some of the dairy livestock on Friday at the family farm near North Cape in the Town of Raymond. Waldron fell off a pile of hay bales in 2012 and broke his back. He ended up paralyzed but still works on the family farm despite having to use a wheelchair or tractor chair to maneuver about. He also sells crop seed and after-market agriculture parts.

July 23, 2012, promised rain after a long, hot summer.

With an agricultural upbringing bred in his bones, Jim Waldron could feel the storm coming in the heavy, humid air.

Waldron grew up on a farm, 300 acres of corn and alfalfa and 150 cows kept by his family for nearly a century. He participated in Future Farmers of America while at Waterford High School, and at 26 was working on a farm near his family’s acreage.

“Farming wasn’t work,” he said. “It was life.”

Waldron whiled away the near-drought that year by driving a truck, delivering bales of hay and straw up north. With the rain coming that July day, the bales had to be covered with plastic tarps to keep dry.

Waldron stood atop a 16-foot high heap of big square bales, yanking a plastic sheet over the pile. He pulled the tie on one bale to flip and center it.

Suddenly the cord snapped. One misstep later, Waldron plunged backward off the pile. He landed flat on the hard, water-hungry dirt. His spine, at a spot about the height of his belly button, cracked.

He had lost the use of his legs forever.

“I was awake the whole time,” Waldron remembered about the fall. “The guys who were with me kept touching my legs and asking me if I felt anything. I couldn’t. All I felt was a hot spot in the middle of my back.”

The road to recovery

Waldron recaps his fateful story, rolling his wheelchair through the family farm. He moves easily from barn to outbuildings. Two dogs trot next to his chair. A goat ambles past.

“The ambulance came into the field and got me,” he said. “What a bumpy ride.”

He was taken to a nearby grade school and transported to Froedtert Hospital in Wauwatosa via Flight for Life helicopter. He had surgery on his spine. A day later, his surgeon told him he would spend the rest of his life using a wheelchair.

The next morning, a nurse rolled a wheelchair to his hospital bed and asked Waldron if he was going to get up.

“What else was I going to do?” he said. “You have to decide to move on. Lying in bed all the time just wasn’t an option. It was time to figure this out.”

Waldron began two months of physical and occupational therapy, relearning simple tasks most of us take for granted, such as taking a shower, going to the bathroom, getting dressed and tying his shoes.

“Realizing you can never do anything the way you used to do it strips away all of your confidence,” he said. “You have to start over. It became all about small victories.”

Back on the farm

By Labor Day 2012, Waldron was back on the family homestead. He moved in with his sister, Jackie Bratz, and her husband, Jeremy, who were running the farm. The three of them live in one of the houses on the farm.

The bad times came that spring, the first planting season since the accident. “Staring out the window, I saw everyone else getting the equipment ready, starting to plant, being productive,” he said. “Those were the darkest times.”

“There have been ups and downs,” said Bratz, who is director of the Racine County Communications Center. “Sometimes we talked about it. Sometimes he would decompress in his room, probably trying to not think about it. There have been more than a few heartfelt conversations at the kitchen table.”

Slowly, Waldron got stronger and healthier. He had surgery to ease severe leg pain. He stopped taking painkillers. He worked out almost every day. He started seeing a personal trainer once a week. He learned how to quickly disassemble his wheelchair and stow it in his truck. Best of all, he got back to the farm.

Using a special heavy-duty wheelchair, he went out among the cows. He helped with the chores. Last year he helped build a sand-filled, 150-stall barn for the cows.

“The more time I spent outside, the better I felt,” Waldron said.

An estimated 19 percent of farmers are unable to perform essential tasks due to a disability, according to AgrAbility, a national organization that assists disabled farmers.

Waldron is not one of them.

Waldron has adjusted the farm’s equipment, making it easier for him to use. He added hand controls for the foot pedals on the tractor and, this year, planted the farm’s corn crop. He modified a skid loader and climbs into it with no problems.

His side businesses are thriving — he sells crop seeds, planting technology accessories and agriculture equipment parts. He drives to trade shows and farms expos across the Midwest. He meets clients in their fields.

“Regaining that sense of independence and feeling like I am useful is so important to me,” he said. “I don’t want to weigh down the farm. I want to help raise the value.”

The local farm community has nothing but respect and admiration for Waldron, said Jeff Ehrhart, who farms about 2,500 acres and lives in Dover, a few miles south of Waldron’s house.

“He has a real drive. He’s not sitting back and feeling sorry for himself,” Ehrhart said. “He rolls through the door of my workshop and when I ask him how it’s going, he always says ‘good.’

“Everything is a struggle for him, but he doesn’t make it look that way. Nothing will get him down. He’s always out there working, looking for a new adventure,” Ehrhart said. “And this after suffering something that would make about 95 percent of us crawl into a hole.”

Looking to the future

At 28, Waldron knows he’ll probably never escape the confines of his chair. That hasn’t stopped him from planning and dreaming. He wants to expand his business, perhaps hire some employees, and help small farms get the best deals they can from big seed companies. He wants to build his own house and have a family.

Those are things the 24-year-old Waldron — the one who could walk and run — probably wasn’t thinking about on that hot, humid July day almost four years ago.

“In a way, this turned out to be a kick in the butt,” he said. “It pushed me in the right direction. I wish I could have learned that lesson without the chair, but sometimes that’s not how life works.”

Waldron grew up on a farm and, for the near future, will stay on the farm.

“He fits in just fine,” Bratz said. “He does so much that you would never know he was in a wheelchair unless you saw the chair. But the farm is where his passion is.”

“I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing,” Waldron said with a smile, the sun shining on his face. “I’m exactly where I want to be.”

Source: The Journal Times

High-powered shoe execs find contentment at Arethusa Dairy

A little more than 20 years ago, George Malkemus and Anthony Yurgaitis were just two high-powered businessmen who literally put the world on its heels (stilettos, that is) as president and vice president, respectively, of Manolo Blahnik in North and South America. They traveled around the world, escaping as often as possible to their Litchfield “getaway.” And then they started a farm. Not just any farm, but a 300-acre celebrated dairy farm in Litchfield that led to other ventures, including dairy stores in Bantam and New Haven, and their celebrated restaurant, Arethusa al tavolo, in Bantam. These days they continue with the Manolo Blahnik brand and are expanding a clothing and accessory venture with actress Sarah Jessica Parker. Jeans-clad George and husband, Tony, sat for a chat recently at the farm’s main barn.

Q: In New York City you live in a world of high fashion and celebrity friends; then you became farmers. What’s up with that?

George Malkemus: I think it’s because it started with the fact we had a home in Connecticut that was across the street from what at that time had been a horse farm. We found out it was being sold into development, and selfishly we didn’t want the view from our windows ruined, so we bought the property. Then we began researching the history of the farm and found out it was originally a dairy, one of over 4,000 dairy farms in Connecticut in its heyday. We had thought about just raising pedigree cattle and selling calves and embryos, focusing on preserving breeding. In 2008, when the recession hit, I said one day, “Why don’t we start to bottle our own milk?” and everybody went crazy saying, “You shouldn’t do that.” We rented a dairy in Bolton for a year to see if the market would embrace us. It did. We moved the bottling operation here and then added production of ice cream, butter, yogurt, the whole nine yards. And then it was the ice cream and cheese shop, and then we found Dan Magill and opened the restaurant and then Yale invited us to open a shop down there (in New Haven) and then it was the café across the street from the restaurant. We figure all those entities will provide an income that will sustain a trust that will keep everything going after we are gone and conserve our farmland.

Q: What does the farm offer that your Manolo Blahnik career does not?

GM: It’s a different kind of satisfaction. What we experience on the farm is so different than what we do in New York City. The city is not all about clothes and jewelry and being thin. People there have children and home and work with charities. But it’s the city. We come here and the people are so different. It’s a different lifestyle and, of course, there are the cattle and working with our employees here. It’s part of our lives now. It’s soothing.

Q: So is that the secret of your farming success?

GM: When this all started to take off, we wanted it to reflect the same attention to detail that the shoes we sell do. That is how we approached the farm. We are focused on detail and want our products to be the best. We won’t settle, and that means work. I love when people say to us, ‘So what’s it like to be a gentleman farmer?’ We aren’t. We are hands on. We have cattle that win blue ribbon after blue ribbon. We are going to San Diego, where our 16-year-old cow, Veronica, is going to receive an award as one of the world’s greatest cows. We are proud that we have developed a pedigree of cows that is like the pedigree of our shoes.

Q: What is your favorite chore on the farm and what’s your least favorite?

GM: I like being with the animals, seeing a new calf born. My least favorite chore is dealing with an employee who is not doing what they should be. When you are dealing with live animals, false moves can be serious.

Tony Yurgaitis: Oh, you know there are days you love this job, and then are those other days. I think my favorite time on the farm is going to the barns. I do clean stalls, but I don’t milk the cows. There is something about being there and doing what needs to be done. I love talking to other farmers about the business. The part I don’t like — paying the bills.

Q: You bought this property 20 years ago and have turned it into a business to be reckoned with. Any surprises along the way?

GM: The restaurant has been a fantastic surprise to us. It truly is farm-to-table because what we serve comes from the milk from our cattle. I think the secret of a successful restaurant is finding the right chef and letting him or her do whatever he wants when it comes to the menu. Don’t try to cut corners.

Q: So if you and Mr. Blahnik were going to collaborate on an Arethusa shoe, what would it look like?

GM: It would be a mule and it would be red. Red is the color of passion, and that’s what we are about. And a mule, well, because they are a stubborn animal and as a shoe they are hard to walk in, but incredibly sexy. It’s easy to slip your foot out of them and play footsies with someone.

Q: Has Manolo Blahnik ever tried any of your dairy products?

GM: Oh yes, he visited the farm, although he really doesn’t like being in the country, although I’m not sure people in Litchfield think this is the country. He loves milkshakes with vanilla and chocolate ice cream.

Q: What‘s new in shoes and in dairy products?

GM: In fashion we have a new line of bags coming out with Sarah Jessica Parker. And she will be launching her LBD (Little Black Dress) line with us. And as far as shoe style, classic is in.

Q: Something most people don’t know about you?

GM: God is very much a part of our lives, and we are very thankful for our lives. I was an Episcopalian who converted to Catholicism when I met Tony. We go to church every week.

Q: But the Catholic Church opposes your relationship. How do you handle that?

TY: Sometimes you have to walk around the church’s position on gay marriage.

Source: News Times

Two modern women dairy farmers defy stereotypes

These women are redefining perceptions of the modern dairy farmer

In today’s day and age, dairy farming is far from a black and white affair.

Firstly, the farm itself has evolved to catch up with modern times and technologies.

Then there are the farmers behind the scenes, running the whole shebang—and they, too, don’t always look like the stereotypes from your average childhood nursery rhyme.

Take, for example, Laura Flory and Lindsey Rucks, featured in the latest season of Acres and Avenues, a show that brings rural dairy farmers and young urbanities together to illustrate how dairy products get from farm to table.

As millennial, college-educated women, Flory and Rucks consistently deal with mitigating the stereotype of the “typical” farmer. But these two women are proving that their career paths are not only legitimate—they’re also making an impact upon a centuries-old industry.

Lindsey Rucks

A fourth-generation dairy farmer living in the South Florida sunshine

Lindsey Rucks lives and works on her family’s farm in South Florida. She’s had a passion for cows from the time she was a young girl. She has a degree in Agriculture Communications with an emphasis in Leadership Development from the University of Florida.

I don’t consider this to be a job, but more of a way of life. I wish more people could come to our farm to see what we do day in and day out.

Not everyone discovers his or her life’s passion as an infant, but Lindsey Rucks is one of the lucky ones; her future career path was evident from an early age.

“Becoming a part of our family farm was pretty much set in stone when my first word was ‘cow,'” Rucks tells Mashable. “My passion continued to grow, and when I was eight years old I started showing dairy cows.”

The “cow showings” Rucks refers to were part of 4-H, a global network of youth development organizations administered by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture of the United States Department of Agriculture. Showing a cow is comparable to the displays at a standard dog show such as Westminster. Today, Rucks still shows Brown Swiss cows at a national level all over the U.S.

Rucks applied her childhood interests to her education, majoring in Agriculture Communications with an emphasis in Leadership Development at the University of Florida. She believes her college education helped diversify her way of thinking, and hopes to one day be able to educate others about the importance of dairy farming.

“I feel that in today’s world, one of our biggest obstacles is educating the public about our farms,” she says. “With my dairy background and preparation at the college level, I can work toward advocating about the importance of what we do and, most importantly, the passion we do it with.”

For Rucks, a large part of her job satisfaction relates to providing the best possible care for the animals on her family farm.

“The circle of life is a phenomenal thing, and being able to witness it and be a part of it is so rewarding,” she says. “There are good days and bad days and we are part of a sometimes volatile industry, but there is nothing quite like waking up with the sun to care for our animals that give us so much.”

Laura Flory

A young dairy farmer hailing from Dublin, Virginia

Laura Flory is a graduate of Virginia Tech, where she received a B.S. in Dairy Science in 2009. She currently lives and works full-time alongside her husband and in-laws on their Virginia dairy farm. In her free time, she enjoys photography, writing and spending time with family.

We get to bring a new perspective to an industry that we have not traditionally been a huge part of. While it might evoke a few eye rolls from our husbands or male peers, we bring a lot of emotion with us to the job, and I think at the end of the day that is a benefit to everyone.

Laura Flory

Laura Flory grew up on a family farm in southwest Virginia. Today, she and her husband, Scott, work on their Dublin, Virginia farm along with her husband’s parents. The pair milks 240 Holstein cows in a robotic milking facility that they built in 2014.

Throughout Flory’s upbringing, she adored animals.

“Though my parents were not farmers themselves, the land was leased out to a family friend that owned beef cattle and I spent many summer days climbing on the fence watching the cows in the field,” Flory tells Mashable. “I always loved animals but was never really involved in an agricultural capacity until I was older and began participating in 4-H and Future Farmers of America programs.”

In college at Virginia Tech, Flory spent a summer feeding calves and helping with chores around a dairy farm, which ultimately influenced her decision to major in Dairy Science and pursue her passion for dairy farming. Post-grad, Flory returned to farm life to dedicate her career to the job she’d grown to love.

“My college education has been a huge part of any success I have achieved so far in my career,” she says. “The most important thing I learned was the ability to have to look for an answer in a situation. Dairy farming is not a career that comes with a handbook.”

Flory also cites the ability to see “cause and effect” and her acute attention to detail as crucial skills she picked up in college.

“When you are responsible for something, you better have a pretty solid foundation for what impact that decision might have and monitor it closely,” she says. “Really the most important thing I learned is that it never hurts to ask a few more questions. Two heads are always better than one.”

Flory has also found that sharing her passion for farm life with others is extremely rewarding.

“I hope to never stop learning,” she says. “I have a dream to one day open up some kind of agri-tourism business that can showcase that passion and encourage others to continue to learn, as well.”

“In my great-grandfather’s and grandfather’s generation, women working on the farm (with the exception of being a bookkeeper) was unheard of,” says Rucks. One generation later, the thought became a bit more acceptable—albeit still quite unconventional.

Today, however, times are changing.

“Gender is not an issue as far as working all positions on a farm, especially once everyone realizes that we can do the same things that they can do! I think women can bring more of a nurturing and compassionate feel to the farm, along with some patience,” says Rucks.

She admits, however, that there are some difficulties being a woman in what has traditionally been a “man’s world.”

“The stereotype is that we can’t work as long or hard as men, or that we don’t like to get dirty. I don’t find any of that to be true,” she says. “My compassion and attention to detail have helped me so much along the way in my lifestyle.”

Flory agrees that there’s often a common misconception about farm life, not only as a woman working on a farm, but regarding the industry in general.

“Being a working woman is hard enough, but when you add in the unpredictable schedule, the dirt and the 1,600-pound animals, sometimes you feel like there aren’t a lot of people out there who ‘get you,'” she says.

“The most common misconception I come across is that [many people] can’t—or don’t—believe I actually do this for a living,” she says. “I used to be quite offended when someone would ask, ‘Well, what else do you do?’ I have come to realize that they just can’t imagine a 5’1″ blonde milking cows and shoveling cow poop.”

Misguided public perceptions have fueled Flory’s desire to fight the stereotype.

“I try and help others see that dairy farming today doesn’t look exactly the same as the image they might have in their heads,” she explains. “Technology and increased knowledge have brought the dairy industry so far, and I hope to help people understand that women can bring a lot to the table when it comes to animal enterprises.”

Technology has played a big part in the modernization of the dairy farms on which both Flory and Rucks work.

“The first and most notable way it has made my tasks easier is that it is accurate,” says Flory. “While I take pride in knowing my animals, I am not there with them all day and all night. Just like people, not all cows are the same.”

She explains that the robotic milking system used on her farm helps ensure she’s tailoring her daily efforts to the right animals at the right time: “It maximizes my time and effort and, in the end, usually makes less work for me and better care for the cows.”

Another benefit of the fusion of modern technologies and old-school farming practices is that there’s been a massive reduction in physical labor.

Closely tracking the cows through technology allows Flory to quickly identify and devote time to the cows that need the most attention.

“As long as [the animals] are well and milking frequently enough, they get to do whatever they want. The calm atmosphere makes them easy to work with and for the most part they are highly cooperative,” she says.

I try and help others see that dairy farming today doesn’t look exactly the same as the image they might have in their head.

Laura Flory

Rucks has also noticed a shift toward using technology to better monitor the animals on her farm.

“We’re able to know if a cow is feeling a little ‘off’ that day before she ever begins to show clinical signs of illness. We monitor eating, standing, walking and laying times,” she says. Automatic calf feeders also ensure that young calves are able to drink milk whenever they need nourishment, 24/7.

“With today’s technology and the Internet at our fingertips, we can get ideas and answers immediately,” she says. “If my grandfather were still alive, he would be blown away by this ability.”

For Rucks, the “sweet spot” involves a combination of new ideas and technology mixed with the tried-and-true methods of previous generations.

“Even in modern times, people and ideas may change, but the cow is still the same,” she says. “Sometimes ‘listening’ to her is all you need.”

Source: Mashable

Getting to know 2016 European Red & White Show Judge Jaume Serrabassa Vila

While many of the top judges in North America enjoy celebrity status around the world, most of the top names in Europe are unknown to most tanbark enthusiasts.  With this in mind The Bullvine wanted to introduce you to this years Red & White Show Judge, Juame Serrabassa Vila.

Jaume owned the Comas Novas farm, Barcelona, until 2010 and still keeps some of his best cows in Cal Marquet farm (Best Breeder National Show 2013), where he has been technical director. Today he is Breeding Adviser at Triangle Holstein, and also he is a teacher at the Spanish National Young Breeders School and European School in Battice, Belgium.


When did you first find out you had been selected to judge the show?

It was in November after the Royal, and I started to receive congratulatory messages from good friends and then I found the nomination posted on Facebook. Then in December, I received the official invitation from the European association.


What was your reaction?

I felt very surprised and proud at the same time. I’m feeling very happy. It will be a great honor and a great privilege.



Was does this honor mean to you?

It is an honor to received such public recognition.  It also comes with a great responsibility to respond to the trust that the exhibitors have placed in me. It will be a big challenge and a great opportunity to introduce myself to many people who do not know me.


How are you preparing for the show?

I am not doing any special work to prepare for it. I’m doing my usual work, seeing cows every day, selling semen, and when I’m driving for a long distance I practice giving reasons in English and some words in French. But nothing special.


What have been some of your greatest experiences/accomplishments over the years?

Like many breeders, when I received the award for Best National Breeder at our national show. It was a great show and I I keep great memories, wining several classes including reserve grand Champion. I also am proud to have judged our national show, as well as in Èpinal (France), in Codogno (Italy), the junior show in Cremona (Italy).  It was also an honor to be one of the master judges in the meeting of European judges last year. Another great experience is teaching in Battice (Belgium) in the European young breeders school.


12496031_813381828772691_8776085710399473264_oWhat do you think the biggest challenge will be?

For now I am focus on Colmar and then we will see. My challenge in Colmar is trying to do a good job with the placements and through these placements transmit my ideas or philosophy about my type of cows giving good and real reasons.


How would you describe your ideal cow?

My ideal cow is the balanced cow. I don´t need to pick the tallest cows in the classes. I prefer the cows without weak points. I love cows with strength, angularity, dairyness, fancy udders and good legs. I´m a big lover of the mammary system, with strong fore attachment, nice rear attachment and with good depth of the udder. I look for feminine and stylish cows.  I think that my ideal cow is very similar of the true type of cow that most of the breeders are looking for.


11156302_354781261396641_7626364407593904518_nWho would you like to thank for help along your career?

I must thank to my family and specially to my brother Quim. (Read more: TRIANGLE HOLSTEINS – THREE PART HARMONY) I would like to thank to my teachers and people who had been my reference, my model, my inspiration… People like Gabriel Blanco, Mauro Carra, Alfonso Ahedo, Brian Carscaden, Roger Turner, John Gribon, to name a  few of the many people who have helped me over the years. And I thank to all my friends that give me all their support every day. THANKS to all.



12487017_803886763055531_3606754377441402980_oWhat advice would you give to someone who aspires to judge a major show like this one day?

It’s very important to know about the cows.  Take the time to work with them.  It is also very important give good and real reasons in the ring.  Don’t be afraid to feel and show your passion. Make sure you take advantage to visit shows around the world.  This will help you to keep an open mind and learn something new every day.  Be simple and friendly. Be a judge is a great honor but is is also a big responsibility.


Watch full coverage of the 2016 European Championship Show starting tomorrow.

Dairy farmer retires after 53 years of milking cows

A northern Michigan man who has known nothing but milking cows his entire life has decided to put away his working gloves.

After 50 years, Dean Edgecomb, one of the only dairy farmers in Traverse City is moving on.

“Ever since I was 18 years old I milked cows,” said Dean Edgecomb.

Dean Edgecomb grew up on a farm off Hammond Road, and for 53 years has been a dairy farmer.

“I still love it,” said Edgecomb.

But at 70 years old, it’s finally time for him to give it up.

“Maybe my wife and I can spend some time together doing something else besides milking cows every morning and night,” said Edgecomb.

But these cows are more than just his job.

“When you help the little baby calves be born and raise it up until it has a baby of its own, you get attached to them,” said Edgecomb. “I do anyway.”

His cows will be sold in livestock sale.

“He’d rather have it that way than to send them to somebody else because he likes to know who’s taking care of his animals,” said his wife, Victoria Edgecomb.

But his age isn’t the only reason he’s getting out of the business, he says the price of milk has plummeted.

“There’s no place in the dairy business for a little farmer anymore, it’s all big farmers,” said Edgecomb.

And while you can take him out of the dairy farm, you can’t take the dairy farmer out of him.

“Yeah I think I will miss it, I never tire of milking my cows,” said Edgecomb.

Dean says he wouldn’t have been this successful as a dairy farmer without the help and support of his wife and family.

Dean says he’s not retiring completely. He will continue being a beef farmer which is a lot less labor intensive then dairy farming.

Yellow Briar Farms: The Cows Are Sold But The Memories Are Priceless!

“Yellow Briar Ayrshire Farm isn’t on TV or listed in travel brochures of Southern Ontario but at eleven o’clock on Saturday morning it was the center of dairy farming not just for the Stephens family but for their friends, neighbours and farming colleagues as fifty years of dairy farming saw 70 head go under the auction hammer in Troy.”


Change the name and location and you will find similar events happening all over North America as the aging baby boomer generation decide to take the next … or even the last … step in their dairy journey. There is nothing unique about families dispersing the dairy herd that has been their 24/7 life for several decades.


“Three generations of ‘The Bullvine’ marvelled at the coating of ice that covered barns, eves and the auction tent as we drove up the typical farm lane that is the introduction to Yellow Briar.  After getting parked, the walk back through the barns to the sales arena was like a meet and greet of what has become a dwindling number of local dairy farmers.  Those who had already sold out of dairying compared how it was on their sale day.  Those who grew up with the “Stephen’s boys” compared how the next generation was growing up and looked just like Mom or Dad or Grandma or Grandpa.”

Champion Classic Team that contained 3 Hunt children as well as 3 Stephens boys.

Champion Classic Team that contained 3 Hunt children as well as 3 Stephens boys.

That single day when a multi-generation dairy herd goes under the hammer presents every range of emotion.  Excitement for the future.  Anticipation for a profitable sale.  Nerves about what comes next, After all, for 50 years or more, life on the dairy farm has been solely focused on raising, breeding, caring for and showing dairy cattle. Nothing against other careers but dairy farming doesn’t wind down in the same graceful way that other careers do.  Even though it seems to take forever to arrive,  the day of that final sale seems almost unexpected. The whirlwind of cattle fitting, catalogue details and keeping the cattle and the prep crew fed and happy is a high intensity contrast to that moment when the last of the sale cattle roll out the lane and a new — non-milking routine begins. Is this what we really want?

john and grand

“The story of Yellow Briar embraces a history of generations of family and the roots that go deep into the community.  As our Huntsdale Holstein and Yellow Briar Ayrshire families shared community activities and show ring teams, the legends (some true, some embroidered) have grown as four generations shared fun and hard work that will always be fondly remembered.”


For those who may unexpectedly pass by a dairy dispersal, they probably wonder what exactly has compelled people to park down both sides of the highway outside the entrance to that farm and may not have anything more than the words “Auction Today” to answer their questions.  They might not be aware of the years of planning and breeding that saw this dairy provide sustenance for families, dairy stars born, judging skills developed and milking records completed and center stage at the very best shows. Unless you have lived it, it’s hard to explain, all the love, sweat and tears that build a life’s work.


“As I sit a ringside — absolutely loving the roll of the auctioneer’s call – and the excited shouts of the ringmen, I was in the perfect place to see the full spectrum of emotions slipping across the faces of the Stephen’s family.  Happiness in welcoming friends and neighbours.  Welling of tears as the progress of the sale also marks the approaching end of one way of life and the start of something different.”


So many factors impact the “success” of a dairy dispersal.  The quality of the cattle.  The size of the market.  The effectiveness of the marketing.  The hard work of the family and the sales team.  Even weather plays a role.  Who would have foreseen an ice storm in March 24th? Oh yes and how is the dollar doing?


“Explaining to a city person that there is excitement in listening to the auctioneer and pedigree reader count the opportunities that are being presented for those in attendance. They put their entreaties before those in the crowd and wait patiently for those who are on phones.  Cattle dispersals are international.  And also inter-generational. For our grandchildren hearing the large dollar amounts gradually going higher and higher until the hammer slams down may have given them one more reason to like the cows that Daddy is so passionate about.”


Looking around a dairy dispersal, you will see folks from all aspects of the industry. Breed officials.  International dairy owners.  Auctioneers.  People in sales.  Show personalities.  The dream is that there will be a balance between getting a great price for the sellers and getting a great price for the buyers.  The one side is taking a final step.  The other continues to build their herd or someone else’s for the future. It’s not always easy for either one.  It doesn’t always work out for everybody.  But one thing every dairy person is familiar with, you must always “keep on going”. Forward is the only direction that counts.

“Yellow Briar isn’t just cows.  It’s Marilyn’s good food from the bounty of homegrown vegetables and fruit.  That will go on. It’s shared experiences on local fair committees. That will continue.  It’s their three kids and our three sharing past memories and making new ones in the modern dairy industry. More to come.  It’s knowing that John is just one phone call away from helping with whatever you need. Hay wagons, bale wrapping or getting a stuck tractor out of a mud hole. The sharing and caring will continue.” 

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Even though the paths between starting, growing and dispersing dairy farms may become less travelled and perhaps worn, the friendships forged will never wear out.  Congratulations to the Stephen’s family for what you have accomplished and all the best, as you look forward to what is yet to come!



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The Mackinson Dairy Blog. Get Connected. It Makes a Difference.

11390273_10102865360875860_8587866314628627565_nWhen you come from a fifth generation dairy farm, it is sometimes hard to put a single label on exactly what you do. That’s especially true if you live off the farm as is the case for Mary Mackinson Faber. Raised on the family farm located north of Pontiac, Illinois, Mary is well aware of the 24/7 commitment it takes to manage 165 milking cows and over 150 heifers and calves. In addition, there are roughly 2,000 acres of cropland where the Mackinson’s grow corn, soybeans, wheat and alfalfa.

“The Family Connection Always Comes First”

Mary takes pride in the work done by father Donald, her Uncle Roy, her brother Matt and Dan, the hired man. “They begin their days long before sunrise and only call it a day after the stars come out.  Each is committed to providing the consumer with a safe, high-quality product. This commitment to quality means investing in how to best care for the cows and the land.” Great teamwork. So where does Mary fit in? While she freely admits that she has always loved the cows and agriculture, she qualifies that attraction by saying “I knew I was not cut out to be on the farm every day.”

“Bridging the Disconnect”

She was cut out for other facets of the industry.  Incredibly active in 4-H, Mary was crowned the National Ayrshire Princess in 2000. Experiences in off farm roles such as this helped Mary to develop her personal perspective on agriculture.” I started to realize the disconnect between consumer and farmer and soon discovered my passion for advocacy.” This was the beginning of Mary’s move from hands on farm projects to hands on a keyboard.  Throughout university she continued to hone her enthusiasm for agriculture and the need for advocacy. On the family side, she married and became a Mom. Today she works as the Controller for a local agriculture cooperative and her husband Jesse is an agriculture teacher and FFA advisor.” There is no question that agriculture remains a truly important part of Mary’s daily life.

“On-Line Keeps her Supporting On-Farm”

Not everyone who loves dairy farming sets up a blog.  Mary outlines the steps that led her to her place online. “In early 2013, my parents were planning a trip to Brazil with my brother, David.  Of course, my Dad wanted to see a dairy farm while he was there.   David had some difficulty arranging a tour and he asked me, ‘Why don’t we have a presence online?’. The question was no sooner asked then it was answered.  On March 1, 2013; the Mackinson Dairy Facebook page was born.

“Blogging is A Different Way to Do What You Love”

Although it sounds simple, Mary‘s motivation was a little more complicated then the apparently spontaneous beginnings would suggest. “I started the blog for two reasons.  I found myself wanting to explain certain topics but they were too long for a Facebook post.  My second reason was, if someone asked google, what is ultra-filtered milk? I wanted to provide them with a correct answer.  For these reasons, I launched our blog on March 1, 2014 (1 year after the Facebook page).

12186843_712094265556990_2792467499877624874_o“Going Mobile Makes a Big Difference”

“This fall, we redesigned our website ( and logo with Becca at Jumping Jax Designs.” In the same way that dairy farmers work hard to realize the full potential of their dairy operation, Mary explains how the changes impact both the delivery and reception of information. “The self-hosted website is home to the blog and allows us to merchandise our Ayrshire genetics.  After the makeover, our site is mobile friendly, with 75% of our visitors viewing our site on their phone or tablet.” What a fine example this is of the importance of changing with the times. Whether it’s on the farm or on line! In today’s agricultural market, if you have a product or service to sell, you must be optimized for mobile or you’re ultimately losing sales.

“Making a Difference On Behalf of Agriculture”

148755_1524654521099134_8868224875197858192_nThere are many ways to make a positive contribution on behalf of agriculture.  Mary explains. “I encourage everyone in agriculture to speak honestly about what you do, why you do it and what you love about your way of life.  As a Mom, I understand how important it is for other moms and parents to not only know where their food comes from but whom is taking care of the land.  Therefore, my blog topics tend to focus on questions a consumer might have while grocery shopping, like the differences between skim, 2% and whole milk to why certain containers of cow’s milk have a longer expiration date.  In addition to our blog, I am a contributor to Ask the Farmers and Illinois Farm Families websites.  Last November, I decided to participate in a 30 Days series where I featured 34 millennial dairy farmers from across the United States and Canada.  Most bloggers (myself included) are excited to feature guest blog posts. This is a great opportunity to write a post without fully committing to a blog yourself.  This year, for the 30 Days Series; I decided to focus on women in the dairy industry.  I had such an amazing response!” Indeed, the response was outstanding and no wonder! The series concluded with a total of 61 features over 59 days!”

“Dairy Women Make a Difference ‘In their own words!’”

Mary agrees with many bloggers, including myself here at The Bullvine, that connecting with other dairy women in a place away from your business and office can be very uplifting! She shares her enthusiasm. “While blogging is not for everyone, I encourage everyone to share their story in a way they are comfortable with.  She feels very strongly that the story of agriculture is an important one to promote. She declares, “I am very much committed to sharing our way of life and my love of dairy farming as well as standing up for all agriculture not only on social media but in our real lives.”  She takes her own advice and, once again, sets a fine example of ways she connects with those who are becoming further removed from the farm and current farming practices, “I have been involved with our Farm Bureau Breakfast on the Farm, Cheesecake and Calves promotion and the Illinois Harvest Dinner.  Each event successfully connected consumers to agriculture.  We must realize we do not always have to have a “big” event to have an impact.”

“It is Important That We All Try to Make a Difference”

For Mary, people are the key reason she reaches out through “The Mackinson Dairy” blog.  “I love meeting consumers and should they have questions, answering them.  As a Mother to two toddlers, I have enough to worry about.  One thing I will never worry about is the dairy products, meat, fruits or vegetables I feed my family.  I want to share my confidence in our safe food supply with those who have doubt or questions.  I do not want others to fall victim to marketing gimmicks which breed fear to drive the dollar.”

Daniels-cover“One-on-One Builds Sharing and Caring”

There are many role models in modern social media and Mary describes one of hers, Laura Daniels. “I drew on inspiration from the Dairy Girl Network and decided to focus on an often overlooked part of the dairy industry, the women. If you are a woman involved in any segment of dairy please check this organization out!  I wanted to share these stories of hard working women who all care so much about the dairy industry and their families.

Each individual I featured has her own unique story.  Through the series, you will find those involved on the farm, in the industry or both but everyone is a dairy believer.  As Laura explained in her Women in Dairy Feature: You will find women who have been farming for decades to those young women who are just starting out.  The drive these women possess to be successful is inspiring.  Not only do these women raise calves into cows, they are helping raise the next generation of farm kids.  Most of all, you will find passion, lots and lots of it.”

“Mary Provides an On-Line Meet and Greet”

Dairy farmers are known for two things. They love working with cattle and they love a good get together. Mary’s brings those two loves front and center with her blog.  It isn’t surprising to learn that many ladies expressed an interest in being part of her series.

Mary is both humble and grateful to report on the uptake. “The reaction has been awesome and I am very proud of the series.  I truly appreciate everyone who has allowed me to share their story because without their help, this series would not have been possible.  The messages I have received about the series makes me so proud to be involved in this great industry! “

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Mary didn’t just hope for a better way to get the dairy story out to consumers, she set the example herself by making sure the message she delivers is informative, relevant and personal. “My social media goal is to post, tweet and share because I want to share agriculture with consumers.  I do not know what the future holds but I do want to continue to expand our social media presence by focusing on content and relationships, not the analytics.”  The Bullvine and our readers congratulate Mary Mackinson Faber for making a difference with her Blog. “Write on Mary!”



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Genomic Testing Discovers New Cow Family

When genomic testing came on the scene in 2008, it was hoped that genomic results would make possible the identification of new top cow families.  That remains a concern for the vast majority of traditional cow family breeders. However, for Alexerin Dairy, owned by the Nixon Family of Manotick Ontario it is a reality. Here is the story of their success despite not being traditional cow family breeders.

Alexerin – High Quality All the Way

Alexerin has been a well managed bottom line focused dairy for many years. Todd (son) joined Ron (father) upon graduating from agricultural college on the 45 cow tie stall purebred operation that Ron had developed converting from a high quality identified grade herd.  It has been a fast climb to the top ever since Todd and Erin joined. Today they milk 150 cows in free stalls and parlor with a 200 kgs fat quota utilizing three family members and two full-time and two-weekend female part-time employees. All herd growth, for this 45-year closed herd, has been from within and today is both Leucosis and Johnes free. As well they are strawberry foot rot free, something very few herds can claim. Farm biosecurity and conforming to the requirements for a Canadian Certified Quality Management (CQM) farm demonstrate that Alexerin is committed to producing the healthy milk products that consumers want to buy. In the past five years, Alexerin has ranked as high as #2 on Ontario DHI’s Top Managed Herd list.

(l-r) The Nixon Family, Todd and Erin with children Alexis and Harrison

(l-r) The Nixon Family, Todd and Erin with children Alexis and Harrison

The Generations Work Together

All family members are integral to the operation. Erin (Baird), Todd’s wife, Ag Business educated and a former bank commercial lending rep, reports that the incorporation of technology is ongoing at Alexerin. DC305, robotic calf feeding, automated heat detection, 3x milking, and a strict insemination program are already in place. Expanded data capture in the parlor is planned for the future.

Todd and Erin have three young children (1, 3 & 5 years old), so both grandmothers are called upon on an organized regular basis to free time up for Erin to be part of the herd and business management team.  Ron now devotes his time to machinery and crops. Todd and Erin much appreciate that Ron has handed over the leadership to them while retaining part ownership and being there to help out. Todd feels that Ron remaining involved has allowed for expansion, where total withdrawal would have required debt retirement instead of expansion.

The prefix Alexerin was chosen by Ron and Judy using the middle names of their two children, Todd Alexander, and Kylie Erin. That prefix continues to fit very well for Todd and his wife, Erin.


Alexerin – Planned and Focused

Goals and targets are in place for all areas. Sires are selected that will produce efficient barn cows. The minimum requirement for sires are high fat plus protein yields supported by functional udders and excellent mobility. Todd gives Erin credit when it comes to sires used based on an organized mating program. Currently, the sires being used are top genomic sires (80+%) and one proven sire, Brewmaster. Forage forms 70% of the TMR diets so producing high-quality forage get priority so that milk production can be maximized while maintaining healthy cows.  Calves are housed in outside super huts and fed by robotic feeders. Heifers are in free stalls. Both calf and heifer development is carefully monitored to achieve first calving by 22 months. Milk cows are housed in free stalls, and dry cows are on open dry pack. Milk quota is purchased on a continual basis.

Todd and Erin mentioned to The Bullvine that “we wake up every morning with a distinct set of goals, and since we took over we have been breeding for a certain type of cow, one that may not win in the show ring, but is more than a commercial cow – the cow with the perfect blend of style and milk”. Now that is focused.


How Genomic Testing Got Started

Obviously recognizing their progressive approach to dairy farming, Alexerin’s vet encouraged them to take part in a study of heifers to verify the genomic testing system.  It did not take much encouragement as Todd and Erin are always looking for ways to improve. The results were exciting for Alexerin as their Alexerin Oman 993 came out very high. It took awhile for the results to come out, so Oman 993 was already milking in her first lactation and bred back by the time she was identified as elite. With the goal of getting sons to enter A.I., David Eastman of Genervations contacted Alexerin and started working with Todd and Erin after Oman 993 calved for a second time Oman 993 has lived up to her genomic indexes as she is VG88 with all of her four records designated by Holstein Canada as Superior Lactations. Her latest record, calving at 5-10, was (305D) 19,503 kgs (42,985 lbs) milk 4.0%F and 3.2%P.

Alexerin Oman 993 has lived up to her genomic indexes as she is VG88 with all of her four records designated by Holstein Canada as Superior Lactations. Her latest record, calving at 5-10, was (305D) 19,503 kgs (42,985 lbs) milk 4.0%F and 3.2%P.

Alexerin Oman 993 has lived up to her genomic indexes as she is VG88 with all of her four records designated by Holstein Canada as Superior Lactations. Her latest record, calving at 5-10, was (305D) 19,503 kgs (42,985 lbs) milk 4.0%F and 3.2%P.

Hitting the Jackpot

Fast forward to November 2015. A granddaughter, Alexerin Monterey 1504, of Oman 993 topped the Sale of Stars at $170,000. Monterey 1504 has an outstanding DGV +3307 LPI, Pro$2681 and Fat + Protein 186 kgs. Going from unknown to a sale topper, the family has caught the attention of the Holstein breeding world. The owners of the buyer syndicate were impressed with the family and wanted to be in at the start of this potentially great cow family.

 Monterey 1504 topped the Sale of Stars at $170,000.

Monterey 1504 topped the Sale of Stars at $170,000.

Let’s fill in from when Oman 993’s genomic results were publishable to when this granddaughter sold.

Oman 993’s first calf (GP80) sired by Steady has two Superior Lactations as does her second calf (GP83) by Windbrook. During 993’s second lactation she was started to be flushed. So far her best flush mate has been SuperSire with four very high indexing daughters and two sons in A.I. The four Supersire daughters have projected or completed 2-year-old records that average (305D) 14,843 kgs (32,718 lbs) milk 3.7%F & 3.2%P. In actual terms, they, on average, produce 7.4 lbs of fat plus protein per day. As well on the December 2015, CDN genetic index lists Oman 993, and her Supersire daughters were rated at #1, #2 and #5 for protein, #6 for fat and #8 for milk. Given all that, maybe The Guinness Books of Records should look into recognizing the family as top in the world.

Alexerin Supersire 1334 #1 Protein Cow in August 2015-

Alexerin Supersire 1334
#1 Protein Cow in August 2015-

Today Oman 993 is the #2 Oman in the world. And it very interesting to see that her Supersire daughters have the #1 Oman, Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror, on the paternal side of their pedigree. Oman 993 is the sixth generation born from a first calf heifer, calving at 1-10, 1-09, 2-04, 1-10, 2-00 and 2-00.  That’s great heifer growth and age at first calving, and you don’t see that very often.  As well another thing you don’t see often is a family, like Oman 993’s, that consistently genomically indexes high for heel depth.  Todd does the hoof trimming for the herd and noted that he has yet to find a sole ulcer in the family.

Oman 993 can be described as every breeder’s dream. You start using a new tool, genomic testing, and you find you have a breed outlier who’s DGVs exceeds her pedigree index by an astronomical amount. Her Buckeye dam was a good herd cow with very good milk, but Oman 993 got great genes from her parents for fat and protein yield. After finding this out, it encourages you to use all improvement tools to the fullest extent. In Alexerin’s case, they went from only type classifying once in the first lactation to re-scoring all animals as they improve in type as they mature. Using all herd improvement tools to their maximum has added greatly to their dairy farm’s net value.

Alexerin Supersire 1343 dam of Alexerin Monterey 1504

Alexerin Supersire 1343 dam of Alexerin Monterey 1504

Family Well Respected

Now let’s ‘talk cow’ for a moment.

Brian Craswell, who co-managed and auctioneered the Sale of Stars, described Oman 993 as follows “I just love this family. They are outstanding barn cows. Someday this Oman may be scored Excellent, and definitely her SuperSire daughters have more points in them.” Craswell continues “Here is a family that meets the requirements of many many breeders. They have very high production and excel for fertility and functionality. All this while being housed and fed with the rest of the herd. I would love to have half my herd made up of that cow family” In other words the family members are not show winners, but they are big time winners when it comes to profitable lifetimes.  They are the kind of cows that the majority of dairy breeders want to have in their herds. Dann Brady of Ferme Blondin agrees “Alexerin used the systems available to create a cow family that works for them and is also something that many breeders are looking for.” (Read more:  FERME BLONDIN “Passion with a Purpose Builds Success”Ferme Blondin – “Built on Teamwork” – Dairy Breeder Video Interviews and 10 Tips for Purchasing Dairy Cattle Embryos

Dave Eastman, the former owner of Genervations and a partner in Vogue, thinks highly of the family. “I have been telling people about the family for a while. Alexerin has brought attention to the family by consigning top family members to the Sale of Stars. Breeders and studs visited the farm prior to the sale and saw for themselves – seeing is believing. You cannot help but be enthused when you see the family in their working clothes – give them the feed and environment – no fuss just take the money to the bank.”

Alexerin Capital Gain

Alexerin Capital Gain

The success does not stop with the sale topper. Also sold in the Sale of Stars was Alexerin Capital Gain 1488, DGV +3270 LPI, Pro$ 2384 and Fat + Protein 185 kgs.   Her dam is Alexerin Supersire 1338 a full sister to the dam of the sale topper. It could be that 1488 will also be a winner for her new owners, Vogue Cattle Co.

Will this be a New Top Family for the Breed?

Today we cannot say for sure that the Oman 993 family will continue to be a breed leader in the future. Nevertheless, the chances are that we have not heard the last from this family. At this time, Oman 993 is definitely one of a kind. Her four high indexing SuperSire daughters are now milking very well in their first lactations and classifying well. Confirming Brian Craswell’s thought “…. the SuperSires have more points in them yet”. Add to this the fact that these Supersires have many many daughters by top genomic sires including AltaSpring, Capital Gain, High Octane, Kingboy, Lottomax, Main Event, Monterey, and Pulsar. In fact, since the sale topper Monterey 1504 has seven full sisters at Alexerin and a full brother on his way to Cogent, it would seem to be for sure that the story has just begun.  It is true that the family is not backed by the many generations of Very Good and Excellent cows that more traditional breeders believe is necessary for a family to be outstanding. However, it is becoming clear that we may just be seeing the start of a cow family that 21st-century dairy breeders will consider to be their ideal.

Alexerin Oman 993 with Alexis Nixon

Alexerin Oman 993 with Alexis Nixon

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Great people, a very well-managed dairy farm, and functional high-profit lifetime cows have all come together at Alexerin Dairy. Their leading cow family burst into the limelight as a result of the decision to start genomic testing of heifers. This cow family came about as a result of many generations of identification and grading up and using plus proven sires.  The family has moved to the top of the breed status by using top genomically indexed sires in the last three generations.

IT IS A PLAN AND DREAM COME TRUE. A plan that involved using systems and information to make wise progressive decisions. The outstanding result was not expected, maybe even unusual. However, getting results from hard work, focused breeding, and a clear vision are the keys to Alexerin’s success.



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Australian genetics in two high profile Canadian barns

Two well-known Canadian barns have opened their doors to a decorated Australian cow family.

The news bubbled up in the lead-up to Australasia’s premier dairy show – International Dairy Week (IDW) – which will be held at Tatura (two hours north of Melbourne) between January 17 and 22.

This year’s Holstein judge is Pierre Boulet, from Montmagny, Québec and he is at the epicentre of the story.

Pierre and his partner, Katie Coates, milk 110 Holsteins. Pierre also deals in thousands of cattle annually for commercial dairies and export. He is the co-owner and auctioneer for Les Encans Boulet.

Pierre’s keen eye to find the good ones and develop them is well documented (particularly) through the achievements of three EX97 global household names in the business – Thrulane James Rose EX-97-2E 3*, Bruynland Storm Kendra EX97 and Loyalyn Goldwyn June EX97.

In November, Pierre bought milking yearling Fraeland After Bash VG87 for $24,500 from Fraeland Holsteins, in Ontario, through the Sale of the Stars at The Royal.

Fraeland After Bash VG87-2YRS-Can sold by Fraeland Farms to Ferme Pierre Boulet.

Fraeland After Bash VG87-2YRS-Can sold by Fraeland Farms to Ferme Pierre Boulet.

After Bash’s granddam was Australia’s two-time IDW Grand Champion Holstein (2005 and 2007) – Fairvale Jed Bonnie 94-ET EX-1E.

Fraeland Goldwyn Bonnie EX95 is owned by Fraeland Farms who imported her as an embryo to Canada. She has established the Australian family in North America.

Fraeland Goldwyn Bonnie EX95 is owned by Fraeland Farms who imported her as an embryo to Canada. She has established the Australian family in North America.

The Aftershock daughter is out of an EX95 Goldwyn, which Ontario dairyman Steve Fraser (Fraeland Farms), imported in a package of embryos from Jed Bonnie. Steve came into the embryos because he is the co-owner of Jed Bonnie with Leslie Farms – his good friends and colleagues in Australia – who managed Jed Bonnie on behalf of the partnership during the height of her career from their northern Victorian base.

Australia’s two-time IDW Grand Champion Holstein in 2005 and 2007 – Fairvale Jed Bonnie 94-ET EX-1E. Photo: CrazyCow In Print.

Australia’s two-time IDW Grand Champion Holstein in 2005 and 2007 – Fairvale Jed Bonnie 94-ET EX-1E. Photo: CrazyCow In Print.

Steve, who last saw Jed Bonnie aged 15 when he visited Australia in 2014, says her Goldwyn daughter is a head-turner and a favourite at Fraeland.

Fairvale Jed Bonnie 94-ET EX-1E

Fairvale Jed Bonnie 94-ET EX-1E

“Even this fall, when she was milking about 19 months, visitors were amazed at the cow for her dairy length, udder and her mobility for an eight-year-old cow,” Steve said.

“We don’t fit her into our program, we try to work with hers. She is quite the cow to work with. She is the boss around here. She is an extremely dairy cow with an awesome udder. She may not have had the stature to run with some of the cows at the Royal or WDE in her prime. But she is fast becoming a great brood cow.

“I have sold heifers locally for people to show that are now developing them into VG two-year-olds. I have exported embryos from her to Europe, New Zealand, Australia and even sold some locally. She is due early March to Doorman and she will be flushed heavily again next year.

“With the few daughters she has, and how they have developed, we would really like work with her reproductively and not worry about how much we show her now.”

Although showing is no longer a priority, the Goldwyn held her own, winning Reserve All Ontario Junior two-year-old in 2009, 1st Jr 2yr and Res Int. Champ Autumn Opportunity 2009 and 2nd 4yr Dufferin Wellington show 2011. She was also 2nd 5yr and Res Grand Dufferin Wellington 2012, 2nd 5yr Autumn Opportunity show 2012 and 1st aged cow and Hon. Men Champ Dufferin Wellington 2014.

“I do rate the Aftershock as a tremendous young heifer with an extremely high-ceiling future. She has an incredible udder. She is so very correct through her loin, rump and rear leg. Currently she lacks a bit of balance. She is very tall with an open rib but you would like to deepen her rib and give her some more width of chest. To be honest, she is made quite a bit like her granddam, Jed Bonnie, as a first lactation animal. If all goes well, she could be quite a cow in a year or two.”

Pierre confirmed he had big plans for the young cow.

“I noticed her before the sale and kept my eye on her in the ring in hopes of buying her,” Pierre said. “She has an exceptional bone quality, she’s very dairy and has a great udder. When cows have feet and legs like hers, you know they’ll be around for a long time. To top it off she has a great pedigree behind her, and she comes from a good family.

“She’s due back in the fall so we will be working with her to get her in top shape to hopefully bring to the fall shows,” he said. “I really like bringing that kind of pedigree into the barn with a good sire stack and strong family because it’s the type of families that you want to breed from and develop.”

The root of the family comes from Master Breeders Fairvale Holsteins, owned by Ross and Leanne Dobson, in Tasmania.

Fairvale is Australia’s most successful prefix when it comes to breeding Grand Champion Holsteins at IDW – despite being separated from the mainland by 240km of ocean and expensive transit costs.

Still, three cows – bred and reared at Fairvale – have collectively won five IDW Champion Holstein titles (for three different exhibitors) between 2005 and 2014.

The anchors for the Bonnie family internationally is the EX95 Goldwyn at Fraeland and an EX94 Derry daughter at Bluechip Genetics in Australia (Fairvale’s longtime partner in marketing its profile animals).

The Derry, now 10, was the lucky result of the single C-grade embryo Fairvale and Bluechip retained after they sold Jed Bonnie to Leslie Farms and Fraeland in 2004 soon after she had won Reserve Champion Holstein at IDW milking over 300 days, set for IDW 2005.

Fairvale and Bluechip have since sold 40 embryos from the Derry, and 30 live animals. Ten Bonnies remain at Bluechip – including the 2015 IDW Junior Champion, Bluechip Goldchip Bonnie (x VG87 Shottle x EX94 Derry x EX-1E Jed Bonnie). The Goldchip will return to IDW this year as a milking senior two-year-old.

“Over the years, Bluechip have developed and shown many Bonnie family members from their branch of the family,” Steve said. “Our Goldwyn Bonnie does not have as many daughters as the Derry, but they all have been showable and marketable and I am starting to admire and like the consistency in which this family breeds for show type,” he added.

Fraeland has an 88-point second calved Sid and two October 2015-born Bradnick daughters. Goldwyn Bonnie is carrying a Doorman heifer and two more Doorman heifers will be born in the spring.

Pierre has never visited Australia before. Now, he has a vested interest in seeing what the country has to offer – including seeing the full sister to After Bash sell at IDW (she will be offered by Windy Vale Holsteins).

He also has Australian partners in Goldwyn June (Diamond Genetics – Justin Walsh, Phil Duncan and Matt Warnes) in addition to Kevin Doeberiener, of Ohio. The final piece to the jigsaw puzzle will be landing on Australian soil and seeing what the top cows in the southern hemisphere look like lined up in the ring together.

“I’ve always heard of the quality of the Australian genetics and wanted to make it to the show for several years,” Pierre said. “I guess the opportunity just never presented itself, and it all seems to be happening around the same time. Hopefully I will get the opportunity to visit a bit and check the cow families out.”

This is a journey that begs the question – could it signal a subtle shift as North American breeders widen their net looking for fresh genetics in a market, saturated with core families?

The Bullvine will be at IDW capturing pictures, interviews and results with CrazyCow In Print12469421_799074293536778_5170522758805005227_o – the publications known the world over for bringing the complete story.

Australian Dairy Industry Outstanding Service Award Presented to Harlock

Prominent Western Victorian dairyfarmer Shirley Harlock was awarded the Australian Dairy Industry Council’s Outstanding Service Award at the annual dairy industry breakfast on Friday.

“It really is a true honour to receive this prestigious award,” she said.

“This really is the Brownlow to me.”

Mrs Harlock said she was extremely proud to be a dairyfarmer.

“I get very irate when people turn their noses up,” she said.

“And even though I’ve gone into other commodities – we are also in South Australia with beef and sheep – I have never, ever seen an industry like dairy that’s out there to support and help everyone.”

Mrs Harlock said 2015 appeared to be the “year of the skirt” in the industry with Wagga Wagga, NSW, dairyfarmer Simone Jolliffe being elected president of Australian Dairy Farmers on Thursday.

Outgoing ADIC chairman Noel Campbell said Mrs Harlock had been a key player in shaping the policy landscape for Australian dairy since joining the industry more than 40 years ago.

“Shirley has a strong belief in advancing industry change through science and innovation,” Mr Campbell said.

Mrs Harlock held local and executive positions with United Dairyfarmers of Victoria and was a director of Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF).

She also served as chair of Dairy Food Safety Victoria for 10 years.

In 2005, Mrs Harlock was appointed chair of the Dairy Australia Future Dairy project, charged with research, development and adoption of robotic technology for Australian dairy farms.

In partnership with her husband, John, Mrs Harlock continues to actively operate dairy farms in Warrnambool and support farms in South Australia.

She is also chairwoman of the Sustainable Agricultural Fund that owns farms throughout Australia.

Mrs Harlock paid tribute to her husband of 46 years, John, whose encouragement and support and love and passion for agriculture, particularly dairy, had been critical to her achievements.

She spoke of some of the key lessons she’d learned in her time in the industry.

“The first lesson is that all that glitters is not gold and you need to look at both sides of the ledger,” she said.

The second lesson was explained by way of an anecdote about an incident in the dairy one evening when her husband sprayed her with a hose after a disagreement and she eked revenge by turning off the power as she left the shed.

“The lesson is always work as a team, solo is not much fun,” Mrs Harlock said.

The third lesson was to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

“I always wanted to see if there was something I could do rather than stand by and criticise,” she said.

Source: Australian Dairyfarmer Magazine

The Burdette Family – Triumph and Tears, Perseverance and Pain Leads to Hope and Healing

The following story originally appeared on Jennifer Didio website.  Jennifer is an extremely talented photographer located in Westminster MD, who’s pictures will melt your heart and her writing will inspire you.  Please take a moment to read this.

On this day when thanks leaps from our lips, I’d like to share with you a story.  A sweet and tender tale of a precious family, who under intense pressure is not cracking, but instead producing a rare and treasured beauty. Their story is intricately entwined with scores of people who love them. Their story is full of triumph and tears, perseverance and pain and ultimately hope and healing.

Where to begin?  Perhaps the moment that stopped me in my tracks while creating family portraits in the hospital with them…one so easily missed in the frantic pace and noise of daily life…one that had me stuffing back tears?  Seems like as good a place as any to begin our story.

Her tiny hand rested delicately inside her father’s big strong hand… until she noticed what no one else did, an almost imperceptible cut. She picked up her Daddy’s hand, with her own burn scarred hand, and placed a gentle healing kiss on the tiny wound. She was clearly mimicking something she’d had done to her hundreds of times in the first 8 years of her life.  She did this as she nestled herself comfortably into her Daddy’s lap for the first time in 17 months, since the PICU had become her home.

This moment, so full of raw tenderness, offers a tiny microscopic view into the beauty being raised from the ashes in the lives of the Burdette family.  I was privileged to partner with them to create family portraits at the hospital because of a dear friend of the family and client-friend of mine, who texted me days earlier, saying“we need to chat.”


It was 17 months ago that the Burdette family’s lives changed in one terrifying evening.  Reese and her sister Brinkley were staying at her grandparent’s farmhouse in VA over the Memorial Day holiday.  Patricia woke to the smell of fire and raced into Reese’s room to find her sleeping in a room on fire.  She moved through the flames to rescue her precious granddaughter.

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Meanwhile, her husband rescued Brinkley in another room and they emerged unscathed.  Unfortunately the same could not be said for Patricia and Reese.

Ambulances transported Patricia and Reese immediately to Winchester Hospital.  Before long, they were both airlifted to hospitals that could better treat the extensive nature of their burns.  Patricia went to Washington Medical Burn Center where she was treated in the ICU for 2 months.  Reese was flown to Johns Hopkins Children’s Hospital where she is still receiving treatment in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU).  Patricia is now at home and visits Reese weekly though she continues to suffer complications from the fire.  She is scheduled for her next surgery on December 15th to help remove some scarring in her throat and remove more of her vocal cords to help open up airways so she can breathe more easily.  Everyone hopes the benefits will last longer than the last surgery.

Reese suffered burns on 35% of her body; however, the most severe damage was to her lungs as a result of the smoke inhalation.  The damage was so severe, Reese was kept in an induced coma for 4 months following the fire. This allowed her ravaged body time to begin the massive healing process that lay ahead. Reese’s tiny frame was, quite simply, wrecked.  She suffered the first of 5 cardiac arrests she would endure a week after the fire.  The first led to her being placed on ECMO, a device designed to do the work of her heart and lungs. Reese remained on ECMO for 10 weeks, an almost unheard of long time.  In it’s introductory phases in the 1960’s, ECMO patients could withstand the device for a maximum of only a day or two …ECMO’s come quite a long way, thanks to skilled and tenacious physicians!

Doctors knew Reese could not survive on ECMO any longer and made a decision to put her on RVAD.  RVAD is typically used for heart support but at this point in her journey Reese just needed lung support.  Thanks to the ingenuity of Dr. Kristen Nelson, who was able to innovate treatments specifically for the demands of Reese’s body, the Hopkins staff was able to adapt the RVAD to support Reese’s lungs.  The RVAD pumps oxygenated blood through Reese’s heart, which directly leads to her lungs.  The RVAD has saved Reese’s life.

The first 3 months of Reese’s stay, Claire and Justin had to wait in the waiting room, often sleeping there.  Daily they walked the long hall and rounded the corner to Reese’s room with what felt like lead weights in their shoes and their hearts.  This walk required Herculean strength because it was so often met with the terrifying sight of crowds of doctors and nurses piling frantically into Reese’s room. Desperation flooded their souls at this sight.  There were times when Claire could not be a part of the daily rounds because hope seemed absent from every clinical conversation.

The family was called the hospital too many times in those first several months to  say what doctors thought would be their goodbyes.   Yet, Reese is here today so full of spark and life; doctors say she is a miracle child.  The Burdettes know, without a doubt, that prayer has been their lifeline.  They covet every prayer, from every person who is partnering with them before the throne of our Heavenly Father.

The Burdette’s know the prayer coverage surrounding them has been indispensible in their fight.  They believe that the Lord is using Reese to teach the Hopkins medical team how to help other sick children.  Claire has plans, when Reese is discharged, to advocate for continuity doctors for patients with long hospital stays.  Current protocol in the ICU is to rotate a new attending doctor in every week.  This is one of the scariest hurdles parents have to scale each week.  Having to update each new doctor with Reese’s history while they each debate a new course of action has been exhausting and terrifying for Justin and Claire.

Reese’s first 4 months in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit was like a nightmare the family just could not wake up from.  They had no idea throughout those long months if Reese would still be Reese when she woke up.  It was suspected that all the heart attacks might have resulted in a loss of brain function. Would their spunky little girl who loves her family and friends, music, her cows, belly laughing and being in 4-H still be there?

Between the first cardiac arrest that led to the need for ECMO, the 4 following cardiac arrests that followed due to mechanical issues, a daily need for blood transfusions, internal bleeding, surgeries to repair holes in her lungs, and collapsed lungs …it seemed any combination of those things could rob them of who they knew Reese to be.  The Burdettes summoned courage from the prayer network that surrounded them.  This helped them to hold onto unwavering hope, despite the repeated delivery of bad news.

Claire shared a powerful turning point in those early, desperate months in the NICU.  Reese required repeated thoracotomies (lung patches) which were followed by surgeries to remove the combat gauze used to patch her lungs.  At the time, it had been going so badly for Reese, Claire recalls she and Justin were at a loss for what to pray for their girl.  They finally landed on this simple prayer, “Lord, please give us hope.”

Moments later, the surgical team assembled and a nurse walked up to introduce herself to the Burdettes, “Hi, I’m Hope and I’ll be assisting with Reese’s surgery today.” Claire melted. Thank You Lord for hearing and providing the answer they so desperately needed.  She and Justin have never given up hope that Reese would be the ‘tough girl’ they know and love who would rise to each new level required to heal.

Reese began to wake slowly in late September.  Claire and Justin read her cards and stories and just talked to her all day.  Then on September 23, Reese was showing more signs of being conscious and everyone eagerly waited to hear if she would be responsive.  Justin questioned her about her beloved cow, Pantene.

“Is Pantene your cow?  Should Dad sell Pantene?  Would you be mad at Dad if I sold Pantene?”  These questions elicited a definite response from Reese and mom caught it on video.  Justin and Claire smiled big knowing their little cowgirl was still there.  This past June Pantene made a surprise visit to Hopkins to the great delight of Reese and the staff!

The day of our portrait time, we moved through the hospital with our giant entourage of medical staff and equipment, and I asked, “Can Reese sit in her dad’s lap?”  The team all looked at one another and said, “I think she can, let’s try it.”  To move her from her chair into a lap required several people and Reese began to cry almost immediately.  I thought, “Oh no, maybe I shouldn’t have suggested it!”  But then I noticed her cry actually seemed to be a cry of fear, not pain.  It lasted very briefly and then I watched Reese relax and rest in her Daddy’s arms.

To be back in her Daddy’s arms, now that was a million dollar moment for the family.  And with a dad like Justin, it quickly became evident why.  Justin’s quick smile and sense of humor knows no limits when it comes to making his girls laugh.  I brought a giant bag full of princess attire for Reese and Brinkley to create an outfit of their choosing.  What I did not anticipate was Justin taking part as well to get repeated belly laughs and smiles from his girls.  I commented to Claire about what a beautiful expression of love that was to behold.  She said Justin is often admired for his no holds barred approach to doing what it takes to identify with his girls and keep them laughing.  Precious and rare to watch this gift Justin is giving his girls.

Reese was so excited to be photographed in her dad’s lap, she quickly decided it was time to make rounds!  She began requesting time in everyone’s laps for a photo-op.  She got to sit in Claire’s lap next.  With tears in her eyes, Claire said, “it’s been 17 months since I’ve been able to hold my girl like that!  We are going to start doing that all the time now!”  This is the tough job of physical therapy…encouraging wounded patients to take the next, often painful, steps required to make progress and heal.  Claire is mighty in that role for Reese, strong as a lion, gentle as a dove.  She is unflinching in her work to help Reese progress.  She has her eyes on the prize for her sweet girl and she is championing her cause every step of the way, even when that involves tears of protest.  Claire realizes there is pain in this journey to heal and that is the key to Reese going home.

Next it was Steph’s turn to hold Reese.  Steph has cared for Reese since the beginning and holds a special place in Reese’s heart.  Reese doesn’t see Steph as often as she’d like anymore since her situation is more stable.  Steph is such a phenomenally talented nurse, she is needed for more critically unstable patients.  But Steph stops in to see her girl whenever she can and then Reese pulls out her “Steph glasses” so they can be twins.

And last to hold Reese was Dr. Kristen, a tender soul who cried when she held Reese.  Reese has been fortunate to have Dr. Kristen with her since the beginning of her stay at the PICU.  Dr. Kristen was the brain behind adapting the RVAD to replace the ECMO for Reese, saving her life.  Dr. Kristen suggested the plan to use A-Cell to treat her burns, which has helped them heal amazingly well, even better than skin graphs. The scarring on her forehead, where she had third degree burns, is amazingly minimal for this point in her recovery.

Dr. Kristen was able to hold the little girl who calls her family, who wears a “I love Dr. Kristen” dress, whose life she has been so deeply vested in daily over the last 17 months…she got to hold her for the first time.  As soon as Reese was placed in her lap, Dr. Kristen burst into tears. Reese went right into action; she grabbed a tissue and began blotting Dr. Kristen’s tears.  I’m fairly certain this is a moment that Dr. Kristen will never forget and helps to make all the exhaustion associated with being a physician worth it.


Tears fell often throughout the day.  A nurse came to visit Claire with a basket of homemade goodies which were an outpouring ‘thank you’ for Claire’s listening ear and gracious comfort offered the day before to this nurse.  Claire understands that as she walks through her storm, others are walking through their own as well.  She claims no market on suffering and is so keenly aware to it happening around her.  Her encouragement to others pours from a grateful heart for all that’s been poured into her family.

So how is Reese today?   She’s full of smiles and mischievous grins, tenderness and spunk, silliness and questions.  She is able to leave her room to visit the library and the courtyard on mild days with no wind.  She is attending her school in Mercersburg via “Double” an iPad robot that broadcasts her live to the classroom.  She muscles up for her regular therapy sessions which has most recently progressed to a walk down a hallway with balance support and cheering on from mom.  She plays a lot of board games, listens to music and even had her own personal performance from one of her favorite bands, Aberdeen Green.  Reese has a special connection with this band as Amanda, their lead singer, sang at Justin and Clarie’s wedding 10 years ago.

Reese Facetimes her friends, including hospital staff.  She even Facetimed one of the pioneers of ECMO, Dr. Bartlett or, as they like to call him, Father ECMO.  She has a new favorite past time–creating hilarious pictures with snap chat.  Beware if you are in her room and bend over—you are liable to end up with a sombrero on your butt and be adorned with a pretzel arm drinking a glass of wine!


Reese recently celebrated a Halloween party with 17 friends who journeyed to the hospital to be silly with their friend who they miss terribly.  They got to see her for the first time since the fire and found she was still full of the same wit, sass and spark they have always loved her for.  Everyone dressed up and they played “pin the leg on the skeleton” per Reese’s wishes.  Mom was a witch and Dad was a whoopee cushion and they reinforced what they so strongly believe –  laughter is healing.

Reese sits in her wheel chair through the day and sleeps in a cardiac chair at night.  She associates the bed with the place where bad things happen, so she prefers the chair.  Most recently, Reese has begun standing up with the assistance of a table to lean on and working on puzzles at the table.  She is also learning to cope with the loss of her leg due to ECMO and the poor circulation it caused in the early weeks at the hospital.  Her prosthetic leg, she’s nicknamed “Leggo”, is helping her to build the muscle tone she’s lost and get her moving again.  Reese is inspired by “Winter the Dolphin” who re-learned how to swim with a prosthetic tail.

Reese is busy making plans for all she and her family are going to do when she gets to go home to their dairy farm.  They all eagerly anticipate this day but know they’ll be back to visit the staff that has become family to them over the last year and a half.

So many hold a special place in their heart because they have gone above and beyond their job description in providing care for Reese.  For example, nurse Judy meets with Reese weekly to change her site dressings.  Reese anticipates these visits because Judy creates drawings on the bandages and brings her donuts.  Reese is making a scrapbook of the drawings that Judy brings her.  Something tells me long into her old age when Reese eats a donut she’ll remember fondly the extra measures of love Judy poured into her care.

What’s up next for Reese?  She’s preparing for her next big surgery coming up on Wednesday.  She will be having her sub-clavian catheter replaced and that will be used for both dialysis and CO2 clearance.  CO2 clearance is the lung support she will continue to need.  The second and big part of the surgery will reconvene on Friday, via an open heart/by-pass surgery where they will remove the RVAD from her heart.  This is a tedious surgery that has caused great concern for all who love Reese, but her doctors say she is ready and the surgery is necessary for Reese to continue to progress.

As with any surgery of this type, there are specific concerns about bleeding and the Burdette’s ask that everyone join them specifically in prayer about this.  Reese will stay in an induced sleep state for no more a week this time before she will be awakened and start the labor of movement that will be required to keep her recovering.

Reese’s therapy team is helping to prepare her for her surgery in waves that an 8 year old can digest.  One of Reese’s most persistent questions about her surgery has been, “Will I be able to Facetime?  I am going to need to Facetime!” Claire tried to explain she was going to be very sleepy and it will probably be a little while before she could do that.  She asked, “Who do you need to FT so badly?”  Reese answered, “Riley, (Reese’s cousin) she’s having her scoliosis surgery on Dec. 8th and I have to check in on her and see how she’s doing.”


The healing journey from the surgery will not be easy, but Reese has shown she can rise to each challenge with grace and determination.  Her lungs still have a lot of healing to do and her kidneys as well.  She is on dialysis, but doctors project that because she is so young her lungs can regenerate and her kidneys can heal.   From early one, doctors estimated it would require about a 2-year hospital stay to heal from her injuries.  The Burdettes are ticking off the days!


The Burdettes are lavish in their praise for their family and friends who have surrounded them with prayer and support in hundreds of different ways.  Claire and Justin continue to run their dairy farm while they split their time staying at a room they’ve rented at a local hotel so that someone is with Reese everyday.  Justin’s parents have stepped back into a very active role in helping to run the dairy and care for Brinkley.  Reese has plenty of visits from her extended family as well. Justin and Claire are also taking special care of Pantene and Pretzel, Reese’s prized cows that eagerly await her return to the farm.


I asked Claire what has been her biggest take away from her time at the PICU so far.  Without any hesitation she said she’s learned patience and how resilient kids are. She’s learned the importance of expressing her concerns and fears, even when speaking up can be intimidating.


Last week the family celebrated the lighting of the tree in Mercersburg and Santa was projected into Reese’s rooms via a screen to chat with kids.  “What would you like for Christmas Reese?” he asked.  To which Reese replied, “To spend more time with my family.”  Family is everything to Reese and with parents like Justin and Claire, who are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary this year, it’s easy to see why.  When they consider Reese’s hospital stay they say, “What’s two years when she’s 80!?”

What perfect timing for this blog. Thanksgiving is what floods the Burdettes’ hearts right now.  The first photo they posted of Reese in the PICU was last Thanksgiving, 6 months after the fire.  It was a photo of Reese and Brinkley having lunch and Justin simply said, “What I’m thankful for.”

This Thanksgiving the Burdettes can barely express how grateful they are without crying.  When they begin to recount where God has taken them in this last year… they are overwhelmed with joy.  They look forward to being home this time next year celebrating at the farm with their family and friends!  Please be in fervent prayer for tough girl, spunky girl, tender girl Reese!

Reese’s thank you for everyone’s support:

Special thanks to Jennifer Didio for doing this amazing work, and if you are in the Westminster MD area and need a outstanding photographer please contact Jennifer the quality of work and her professional are 2nd to none. As Claire Burdette said to me “She was so wonderful to work with.”

Video Interview with Larry Bennett – 2014 Curtis Clark Achievement Award Winner

Often the people with the fewest words are the ones we should listen to. Larry Bennett fits that mold. This soft spoken man was the 2014 winner of the Curtis Clark award and takes his place with others who represent the sportsmanship, showmanship and pure enjoyment of everything dairy that was so vital to Curtis Clark himself. Those who have had  privilege of knowing Curtis and Larry will recognize that there are striking similarities between these two gentlemen, the most notable being their passion for dairy cattle.

Recently The Bullvine had the opportunity to talk with Larry.  The resulting video captures the sincerity and good nature that has been Larry’s trademark …. along with his conductor’s hat…throughout his career in the dairy industry.

Larry is deep. He is self-confident. He has tried and been successful at many things all of which have dealt with the dairy cattle industry (Link to other Bullvine article). Through this video you will learn that family and friends are very important to Larry.  It’s clear that for him, as for many people that make a difference in life, it is first all about the company one keeps and then it means always doing the best you can.


I highly recommend that you listen twice to the ending, where Larry recommends youth training, including getting an education. The icing on the cake, for me, is his strong recommendation to keep a daily diary. What an interesting way to appreciate life’s important moments. When hubby Murray watched the video he noted, “If this video was a book, I would say it was a great read.” It is my hope that you too will enjoy this video as much as everyone at The Bullvine did.  Larry Bennett “A man of few words ….keen perception …and the ability to continue working with quiet enthusiasm for whatever he undertakes … until the job is done.” We tip our hat to Larry Bennett and thank him for the legacy he continues to build in the dairy industry.



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Donnanview – The Culmination of a Lifetime Journey in Dairy Farming

The Bullvine sat down with Donny Donnan of Donnanview Holsteins to discuss his journey in developing this amazing herd that will be offered for sale next week. Donny and his wife Bev have spent their lifetime breeding great dairy cattle.  Opportunities to invest in herds like Donnanview are few and far between. Not only a Master Breeder Herd, home of the 2014 Canadian Cow of the year, sires in AI, but they are also 90% VG and EX cows.  These achievements have been built over years of intuitive, selective breeding choices.  Not since the likes of Hanoverhill’s complete dispersal have we seen a herd of this size and quality, sell all at once in a public auction.  Join us in watching this video as Donny explains how they have achieved this success and who has helped them along the way.

Conant Acres Named 2015 Elite Breeder at Holstein USA Annual Meeting

Gen-Com Holsteins – Dairy Breeder Video Interviews

In a rare opportunity the Bullvine sits down with Mario Comtois of Gen-Com Holsteins to discuss their success, their team, and the two great cows they work with RF GOLDWYN HAILEY and CHARWILL ATTIC MARCY.

Watch this video and find out, what makes Hailey and Marcy so special and the members of the team that do just a great job keeping these and all the cows at Gen-Com looking so great.


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Kelloe Mains – Good heifer rearing leads to strong milking performance

The McDonald family recently invested in a new housing facility for an additional 330 cows at Kelloe Mains Farm, near Berwick-upon-Tweed.  Bruce Jobson reports from the Scottish Borders.

The McDonald family milk 720 Holstein cows at Kelloe Mains Farm, Duns, Scotland, 10 miles west of Berwick-upon-Tweed. The farmland totals 2,500 acres (1,000ha) stretching over a distance of 10 miles and incorporates two farms.

Robert McDonald and his son, also named Robert, are the driving force behind the family farming business with 27-year old Robert, managing the day to day management of the dairy herd. His father continues his role at the forefront of the business and also manages the arable side of the enterprise.

Kelloe Mains has undergone a continued expansion programme and recently added a new 330 high-spec free-stall housing facility, which was completed in January 2014. The housing unit cost approximately £2,500 per cow ($c4300)  (£825,000 in total: $c 1,450,000) and includes automatic scrapers and rubber matting as well as incorporating “green bedding.”

The building is high, with lots of light and ventilation and cow comfort has been a strong feature of the design according to Robert Jnr. “Animal health and welfare is a priority at Kelloe Mains and we continue to focus on management and cow comfort.

“We are currently milking over 700 cows and place strong emphasis on best management practise from the day a calf is born, through to milking. We have incorporated the Alta Advantage Programme into our management structure and this provides essential data and benchmarking of the business,” he said.

An new housing unit for an additional 330 cows cost approximately £2,500 per cow ($c4300)  (£825,000 in total: $c 1,450,000)

An new housing unit for an additional 330 cows cost approximately £2,500 per cow ($c4300) (£825,000 in total: $c 1,450,000)

Imports from Holland

The McDonalds increased their herd numbers in 2014 by purchasing 138 in-milk heifers and 140 in-calf heifers from Holland. The imported animals have now settled into their new environment and Robert is pleased with their performance.

Robert said. “The herd has been averaging around 10,500 – 10,700 litres at 3.8% fat and 3.3% protein, however, with the additional influx, the herd currently containing 65% heifers, and this year, we expect the yield average will be lower.

“It takes time for new animals to adjust but overall, we are pleased with the performance of the herd. We use the Alta Advantage programme as part of our overall herd management system in order to benchmark our performance data. The herd is running at 23% pregnancy rate with 45% of the cows currently pregnant at 75 days.

“Calving interval, which is based on the milking cows, rather than the latest influx, is around the 377 days with days open at 99 days. The herd is averaging 24 months at age of first-calving and in due course, we are aiming to reduce the figure to 23 months. The cows are milked through a 40-point Alfa-Laval rotary parlour on a three times per-day milking routine, averaging 34litres per day with a through-put of 125 cows-per-hour.”

The herd is fed a TMR ration using a Keenan mixer-wagon, with a separate ration to the in-calf heifers and dry cows. The milking herd ration contains 20kg of DM of forage; 2kg of whole crop; 6.5kgs grass silage, 0.5kg straw and a protein blend. The herd receives its first feed at 5.30am and is supplemented at around 10am.

Dry cows receive a close-up and far-off ration and bedding is kept clean and dry due to the availability of straw. The new 340 cow free-stall facility and older unit for 368 cows, link into a 1.9million gallon slurry tower and 2.8million lagoon incorporating an umbilical system.


Kelloe Mains Open Day

Alta Genetics recently hosted an open day at Kelloe Mains, and the event included presentations from several Alta staff as well as Robert McDonald Jnr. Over 200 visitors attended the event including 60 farmers from Holland and 16 from Italy.

Farmers seeking to breed the next generation of profitable, animal welfare friendly cattle were treated to a demonstration line-up of milking Holstein heifers using the Alta Advantage programme. Visitors could inspect the animals and were provided with milk recording details and yield projections.

Alta programme manager Drew Wilson used hand held technology to assess the type characteristics of an animal and the programme provides a list of suitable matings; based upon the type and production criteria for each individual herd requirement. The line-up of animals on display demonstrated the success of the Alta Advantage Programme Mr Wilson stated.

Mutual Benefits

Paul De Goojier, global marketing manager for Alta Genetics, led a group of 60 plus farmers from The Netherlands, as part of a UK tour and emphasised an open business philosophy. He explained: “Farmers are looking for ways to improve and learn from each other. The openday will bring value to UK farmers, the Dutch as well as Italian group, who have also attended the event.

“Everyone can discuss their needs on a full strategy basis and breeders are able to apply the genetic tools in order to select the right bulls. We have a focus on the progressive farmer in order to help with the direction of their business goals. Our programmes add value and help bring better results, breed better animals and increase genetic results,” he concluded.

Calf Rearing Trial

Calf rearing is an essential part of the Kelloe Mains philosophy based upon management and animal health and welfare aspects. New born calves are given four litres of colostrum within the first few hours of birth, followed by an additional two litres, two hours after the initial feed. After the first week, the calves receive 5 litres per day increasing to 6 litres per day after the 10th day.

Robert Jnr commented that milking cow performance starts with good heifer rearing practise. He said: “Calves can be easily overlooked but good milking herd performance and animal health and welfare issues start with quality calf management.

“We aim to wean calves at 60 days and by that time, they are receiving adlib feeding, taking onboard approximately 3kgs of 18% protein pellet and straw. Pellet feed and fresh water is introduced early in order to increase growth rates. We aim for heifers to calve-down at 24 months of age and we manage their inputs accordingly in order to achieve the required weight and growth-rates, prior to insemination.”

The farm operates a strict system with one person feeding the calves 12 out of every 14 days in order to maintain consistency of feeding, hygiene, observation and overall management. The calves are fed on waste milk, which is pasteurised on-farm after each milking, and calves are fed at 8 hourly intervals.

Kelloe Mains has traditionally reared calves in crates and the McDonald family recently purchased calf hutches as an alternative method. Calves are currently undergoing a trial to see if there are any benefits by switching to 100% rearing in calf hutches. Both sets of heifers are being weighed at 60 days, and the early results indicate a 10 – 11kg increase in weight using a calf-hutch.

Robert McDonald (left) and Alta Genetics' Regional Manager Billy Campbell

Robert McDonald (left) and Alta Genetics’ Regional Manager Billy Campbell

Kelloe Mains is now using 100% genomic sires across the board according to Alta Genetics Regional Manager Billy Campbell, who has worked closely with the McDonalds for the past 25 years. “Kelloe Mains operates on a commercial-basis and animals are mated to provide profitable, long-lasting, healthy and animal welfare friendly cattle.

“The first group of genomic heifers demonstrated the reliability of the programme and the latest group of 18 heifers by 10 young genomic bulls is averaging 34 litres per day and are currently 118 days in-milk. The group is predicted to yield over 11,500kgs with two heifers projected to produce over 14,000kgs.”

All the cows are bred to Holstein bulls and in the past; sexed-semen has been used to help increase replacement heifer numbers. According to Mr Campbell, the Kelloe Mains herd demonstrates the benefits of using a large number of genomic young sires across the herd and by using a professional evaluator, has achieved positive results on type, production, herd health and animal welfare.

This article first appear in the December 2014-February 2015 Edition of Crazy Cow in Print.  Click here to check out there Facebook group and watch for their new website soon.

Roybrook Revisited

Legendary Holstein breeder Roy Ormiston celebrates his 100th Birthday in a few weeks hence. Bruce Jobson and Roy recount the legacy of Roybrook in an exclusive interview. In this unique conversation, Bruce included some additional datelines for reader clarity and understanding.

Roy Ormiston, of Robrook fame, will celebrate his 100th Birthday in February.  Photo Patty Jones

Roy Ormiston, of Robrook fame, will celebrate his 100th Birthday in February. Photo Patty Jones

There are very few cattle breeders held in the same esteem as Roy Ormiston. He is one of an elite group globally known by a single name; “Roy” (Roybrook) “Wally” (Linskoog: Arlinda) “Pete” (Heffering: Hanoverhill) and in the UK “Moff” (John Moffitt: Hunday) As time has marched forward; only Roy remains with us from what is considered the halcyon era of cattle breeding.

The story really began 70 years ago; when Roy, a young Holstein breeder, joined the Canadian Holstein Association as an Ontario fieldman in 1944; where he worked for seven years as extension officer, including some classifying duties. He had already started farming at 21, taking over his father’s farm (Ormsdale) at Brooklin, Ontario and owning five cows. He later farmed with his brother before establishing his own Roybrook prefix.


BJ “Roy, you purchased a cow bred by Ben Brown, of Bowmanville, Ontario; Balsam Brae Pluto Sovereign Ex. This animal became universally known as “the white cow. How did you find her?

Roy: “I heard about this “white cow” and decided to visit Ben and first saw her as a Very Good five-year-old in 1956. I really liked the look of this cow, despite her being dry; and her age. Ben had turned down $700 that morning from a US dealer; I made an offer of $700, but she had not been on “test” recording and we did not known what her butterfat percent would be – so I offered another $50 bonus – provided she tested at 3.6% or higher.

“The offer was accepted and after she calved-out, Sovereign, known as “the white cow” was judged winner of the All Aged Cow Class at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto and also Best Uddered Cow. She had come from nowhere to win the most prestigious of shows. Albert Seiling of Seiling Holsteins offered $10,000 – a large sum of money at the time – but I refused to sell.”

BJ “There are many people who consider you as the greatest exponent of “line-breeding” owing to the success of the Roybrook bloodlines. Some consider line-breeding; when it does not work is, “inbreeding.” You are the man – what is your take on the subject?”

Roy: “It was line-breeding – not inbreeding. We never inbred. But I owned a remarkable cow family and wanted to capitalise on these immense qualities. It’s a case of wanting to increase or intensify the best traits or qualities such as size and strength. Inbreeding can result in lack of size and strength and vigour. The white cow was strong, more than the average cow – she was dominant and “controlled” the matings.

“Two of her daughters were Roybrook Model Lady and Royal Delight, and both scored Excellent. The latter cow produced the most famous daughter; Roybrook Model Lass Ex, she was bred from Roybrook Ace, a son of the white cow, from a mating to Lakefield Fond Hope.

“We therefore had the white cow as the bull dam on the top side, and the third dam on the bottom line. The resulting bull calf was Telstar, (born December 1963) Telstar was sold at the National Holstein Sale in the following May to the Telstar Syndicate for $25,000. A few weeks later, having sold the bull, I bought into the syndicate.”

BJ “The bull was named after the world’s first satellite, Telstar; which was launched on July 10th, 1962; the date is recognised as the day that “information went global.” Roybrook Telstar arguably did the same in the bovine world; as the first global Holstein superstar?”

Roy “He certainly had an impact in Canada and Japan. Cattle photographer, Jim Rose, suggested the name. The syndicate sold Telstar to Japan in June 1967; his Canadian progeny were outstanding and all the talk was about Telstar. His daughters were show winners, became brood cows and outstanding bullmothers. Due to widespread AI, and export of progeny, his proofs and influence became global.

“Telstar was designated as a Class Extra sire (in 1971, Canada’s highest accolade on the basis of simultaneous improvements in type and production)  In Japan, he was equally admired and in 1978, I was privileged to unveil a bronze statue of Telstar at the All-Hokkaido Show; at the opening of the Dairy Shrine.”

BJ “OK, Telstar paved the way for another bull that arguably had an even greater global impact; Roybrook Starlite. As you stated, the bull was line-bred and only carried 0.93 inbreeding levels. Roy, what was the thinking on that mating?”

Roy “Seiling Rockman was known as the “Genetic Giant” and his daughters had prolific milk production. Starlite was a mating that truly encompassed the best traits of his sire and his dam. For many years the Canadian production Honour List was dominated by Rockman, his son, Starlite and Starlite’s maternal brother, Telstar.  Therefore, Rockman was a very powerful mating.

BJ “I will just mention; the University of Guelph Top Transmitter List contained the top 600 cows throughout Canada. When Starlite died (in 1981) 376 cows ranked on this list were from Ontario – and 103 were Starlite daughters; almost 30% of the top cows in Ontario were related to Starlite.

“Starlite semen was exported all over the world. In 1982, three Starlite daughters at Mowry Farms, Pennsylvania, were rated in the top three positions in the USDA Cow Index. At that time, the chances of one daughter being the No.1 cow USDA milk and butterfat producer were rated above 8 million: 1.  In fact, Starlite had the top three USDA cows – all bred in one herd.

“The bull came to prominence in the UK when 25 Starlite heifers were imported into the UK by the late Harold Nicholson, herd manager for Sam Noble, owner of the Deehaven Herd in Cheshire. The Starlite daughters were an outstanding success. His global influence was immense as well as, through his sons.  Roy, I now want to move on to the next era and will you explain the mating of the third Roybrook superstar; Tempo?”

Roy “I judged the Ontario Show and first two-year-old was Briarwood Melissa. She was an immense Telstar daughter; almost twice the size of others, she had such power and strength. After the show, I went to the barn and asked if she was for sale and they wanted $25,000. I said I wanted to buy the cow; not the farm.

“She was subsequently shown and won at Toronto; and I purchased her at The Sale of The Stars for $14,000. The next day, I went to the bank to borrow the money. Melissa was bred to Starlite; therefore “the white cow” influence was close-up on both sides of pedigree. Tempo had a type proof with the qualities of both bulls.”

BJ “Roy, I will interject, Tempo was born in 1973 and like Telstar and Starlite, he was awarded Class Extra Sire status. Tempo had over 15,000 Canadian scored daughters (29,000 in total) and averaged 70% Good Plus and Better on classification. His sire, Starlite had over 8,000 scored daughters (13,000) that averaged 55%.

“His maternal-sire, Telstar, had 611 Canadian daughters (863) that averaged 86% Good Plus. Tempo came out with an identical average of 70% Good Plus and Better; the exact “mean average” figure between the proofs of both Starlite and Telstar.  Tempo – bred “true.” The legacy was a remarkable achievement, all line-bred from a single cow family, housed in a traditional 30 stall Canadian barn. So, which of the three bulls is your favourite?”


Roybrook Telster

Roybrook Starlite

Roybrook Starlite

Roy brook Tempo

Roy brook Tempo


Roy “I do not have a favourite. All three bulls achieved Class Extra status and all three were different and each bull transmitted different things. Starlite daughters transmitted higher levels of production and were slower to mature as two-year olds – and therefore did not classify as high.

BJ “Roy, 40 years ago you said “Life is too short to start with poor stock.” You are now approaching 100 years old, what advice would you give to someone starting out today?”

Roy “That is still true. Start with the best you can afford. But it is extremely hard for any young person to get involved in farming today. It is even harder in Canada owing to having to buy milk quota, the farm and cows. Everything is bigger and unless your parents are involved or are extremely wealthy, it is almost impossible to get started in dairying.

“Today, many farms have 200, 400 cows or more. That takes a lot of funding with Canadian milk quota at around $25,000 per cow. We kicked the trend even back in the 70s and 80s, we were a small 30-odd cow dairy and the farm was 100 acres; yet I sold cattle to every continent on the globe.

“Things were rapidly changing in the late 80s, with bigger commercial herds and several high profile pedigree breeder herds; (Comstar, Dupasquier, Gillette) these were exciting times; great days, and I remember sitting next to your wife, Helen, at the 1987 Hanoverhill Sale. I sold the Roybrook herd in 1990 – I was getting on in years although, I had a few cows around the farm for another 12 months.

BJ “With all the indices, sexed semen, ET and genomic information available, is it easier to be a breeder in 2014, than in 1944?”

Roy “Bruce, there is more information available today – and maybe there is too much information. It was easier in the past; and breeding goals have changed. We now have genomics and this has changed the bull breeding game and the industry. I have concerns about the level of inbreeding and the possibility of losing, size, capacity, vigour and strength.

“We are also asking two-year-old heifers to produce 120lbs of milk or 50litres per day; and I wonder how long these young cows will last? I still believe in the value of cow families, longevity and a common-sense approach to cattle breeding. Today, everything is faster; everything is bigger.”

BJ “Roy, besides your influence within the global cattle breeding industry, you have, and will continue to have, a strong influence within the local community. How did that happen?”

Roy “Well, I believe in putting back into the local community and since the sale, have done that. I sold land for development and have made donations to local charities. Brooklin has now expanded over the farm and the barn has made way for a new highway. The streets are named in our honour such as Roybrook Avenue, Telstar Avenue, Tempo and Delight.

“I still live on my own, in a bungalow built on the farm – and keep myself busy and active. I have donated 25 acres of land and $2million in order to build a new hospital. It’s something I want to do for the local community; one that I was brought up amongst, and where I have lived my whole life. That will be a true and lasting, Roybrook legacy.”

This article first appear in the December 2014-February 2015 Edition of Crazy Cow in Print.  Click here to check out there Facebook group and watch for their new website soon.

Dairy breeders combine looks, performance


Thierry Jaton’s family looked for the cheapest land possible to buy when they moved from Switzerland to Quebec 34 years ago.

What they found was a dairy farm with an old barn, fields full of stones, old machinery, no artificial insemination or dairy testing program and a barn full of grade cows.

They bought it.

“It was a way to have something,” Jaton said during a tour of his award winning Holstein farm organized by the Canadian Forage and Grasslands Association.

“The only way to have something is to work hard, and we work hard,” he said.

The owners included Jaton’s wife, parents and aunt and uncle. His parents are retired, but his uncle, 66, is still milking cows every day.

The hallway into the barn sports rows of awards, certificates, banners and photographs of the farm’s purebred Holstein herd.

“We love the cows.”

The Jatons milk 110 of their 290 cows. Of those, 17 are rated excellent, 74 very good and 34 good plus. The classification system is based on the animals’ physical conformation compared to breed ideals. The classification program helps producers make breeding and marketing decisions.

Jaton juggles good milking and breed characteristics in his cow herd with cows that do well on the show circuit. Cattle are shown at local and provincial fairs, and a strong contender will travel to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto to show off the Holstein herd.

“We like a show-type cow,” he said.

The cows’ tails are washed and trimmed weekly to help reduce man-ure buildup and keep them ready for show or the continual stream of buyers and visitors to the farm. They are washed and clipped once a month.

Jaton always has a curry comb on hand for brushing and scratching the cows.

“We like to keep them clean.”

The cows are tied in a long line of tie stalls. It takes slightly less than two hours to milk the cows twice a day using eight milking units at a time. The workers kneel beside each cow to hook up the machines to the cows and then plug the hoses into a pipeline beside the cows’ heads.

The family does the milking with the help of one employee, but without a massive investment to upgrade equipment, they don’t know what will happen in the future.

“I don’t know what will be the next step, but at the moment everyone is healthy.”

The cows are fed one-third corn silage and two-thirds alfalfa.

The hay is fed in the morning, and a machine dumps the rest of the feed in front of the cows four times a day. The machine can adjust the amount of ration each cow receives.

Heifer and cow sales are key to the farm’s profitability. Jaton will sell 40 to 55 cows to other dairy producers this year, mainly in Quebec.

“We have too many heifers,” he said.

Most of the heifers are sold just after their first or second calf.

Good cows sell for about $3,000 with top-end cows fetching $10,000 to $15,000 each.

Jaton tries to avoid selling embryos because of the quickly changing trends in embryo selection. He flushes embryos from his top performing cows and implants them in the bottom 40 percent of his cow herd.

He is increasingly using genomics as a tool but doesn’t rely only on the genetic selection of traits for breeding or picking his cattle.

“It’s a good tool. For the moment, if you want to be in the market you have to use genomics,” he said.

Producing good quality hay is important for the farm, which uses hay as a large portion of its dairy ration. The 1,000-acre farm grows wheat, corn and soybeans, plus corn for silage.

Excess hay is sold into the lucrative U.S. horse market.

Source: The Western Producer

“Breeding for Efficient Production and a Healthy Herd” with Greg Andersen from Seagull Bay – 2014 Holstein USA Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder

There isn’t anything much better than being recognized by your peers for being outstanding in your chosen field. Just this past June at the Holstein Association USA’s Annual Convention, Greg Andersen was awarded the 2014 Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder Award. Greg, manager and one of the owners of Seagull Bay Dairy, American Falls, Idaho, would be the first to acknowledge the tremendous support he receives from his family as he carries on the family tradition of breeding outstanding Holsteins. (For more on Seagull Bay Dairy and the Andersen Family read Charting the Right Course at Seagull Bay Dairy AMMON-PEACHEY SHAUNA – 2012 Golden Dam Finalist and JOHN ANDERSEN – COMMERCIAL and PEDIGREE – Building a Field of Dreams) The Bullvine decided to dig deeper and find out more about how Greg sees breeding Holsteins in the future. We are confident that you will find Greg’s thoughts interesting.

A Strong Base – Holstein and Family

Seagull Bay Dairy, established in 1980 by Greg’s parents Alan and Norma, has a reputation for using genetics and management to grow their herd and breeding stock sales.  Seagull Bay (Read more Charting the Right Course at Seagull Bay Dairy) has been awarded both Progressive Breeders Registry and Progressive Genetic Herd awards on numerous occasions. College educated, Brigham Young in Animal Science and Business, Greg became the manager at Seagull Bay in 2006 and has moved the herd ahead rapidly to the point that only very highly rate bulls are used and breed leading heifers are the focus for producing embryos for sale and the herd’s next generations.

greg-andersen and family

The first family for Greg is his wife Gwen and their five children Lydia, Wyatt, Amy, Dallin and Corbin all showing great interest in their education, community (church, 4H and service groups), farm and Holsteins.  Greg has three brothers involved in the dairy industry. Ben operates the 1600 cow commercial milking herd which includes both crossbreeding and females used as ET recipients. John manages Double A Dairy and with his family, owns Triple Crown Genetics (Read more: JOHN ANDERSEN – COMMERCIAL and PEDIGREE – Building a Field of Dreams). And Brandon, manager for the Double A Dairy calf ranch, also breeds Holsteins under the Andercrest prefix. No doubt when Alan and Norma’s family hold a celebration, discussion on how to return the most profit from dairying could be lively.

“Efficient production from a healthy herd” is the Seagull Bay Slogan

Greg expands upon the above slogan as follows “I believe that cows with moderate stature but adequate width and strength and the ability to produce high total pounds of protein will be desirable and profitable for dairy businesses throughout the world for many generations. Calving ability, udder quality and fertility will, of course, also be imperative. The modern Holstein, as well as the cow of the future, will need to be able to produce large quantities of milk solids while still maintaining healthy body condition.” Seagull Bay, like many many other herds, sells their milk for cheese processing and so their farm gate price is very dependent upon the pounds of protein shipped. As a result, PTA’s for protein is important for the males and females they include in their breeding program.

Seagull Bay’s slogan and emphasis on fitness traits comes from experience.  Popular A.I. plus proven sires used 10+ years ago left them very disappointed. Greg describes is as follows – “Those kind of sires perpetuated a long list of health and utility issues that have taken several generations to begin to correct.” Greg expands on Seagull Bay’s success on breeding for fitness and utility – “through breeding and selection we now have a core group of elite Holsteins that possess the traits that we highly value.” The July 2014 herd production average at Seagull Bay and Andersen Dairy was 85 pounds of 3.9% fat and 3.2% protein milk. That is 6 pounds of fat + protein per cow per day. The goal is to do that every day of the year. For Bullvine articles on breeders that share Greg’s approach read about North Florida Holsteins (Read more: NORTH FLORIDA HOLSTEINS. Aggressive, Progressive and Profitable!!) and Rosy-Lane Holsteins (Read more: ROSY-LANE HOLSTEINS – “Don’t Follow the Herd!”)

Seagull Bay Works to High Genomic Standards

Simply stated the history of Seagull Bay has been to purchase high genetic females and develop families around them. Two cows that come quickly to mind are Lynmead Celsius Minnow and Ammon-Peachy Shauna. Both families have produced outstanding daughters and sons. Combining both these families resulted in the popular and highly ranked sire, Seagull Bay Supersire.

Shauna in the front pasture at Seagullbay this past spring. 5 years old. Due again this winter.

Shauna in the front pasture at Seagullbay this past spring. 5 years old. Due again this winter.

Over the past six months Greg has used seventeen sires, all genomic rated, in his ET program. Three are Seagull Bay bred – Supersire, Silver and Secretariat. Six are Mogul and five of his sons. One is the breed leading gTPI polled sire, Powerball-P, and the remainder are leading sons of other high genomic sires.  The averages for these seventeen sires are very high and are sure to help keep Seagull Bay as a prominent name in Holsteins. Note the very high CM$ average. Seagull-Bay Silver tops the group with 2621 gTPI and 3.28 PTAT.  Uecker Supersire Jospuer is highest for fat + protein at 211 pounds. And MR Mogul Delta 1427 is highest for CM$ at 1115.

Table 1 – Recent Seagull Bay Service Sires

Averages (17x) 2490 895 967 90 70 2.57

At the present time, all the Seagull Bay donors are heifers. Their impressive averages are listed below. The leading lady of this group EDG Hallie Uno Heather with CM$ 935, 7.2 PL, 2.64 SCS and 2.4 DPR. Two of the eight are from the Shauna Family, and one is from Pine-Tree Dorcy Alexa II. So donors used in the past continue to contribute to the current Seagull Bay breeding program. Three of the current eight donors are sired by Uno, two by Supersire, two by Jacey and one by Mogul.

Table 2 – Seagull Bay’s Current Donors (all heifers)

Average (8x) 815 884 5.7 2.65 1.6

Tall Cows Not a Requirement

Greg sums up his sire selection as follows. “I mostly select high NM$ and gTPI sires. However, sires that have similar gTPI and NM$ values can, of course, get to those values in very different ways. In general, I choose sires over 60 pounds PTAP, above 0 for DPR and below 8 SCE. I will often not use a sire that is over 2.5 STA with preference given to sires less than 2.0 STA. The McCutchen sons are often high for STA, so I haven’t used them as mating sires with the exception of using Kingboy one time on one donor.”

Helpful Tools

Like all progressive breeders, Greg is always searching for new information. He shares useful advice: “ is the most user-friendly site available to look up sire information from my experience. The new Enlight program from Holstein USA and Zoetis could also be a helpful tool for analyzing genetic trends in our herd in the future.”

Leading to the Future

It is clear to see why Greg was selected as the 2014 Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder when he provides thoughts such as the ones that follow.

“We hope to continue to be a supplier of good bulls into the AI market for many years to some. We’d like to sell or lease at least 30 young bulls to various AI companies annually. We have four young bulls right now in our hutches with NM$ values between 900 and 1148. Long term I hope that there are many Seagull Bay sires with very good and highly reliable proofs with thousands of daughters throughout the world. I hope that at least one Seagull Bay sire will reach the Millionaire milestone.”

Greg expands on the future. “Genomic and IVF technologies will continue to help accelerate the genetic advancement of dairy breeds. It is true that many of the genomic values are over-estimated, however by-and-large we have seen that genomic predictions are pretty good at identifying which heifers ought to be donors and which heifers ought to be bred AI or used as a recipient. The same is true for males. The high number of males and females tested each month with gTPIs over 2500 does not surprise me nor does it bother me.”

Seagull-bay Shauna Saturn VG-85 VG MS

Seagull-bay Shauna Saturn VG-85 VG MS

At Seagull-Bay, Greg sees great promise for two heifers. “Soon to enter our donor group will be Seagull-Bay Somthngroyal-ET. For me, she is the most exciting heifer we’ve ever had on our farm. Somthngroyal is a Jacey x VG86 Seagull-Bay Shauna Saturn x Shauna with 926 NM$, 1060 CM$, 75 PTAP, 96 PTAF, 2.62 SCS, 2.0 DPR, 5.0 PL, 6.9CE and 2.22 PTAT. Noteworthy as well is a polled Ohare-P daughter from a VG86 Observer x VG Shottle x EX Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage (Granddam of Robust) with gTPI 2306 and 63 PTAP.’

In talking about the future, Greg is a big picture thinker. He provides the following global perspective. “We live in a growing world and we will continue to need to produce more animal protein from a resource base that will grow at a slower pace than the growing demand. There will likely be 9 billion people on this planet by the year 2050. Genetics, biotechnology, animal nutrition, etc. must continue to advance in a way that improves both the quality of our products and the efficiency in which they are produced.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Greg Andersen takes a global approach to breeding and all aspects of dairying and how they will impact feeding our world’s growing population. Without a doubt, it can be said that Greg is a man on a mission to make this a better dairy world. The Bullvine considers Greg to be the type of leader our industry needs.




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One of our favorite Bullvine things to do is to compare the incredible success stories of people in the dairy industry.  From show ring legends to dairy breeding icons, we are inspired by their tenacity, hard work and passion.  When we meet dairy breeders who have managed to excel in breeding for both type and production, it is especially inspiring. Such is the story of Bob and Denise Behnke and Bur-Wall Holsteins of Brooklyn, Wisconsin.

The members of Bur-Wall Holsteins pose with Bur-Wall Buckeye Gigi who was named the 2013 Star of the Breed. The crew is pictured (back row, from left) Lisa Behnke, Taylor Behnke, Roger Behnke, Morgan Behnke, Donna Behnke, Bob Behnke, Denise Behnke, Tori Evert, Tami Behnke, Brian Behnke; (front row, from left) Rebecca Murphy, Al Murphy, Brenda Murphy, Sterling Evert, Keri Evert, Carter Murphy. PHOTO BY RACHEL POMEROY

The members of Bur-Wall Holsteins pose with Bur-Wall Buckeye Gigi who was named the 2013 Star of the Breed. The crew is pictured (back row, from left) Lisa Behnke, Taylor Behnke, Roger Behnke, Morgan Behnke, Donna Behnke, Bob Behnke, Denise Behnke, Tori Evert, Tami Behnke, Brian Behnke; (front row, from left) Rebecca Murphy, Al Murphy, Brenda Murphy, Sterling Evert, Keri Evert, Carter Murphy.

“We Were Inspired After Entering the Show Ring.”

Bob, the youngest of five children of Donna and Wally Behnke looks back on the beginnings of their Holstein story.  “My grandparents had grade Holsteins, but when my oldest brother was old enough to start showing cattle at the local fair, my dad purchased our first registered Holsteins.” That was a defining moment for the Behnke’s “From that point forward, all of us had a tremendous interest in growing our herd.”

“We Focus Primarily on Proven Performance”

Today Bob and his wife Denise have done the practical hard work and careful management that has built Bur-Wall Holsteins’ success. “We milk 60 head of registered Holsteins in a tie-stall barn and also raise 70 head of young stock. We crop 265 acres of corn, soybeans and alfalfa.”  This modest summary doesn’t yet highlight the dairy operation achievements that this dairy has benchmarked.  Bob points out the philosophy that has been their foundation. “We focus on making sound, productive cows from good cow families.  We show and classify, so type is certainly important to us, but it’s more important that our cows be balanced with good front end strength, deep rib, a wide rump, good feet and legs and strong udder attachments.  Cows like this will last for many years.  We also have learned that good cows from good pedigrees will always have interest in the marketplace, so while we do contract and breed to some high-ranking genomic sires, we focus primarily on proven sires with proven performance.” And performance has been outstanding for this hard working committed family.



“Camille is the Definition of What We Are Looking For.”

The Behnke’s, like many passionate dairy breeders, have worked with many favorites, but they point with pride to Rose-Lyn Durham Camille, EX-93 3E.  “Camille just fit what we were looking for:  she classified VG-88 as a 2 year old, grew into a hard-working cow with all records over 30,000 lbs. of milk, and was a cow that would undoubtedly catch visitors’ eyes with her wide front end, walk-uphill frame and wide rear udder.” That beauty would set her apart alright, but Bob then explains what made her truly outstanding. “Perhaps the best thing about Camille was her ability to transmit.  She has Excellent daughters from Shottle, Goldwyn and Jasper, and numerous high-VG daughters from Shottle, Goldwyn, and Stormatic.” Again rising above the crowd but then, even the daughters excel. “Virtually all her daughters have posted records over 30,000 lbs., with some over 40,000, and we are excited to see this type and production being passed along to her granddaughters.”


All-American Sr. 3Yr Old 1999
1St Sr 3Yr Old Madison 1999
Next Dams: EX-94 2E DOM GMD, VG-88 DOM GMD, VG 87 DOM GMD, VG-86, VG-88, VG-87

Choosing Camille’s Sire was Key for Behnke

“Camille’s dam was an EX-93 2E Rudolph from Wilcoxview BC Cami that was a very powerful cow in her own right, but needed a little more youthfulness of udder.  With the Rudolph’s overall strength and width, we felt Durham would be a great mating.”

Rose-Lyn Jasper Corvette EX-90 (2nd calf) Jasper x EX-93 2E Durham x EX-93 2E Rudolph EX-93 Wilcoxview BC Cami x EX-94 2E Roylane Mark Carmen

Rose-Lyn Jasper Corvette EX-90 (2nd calf)
Jasper x EX-93 2E Durham x EX-93 2E Rudolph EX-93 Wilcoxview BC Cami x EX-94 2E Roylane Mark Carmen

Bur-Wall is Always Preparing for the Spotlight

When your plans come to fruition, it can be great in many ways.  Bob talks about how the future is shaping up. “Rose-Lyn Jasper Corvette EX-90 is the Jasper daughter of Durham Camille and is showing as a 4-year-old this year.  Corvette was Res. Senior and Res. Grand Champion of the Junior Show at this year’s Midwest National Spring Show.  She is a silky black cow with a great leg, fantastic udder quality and a high, wide rear udder.  She classified 90 points (2nd calf) just 10 days fresh and is looking to exceed 40,000 lbs. of milk this lactation.” Wow! Seems appropriate here. And then Bob summarizes in understated fashion. “So we are really excited to see what else is in store for this young cow.”

Corvette will have plenty of help in carrying Camille’s legacy. “Two full sisters by Pellerat Moon from an EX-93 2E Shottle from Durham Camille are due to calve early this fall for the first time and are looking exceedingly promising.  These heifers are a result of a contract mating, and both are incredibly balanced and stylish.”

In much the same way that they have excelled at bringing show ring beauty and milk house parlor production together in their own breeding, the Behnke’s seek it out when purchasing cattle as well. “Another young cow we are particularly excited about is a Jr. 2-Year-Old Braxton from a VG Marconi out of an Excellent Goldwyn we purchased from the Hagen family of Milton, WI several years ago.  She’s a bit immature to hit the shavings this year, but the Braxton has tremendous promise, and we plan to breed her back right away to hopefully bring out for next year.”

Finding the Right Bulls for Beauty and Production

“Sires we are using are Armani, Gold Chip, Brokaw, Chipper-P (on our red and red carrier cows) and Shottle.  As I mentioned earlier, we focus are making balanced cows with good type, and these bulls have all the potential to get us the kind of cows we are looking for.  We have also seen numerous calves from each of these sires at local and state shows and they have been particularly impressive.  We are continuing to use Shottle, although he is an “aging” bull because, with the amount of Durham and Goldwyn in our herd, he makes for an excellent cross.”

Bur-Wall Buckeye Gigi EX-94 2E 2013 Star of the Breed

Bur-Wall Buckeye Gigi EX-94 2E
2013 Star of the Breed

Star of the Breed Award Spotlights Bur-Wall Holsteins

Receiving the 2013 Star of the Breed Award has been a pretty neat experience. “It came completely out of the blue, and we were absolutely surprised and honored.  We knew Gigi was a special cow, since she has had a successful show campaign over the last few years, but we never anticipated how special she would become!”

Continuing to Raise the Bur-Wall Profile

“My father, Wallace, has been by far my biggest influencer. He always demanded the very best from us, something which has helped shape our farm and our family.  His passion for the Holstein cow and his extensive involvement in the industry has also been instilled in myself and the rest of my siblings, and we plan to pass on this passion to the next generation.

“Just this year, we started a farm Facebook page to provide instant updates on the day to day activities, show happenings, classifications, etc.  It’s also an excellent way to connect with other breeders and to create awareness of what we have on the farm.” Bob and Denise are happy to see that awareness paying off and they are continuing to grow. “With the success of our cows at Spring Show and the Wisconsin State Show and having been honored to receive the Star of the Breed Award for Bur-Wall Buckeye Gigi EX-94 2E, we will be doing a bit more advertising at the national and international level to promote our genetics.”

Always Moving Ahead

The Behnkes are looking forward to seeing how dairy farming will change with the use of more and more technology whether it’s on the breeding side of things or in terms of equipment, software, etc.

The use of genomics has probably been the biggest change I’ve seen in my lifetime” reports Bob. “Its great information to have on both male and female animals, and it’s exciting to see how breeding animals will evolve as we learn more about genomics. I think we will certainly see more and more from genomics to the point where genomics may be able to approach the reliability of daughter-proven information. That would give us, the breeders, a way to better our herds at a faster interval.” As he specifically looks at genomics and Bur-Wall, he says “It has affected us to the extent that I now know more about the bulls I am using in my herd.  I also may be a little more apt to use a “young sire” if he has genomic information available.  However, my personal opinion is that the “gold standard” is still daughter-proven sires. Genomics are a great tool, and that tool needs to be used wisely.”

The Bur-Wall Action Plan

So often we admire the successful examples we see in the dairy business, but overlook that one thing that they do so well.  They take action. All kinds from the biggest to the smallest. But they are always in motion. Bob says it best. ““Know what you want and go for it, whether it’s in the show ring, in merchandising, in the milk cooler or all of the above. And never be afraid to ask for advice or help…that’s often the best way to build connections in the dairy industry, connections that will help you succeed as your business grows.” Following in and enlarging the footsteps of the family they have learned from and enjoy working with, Bob and Denise are an exceptional team. They will undoubtedly leave clear signposts not only for their own young family but for others who are passionate about dairying.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Bur-Wall Holsteins demonstrates the exceptional management, breeding, selection and understanding of the hard work and detail that is required to achieve goals. This is what sets them apart among those unique dairy operations that target and achieve both type and production.   We wish Bob and Denise well as they continue to pursue their passion at Bur-Wall Holsteins.




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Zahbulls Holsteins Takes First Class Genetics all the Way!

Matt Zabel says, “Genomics has had a huge impact on our breeding program at Zahbulls Holsteins” He acknowledges that he may have had a more open mind than some who experienced the dramatic impact of this new tool. “With my commercial herd background, genomics may have been easier for me to adjust to.”   Matt farms with his wife, Emily, and his parents, Tim and Tammie in Plainview, Minnesota. He sums up his viewpoint, “Genomics has changed the industry tremendously!” Dairy people worldwide would agree with that assessment, as many AI organizations now report well over half their semen sales are from genomic bulls.


Matt and Emily Zabel with their children, Ruby and Heston.

Megan Zabel Holmes, Dan Holmes, and Tim Zabel

Megan Zabel Holmes, Dan Holmes, and Tim Zabel

The Genomics Debate is Ongoing but Zahbull Holsteins are About Growing

After attending UW-Madison Farm and Industry Short Course, Matt became interested in Registered Holsteins. He describes where the family farm is today. “We milk 195 cows 3 times a day in a double 5 parabone parlor. The cows are housed in sand bedded freestalls. We have 180 youngstock and farm 530 acres of corn and alfalfa.” Tim is the crop manager, while Matt manages the dairy operation. Emily is responsible for calves, social media and website. 

Zabel has a “Get Real” Breeding Philosophy

You never find a successful farmer who doesn’t have a clearly defined breeding philosophy.  For Matt Zabel that means “Practical, breeding for medium sized cows, functional type with the will to milk.” He has a very clear goal in mind. “I strive for real cows competing in real environments.”

Zahbulls Dorcy Glamour GP-83 Dam of Zahbulls Alta 1st Class GTPI 2611 Dam of Zahbulls Halogen Giant GTPI 2574 Daughters: Zahbulls SS Genova-ET GTPI 2322 Zahbulls SS Gentry-ET GTPI 2230 Zahbulls Lexor Glad-ET GTPI 2301

Zahbulls Dorcy Glamour GP-83
Dam of Zahbulls Alta 1st Class GTPI 2611
Dam of Zahbulls Halogen Giant GTPI 2574
Zahbulls SS Genova-ET GTPI 2322
Zahbulls SS Gentry-ET GTPI 2230
Zahbulls Lexor Glad-ET GTPI 2301

All that Glitters is Genomics

When it comes to breeding success, Matt enthusiastically relates the story of his favorite achievement – Johnan Toystory Glitter. “I always had an interest in her dam Johcar Rudolph Ginger. At the time, Toystory was a mating sire that I was using and had interest in. Genomics were gaining popularity and I heard a few members of her family were genomically testing well. We tested Glitter and she went up over 300 TPI points. Her offspring went on to produce some of the highest genomically tested bulls in the world, including Alta 1st Class.”


Johnan Toystory Glitter EX-90
2-04 2 305 23400 95 4.1 956 3.0 711 95
4-00 2 305 29220 95 3.5 1025 3.0 887 95
2nd dam of Alta1stClass

In a (1st) Class By Himself

Alta 1st Class (Uno x Dorcy x Toystory) not only has a rather unique name but he excels in many important categories.  He debuted at #3 gTPI (2597) genomic sire of August 2013’ with high values for Udder Composite, pTAT, PL, SCS, DPR, and CM$ and now stands at +2598 gTPI. Seldom do breeders see a bull that has at or near +5.00 for udder attachments and udder depth.

Zahbulls Alta1stCLASS-ET Numero Uno x Dorcy BY x Toystory

Zahbulls Alta1stCLASS-ET
Numero Uno x Dorcy BY x Toystory

And the Zahbull List Goes On

Building on their success, the bulls bred by Zahbull Holsteins continues to grow:

  • Zahbulls Flame Gogebic (gTPI +2625, Vieuxsaule Flame x Zahbulls Ss Genova x Zahbulls Dorcy Glamour-ET GP-83)
  • Zahbulls Halogen Giant (gTPI +2570, Cookiecutter Petron Halogen x  Zahbulls Dorcy Glamour-ET GP-83)
  • Zahbulls Greenway Gump (gTPI +2484, De-Su Mgl Greenway 11396-ET x Zahbulls Ss Genova x Zahbulls Dorcy Glamour-ET GP-83)
  • Zahbulls Mccutchen Gil-ET  (gTPI +2419, De-Su Bkm Mccutchen 1174 x Zahbulls Dorcy Glamour-ET GP-83)
  • Zahbulls Racer Gibson (gTPI +2415, Clear-Echo Lexor Racer-ET x Zahbulls Dorcy Glamour-ET GP-83)
Zahbulls SS Genova-ET  Dam of #1 bull in the world! Zahbulls Flame Gogebic GTPI 2654

Zahbulls SS Genova-ET
Dam of #1 bull in the world! Zahbulls Flame Gogebic GTPI 2654

Zahbulls Holsteins Welcomes Variety

Matt keeps the options open when developing his breeding lines. His current list includes:

Zahbulls Uno Emily, Zahbulls O-Style Chilli, No-Fla Paradise 33729, Zahbulls Lexor Glad, Zahbulls SuperSire Genova and Zahbulls Ransom Edina. He explains the reasoning behind these choices. “I’ve been working with these because they all have something different to bring to the table.” On the bull side Matt names nine of his sire picks: “Alta 1st Class, Yoder, Pure, Delta, Mega Sire, JoSuper, Tango, Mr. Mud and Impression”. The unifying ingredient to all these animals is that they have high gTPI indexes even though they are from a number of different bloodlines, each with unique breed topping indexes.

Sapa Ska Toystory Courtney EX 92 Dam of Zahbulls O-Style Chili and A Iota son Zahbulls Iota Cashew

Sapa Ska Toystory Courtney EX 92
Dam of Zahbulls O-Style Chili +2222 GTPI
and A Iota son Zahbulls Iota Cashew

Keeping Up With Zahbulls Means All the Right Moves

It isn’t enough to have the right strategy, the right genetics and the right records.  Matt knows it doesn’t work unless the message gets out. To maintain a steady flow of information, Zabels have a multi-point strategy here too. “We keep potential buyers and other people interested in our genetics and up-to-date on what we’re doing by using our website, , social media , advertising , participating in various consignment sales and taking part in interviews.”  

“Never let genetics take a back seat”

Matt is proud of the mentorship provided by his father. “I admire my Dad because he never let genetics take a back seat.” Matt reiterates that family breeding philosophy over and over. “Dad bestowed in me the importance of always using quality genetics in a commercial herd.” Ultimately that shared vision contributed to changes at Zahbulls Holsteins. “He supported me 100% in my interest for pursuing registered Holsteins.” Zahbulls Holsteins has excelled in operating a commercial herd and have also achieved outstanding results in breeding registered Holsteins. This means a lot to Matt. “Breeding Alta 1st Class has been my greatest accomplishment so far. I am so proud that my research, dedication and hard work produced one of the highest genomic bulls in the world.” 

Johcar Rudolph Ginger-ET EX-94 3E GMD DOM 3rd dam of Alta1stClass

Johcar Rudolph Ginger-ET EX-94 3E GMD DOM
3rd dam of Alta1stClass

A Positive Outlook on the Future

Matt is proud of the family farming tradition that goes back to his great grandfather Reuben and is enjoyed by his family today. He has a positive attitude. “I see that there will be constant new technologies introduced that will make it possible to be efficient and keep your margins from thinning.”  For those just starting out to build success in the registered Holstein business, he urges them to be proactive. “Accept that you will make mistakes. Don’t be afraid. If you have a question ask it.  Call people you know that have done well.  Make sure that you do your research before buying into a cow family.” That’s sound advice from Matt who looks forward to whatever challenges may arise in the dairy breeding industry and has confidence that they will be met and overcome. 

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Congratulations to Matt Zabel and Zahbulls Holsteins for achieving a distinctive place among their dairy breeding peers! They are setting the bar high with dairy breeding that covers the full spectrum from ‘Commercial Excellence to Genomic Giants!’




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JOHN ANDERSEN – COMMERCIAL and PEDIGREE – Building a Field of Dreams

We all know the old saying, “East is east and West is west and never the twain shall meet”.  The dairy business has traditionally seen irreconcilable differences in the areas of commercial dairy vs. registered dairy; corporate farms vs. family farms; genomics vs. proven; corporate owners vs. family ownership; employee goals vs. owner strategies.  Of course, it’s the exceptions to the rule that show us how to push the envelope and create new successes in an industry that is under constant pressure to be profitable and sustainable. John Andersen brings many of these disparities together in his passion for dairying and in doing so is building a playing field most dairy breeders can only dream of.

John & Caroline Andersen Family

John & Caroline Andersen Family

Taking Care of Business

Some might see it as trying to keep too many balls in the air at once or a tricky balancing act but for John it is neither.  He sees running a thriving commercial herd and breeding elite genetics as two sides of the same dairy business coin. As Manager at Double A Dairy in Jerome, Idaho he is more than comfortable with a two pronged approach. “I do believe that it is possible to have the best of both worlds and this is what we are trying to accomplish.” John feels the key to success for both visions is still built on the same firm foundation. “Have a passion for whatever it is that you choose to do.  Do something that you look forward to getting up in the morning and going to work.”

Double A Dairy

Double A Dairy

Genomics Is the Game Changer

The Double A Dairy in Jerome Idaho is owned by the Aardema family, and John Andersen is the manager.  The 13000 cow Double A Dairy is recognized as one of the largest users of genomic tests on a commercial scale “Genomics has changed the game and whether you like it or not, I believe it is here to stay and will continue to become more reliable.” says John Andersen who, with his team runs genomic tests to sort out high and lower end genetics. “It is not the end all say all, but it is an important tool that gives us additional information to make decisions in our day to day business.”

Lifelong Learning and Earning In the Dairy Industry

Although the ready acceptance of genomics as a tool for a commercial dairy may seem somewhat unexpected, it’s not out of line with John’s dairy background. “I grew up on Seagull Bay Dairy (500 cows), our family dairy operation located in American Falls, Idaho.  I went to college at BYU (Brigham Young University) in Provo where I got my degree in Ag Business and a minor in Business.  While at college, I worked as a herdsman at the University’s 600 cow dairy where I helped manage the breeding and Embryo Transfer program.  We worked with a good number of high index cows and sold a fair number of bulls to stud from the University herd.  After my Junior year of college, I spent a full summer in the central valley of California working as an intern with Monsanto.  It gave me the opportunity to spend time on a number of different large dairies.  After graduation, I returned home to manage Seagull Bay beginning in January of 2000.” It was an enjoyable way to develop a career and John was evidently gathering invaluable experience.  (Read more: Charting the Right Course at Seagull Bay Dairy)

DOUBLE A DAIRY.  Specialized and Organized

John explains how things changed in 2005. “After spending five years at Seagull Bay, I took the opportunity to work with the Aardema Group in Jerome, Idaho.  We milk a total of 26,000 cows on six different facilities.  More than half of the cows are milked at Double A dairy (14,000 Holsteins) and the remainder of the dairies milk Jerseys.  70% of the cows at Double A are housed in freestall barns while the other 30% are housed in open lots with shades.  Double A has four Double 50 parallel milk parlors.  We also have a centralized calving facility dedicated to caring for dry and close-up cows and heifers.  All heifer calves are kept and raised at our calf ranch up to six months of age and then sent to our heifer feed lot where they are housed up to a month before calving when they are send back to the calving facility.”

Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage-ET EX-90 EX 93 MS GMD DOM Mirage has 1 EX and 26 VG daughters Granddam of Roylane Socra Robust #2 NM proven sire

Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage-ET EX-90 EX 93 MS GMD DOM
Mirage has 1 EX and 26 VG daughters
Granddam of Roylane Socra Robust #2 NM proven sire

MIRAGE and MIRROR.  Reflections on Building Breeding Success

Over time, breeding cattle provides its own reward system since your successes meet you (or not) in the milkhouse every day.  John Andersen looks at two who rose to the top of his list. “After returning home from college to manage Seagull Bay, I had the opportunity to breed Seagull-Bay Manat Mirage-ET and her daughter Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror-ET.  Mirage was flushed to Oman as a two yr old.  She was a medium sized cow with an excellent mammary and great feet and legs.  High production was a strength of the Minnow family.  Oman brought many of the health traits and calving ease that the breed was desperate for at the time and so it seemed like a logical mating. Mirror was purchased by Roylane in our 2005 sale and went on to have as big an impact in the genomic era as any cow I can think of through daughters, granddaughters, and great granddaughters that have topped the CTPI cow lists and GTPI heifers lists.” And John sees that this family will make more contributions in the future. “Mirror’s son Robust and grandson SuperSire will continue to influence the breed for years to come.  Last year, I had the opportunity to purchase Mirror back from Roylane, and she is now housed at Double A.  Even at nearly ten Yrs old, she continues to make high testing offspring.  She recently had a Deductive bull go to Semex who is +2403 GTPI, and she just had a daughter, Triplecrown Alright 756, sired by Alright come back at +2537 GTPI +868 NM  80F 64P.  Mirror also has a granddaughter in the Double A herd sired by Niagra and out of the EX full sister to Robust that is EX-92 as a 3 yr old and was the 1st place Sr. 3 at the Utah State show and 3rd place Sr. 3 at the Western Spring National.”

Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror  VG-86 DOM

Seagull-Bay Oman Mirror VG-86 DOM
Dam of Roylane Socra Robust


It is obvious that John Andersen enjoys the challenges inherent in running a large commercial operation and encourages others to take the same opportunity. “There is plenty of demand in the dairy industry for leaders with good work ethics and common sense.”  The triple talents of ethics, common sense and passion have served John Andersen well for several decades to this day and in 2005 he further rounded out his dairy breeding vision. “Triple Crown Genetics came about when I left Seagull Bay in 2005, I wanted to stay involved in the registered cattle and genetics side of the business and continue to work with elite genetics.  Triple Crown Genetics was formed in September of 2005 as a partnership between myself, Seagull Bay, and Jordan Leak.  In 2010, I took over 100% ownership of Triple Crown and all cattle that I own are registered under the Triplecrown prefix.”

COWS AND BULLS.  The Highlights.

There have been special cows to highlight John’s breeding journey.

Triplecrown Uno 602-ET

Triplecrown Uno 602-ET
Numero Uno x T-C-G Jeeves Milley-ET EX-90 x Seagull-Bay Lauden Megan-ET VG-87
+2428 GTPI, +88 Fat +32 Protein +2.53 PTAT


Numero Uno x Ammon-Peachey Shauna-ET VG-87
+2390 GPTI +1187 Milk +3.08 PTAT

  • TRIPLECROWN JACEY 556-ET (Jacey x Jeeves x Laudan back to Minnow family)
  • SEAGULL-BAY MOGUL 1723-ET (Mogul x Observer x Shottle x Toystory x Oman Mirna)
  • AARDEMA FREDDIE 1994-ET (#1 Freddie in the breed at +2414 GTPI)

The Genomic Bull Story at Double A

“I started using high genomic bulls at about 40-50% of our usage as soon as they were made available and was at 99% within about two years.”  I will occasionally go back and use a proven bull that I missed as a genomic bull if I really like him.  Massey was an example of this.  Freddie has been one of my favorite bulls that I have used in the past five years and am excited about the Robusts that we are now milking as well as the Moguls that are starting to freshen now. We currently genomic test the top 25% of our heifers each month based on parent average (about 150 head/month).

We then select a few elite females each month that will enter our IVF and flush program based on genomic results.  We do OPU on farm every Monday with 10-12 Holstein and Jersey donors.  All collection and transfers are done in-house, and we ship Oocytes to a lab for fertilization.  We are considering to start genomic testing all new females in the next couple months.

 “I feel that we will make faster genetic improvement by using groups of high genomic bulls than we would by using only high proven sires, although if someone isn’t comfortable using the genomic bulls, there is nothing wrong with using good proven sires.” There is not any one trait that will keep a bull off of the list if he is good enough in other areas.  Traits I look at closely that I am trying to maintain or improve in the herd:  Milk, # Protein, PL, DPR, SCS, CE, UDC, FLC and Stature.  I try to have different sire stacks among the group of bulls we are using.”

Sires being used on the herd currently:  Troy, Stoic, Emerald, Speaker, Pure, El Bombero, SuperSire, Yoder, Jacey, Tango, Deductive. Current IVF mating sires:  Troy, Pure, Yoder, Silver, Delta, JoSuper, Desired, Powerball, AltaSpring. John takes a look further back in the breeding program. “A few of the bulls that have had a big impact on our herd pre-genomic era were Oman, Die Hard, Boliver, and Shottle to name a few.”


I like the fact that the breed is putting more emphasis on production in the TPI formula, but would prefer that some of the emphasis were taken away from PTAT rather than some of the health traits.  The main problem I have with PTAT is that I feel it is too heavily correlated with stature.  Stature is a trait that continues to increase at an increasing rate within the Holstein breed, and I think it is a must that we slow it down considerably.

“My concern is that too many of the top gTPI bulls right now are over 3 pts on stature and to me this is a red flag.” 

“I have always said that there is no right or wrong way to breed cows, but you need to have an end goal in mind.” 

Quite often you get the best understanding of what motivates a particular dairy breeder, by tuning in on the advice they give others.  John Andersen has a well-thought out guidance to share. “If you want to market bulls, heifers, or embryos, it is important to remember what the market is demanding.  My opinion is that the bull market is what drives the registered genetics market, and the producers that are purchasing the majority of the semen are driving the bull market.” Further emphasizing the need for keeping the end goal in mind, John refers to his passion for the show ring. “We like to show as a family”, so on occasion I will make a mating with the goal of making a show winner.  Some of those sires that I use with the show mating in mind are bulls that I would never use in my commercial herd.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

“Technology has continued to advance at a rapid rate and it has changed the way we dairy and breed cattle.”  Having said that, John doesn’t feel that it is time for anyone to rest on their dairy laurels.  “We need to continue to help make improvements to the Holstein cow so that she is the cow that dairymen feel is the most profitable to milk.” Thank you John Andersen and congratulations to Double A Dairy and Triple Crown Genetics for the fine examples of doing exactly that!

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Prestons Selected as MMPA’s Outstanding Young Dairy Cooperators

Brian and Carrie Preston of Quincy, Mich., were selected as the state winning 2014 Michigan Milk Producers Association (MMPA) Outstanding Young Dairy Cooperators (OYDC). They represented MMPA’s District 1 and the Hillsdale-Litchfield Local at the annual OYDC Conference held August 14-15. The Prestons were selected to participate in the program earlier this year by fellow dairy farmers in their district.

 Prestons pixt

Brian and Carrie farm with Brian’s father, uncles and cousin. They manage a herd of 700 cows and farm 920 acres. Brian has served as chair and vice-chair of MMPA District 1 and has been a MMPA delegate for five years. He’s a member of the Michigan Dairy Market Program Committee, a church deacon and is active in Farm Bureau. Carrie is FFA advisor for the Branch Area Career Center, serves as co-coordinator for Branch County Project RED and sits on the Michigan Draft Horse Breeders Association Scholarship Committee.

As the state winning cooperators, Brian and Carrie will represent MMPA at various industry and association activities. Ken and Kristen Sparks or Cassopolis, Mich., were selected as the runner-up cooperators. Selection of the OYDC is based on the applicant’s farming operations, farm-related and community activities and demonstrated leadership abilities.

The state OYDC Conference, held at MMPA headquarters in Novi, Mich., provides participants with information about milk marketing activities, cooperatives, milk testing procedures and other current events within the dairy industry. The program has been held annually the past 64 years.

“The OYDC program identifies outstanding young leaders in our organization and provides an opportunity for them to gain a greater understanding of milk marketing activities and MMPA,” says Ken Nobis, MMPA president.

All the MMPA District OYDCs will be officially recognized at MMPA’s 2015 Annual Meeting to be held next March in Lansing.

MMPA is a member-owned and operated cooperative serving approximately 2,000 dairy farmers throughout Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana.

Mario Perreault – Leading From the Holstein Heart

We have all heard the buzzwords that claim to be the answer to moving the dairy industry forward: cow sense; walk-the-talk; strategic marketer; team player.  There is nothing inherently wrong with any of these descriptions. In fact, Holstein Canada President Mario Perreault embodies all of these, but he goes beyond labels to another level altogether. Mario recognizes that dairy industry growth is not simply the external label that we give Holstein breeders … or even Holstein cattle … it goes much deeper than that.

Holstein Breeders with a Common Goal

Although his experience with cows brought him to this role, it is his passion for the people of dairy breeding that excites this dairy industry leader. “I made a clear statement in my first editorial of the Info Holstein: I will focus on teamwork – with our Board members, with our very qualified staff and with our industry partners. The reason is simple: the more goals we have in common, the more benefits our members will receive.” Mario believes passionately in Canadian Holsteins.


Holstein Canada’s Ambassador Walks the Talk

As is often seen in the dairy industry, passion is the foundation for successful dairy operations. This is certainly the case for the current President of Holstein Canada who is a successful dairy farmer from Quebec (Read more: Vieux Saule Holstein: Rooted in family Values). It has been seven years since Mario was elected to the Board of Holstein Canada. With the support of his wife Linda, he has not only become fluently bi-lingual but he also speaks the language of passionate dairymen everywhere and is an enthusiastic and approachable ambassador for Canadian Holsteins.  This owner operator of Ferme du Vieux Saule in the Lanaudiere region enjoys sharing his personal experience of the potential of the Canadian dairy breeding industry and is always excited to attend shows, visit farms and work with people who share his enthusiasm for Holstein cattle.

Vieux Saule Allen Dragonfly Ex 94 2E
14* NOM. ALL-CANADIAN 4-H JR.1-YR 2003
2 Superior Lactations
Nominated Holstein Canada Cow of the Year 2013

Supporting and Listening to the Next Generation of Holstein Leadership

There are many challenges in attracting the next generation into the dairy business and doing so is high on Mario’s and Holstein Canada’s priority list. “The younger generation is very important to Holstein Canada – after all, they are our future!” He outlines how Holstein Canada is taking action to support that priority. “Our Young Leaders program has been enhanced to support, motivate and train tomorrow’s leaders, in collaboration with our Industry Partners. Our activities range from scholarships, domestic and foreign exchanges (6 young Canadians will represent us the European Breeding School this fall), to a Young Leader program at our annual convention, and supporting youth in our Branches and at the Royal.” Mario and the Holstein Board are always looking for new and creative ways to support the next generation. “We are working on other new things such as a Leadership Convention similar to the Young Dairy Leaders Institute (YDLI) held in the United States.” Holstein Canada is committed to bringing finding new opportunities that build on experience and enthusiasm. “Projects are endless as we get our ideas directly from our youth.” The entire association benefits from that kind of commitment to and connection with the next generation.

Mario and wife Lynda as well as son Jimmy Perreault operate a 200 acre family farm in Saint-Esprit, in the Lanaudière region of Quebec.  Pictured here is son Jimmy as well as his son.

Mario and wife Lynda as well as son Jimmy Perreault operate a 200 acre family farm in Saint-Esprit, in the Lanaudière region of Quebec. Pictured here is son Jimmy as well as Mario’s grandson.

Holstein Canada is Pulling down Barriers and Losing the Labels

Less focus on internal differences and more focus on profitability for the breed.Squabbling is counterproductive agrees President Perreault,who is happy to see changes in how breeders see their peers. “Labels such as ‘commercial’ and ‘breeder’ are not used by Holstein Canada – all producers strive for increased profitability, and the source of income is first and foremost the milk cheque! Each farm is diverse and takes a different road to reach this goal but the goal remains the same!”

Mario Perreault  with his first official signed registration as Holstein Canada President.

Mario Perreault with his first official signed registration as Holstein Canada President.

HOLSTEIN CANADA VISION: Creating a Competitive Advantage Beyond Registration

Mario appreciates that interesting ideas come from many sources, including those who occasionally ruffle feathers.  He embraces the fact that in our common goal is a sustainable industry.  “To this end, Holstein Canada’s services are tools to support increased profitability. We are talking more in terms of economics and added value – for example genotyping heifers is to decide which ones to breed, while classification is an indispensable herd management tool: cows with good conformation last longer, etc.” With characteristic enthusiasm, he looks forward to great things. “Holstein Canada will  soon unveil the results of a study completed by a third party, revealing the financial benefits of our services – expect great things this fall.

Educate the Breeder.  Elevate the Breed. “Registration. Education. Elevation”

President Perreault is committed to making sure that Holstein Canada Members are up to date on advances in the dairy breeding industry. “We know we must better inform and educate our members – it is always the key to success when introducing something new on the market.  We must especially deal with misinformation or misinterpretation.” In particular Mario is gratified regarding the uptake of genomics. “The use of genomics increases each year – we had 20% more genomic tests in the first six months of 2014, as compared to last year.” He reports on steps taken to keep this trend growing. “Holstein Canada has hired Extension and Education staff, to better inform our members on the value of using this new tool in the future. I believe the percentage will gradually climb each year, so my forecast for 2016 would be approximately a 20 – 25 % increase. The more we learn about properly using genomics, the more important this tool will become for all milk producers.” Mario balances his optimism with a definitive statement that genomics is not the only answer to advancing the Holstein breed. “We cannot repeat it enough – Genomics is a tool to be used in conjunction with other important factors: classification and cow families.”

Holstein Canada Classification and Field Service Team

Holstein Canada Classification and Field Service Team

Classification Provides Added Value

Change is the only constant in the dairy industry marketplace.  Holstein Canada has to adapt to new goals of Holstein members and the dairy marketplace. “We have changed our approach in these changing times. People no longer just want to talk about four generations of VG or EX – they want to see the added value of our functional Holstein cow.”  Mario acknowledges that other industry partners are also addressing these changes. “Our AI Partners still support their clients (beyond paying for bull daughter classifications) and some are simply doing it in other ways, such as price discounts.”  He sees an important role for the breed association. “It is up to Holstein Canada to promote the economic value and return on investment of classification – it is a Herd Management tool, first and foremost.” He is proud of ongoing and future plans in this area. “The goal remains the same: to promote a well-balanced Canadian Holstein cow that produces a lot of milk for many years, all while improving its health traits. Our very devoted classification team is doing this every day – and stay tuned this fall for more on this level.”

Holstein Canada Board of Directors (back row, l-r): Robert Chabot (QC); Doug Peart (ON); Gilles Côté (QC), Ron Sleeth (ON); Gerald Schipper (ON); Harry Van Der Linden (Atlantic provinces); Ron Boerchers (SK & MB); and Orville Schmidt (AB). (front row, l-r): John Buckley (ON)- Vice President; Mario Perreault (QC)- President, Richard Bosma (BC); and Elyse Gendron (QC).

Holstein Canada Board of Directors
(back row, l-r): Robert Chabot (QC); Doug Peart (ON); Gilles Côté (QC), Ron Sleeth (ON); Gerald Schipper (ON); Harry Van Der Linden (Atlantic provinces); Ron Boerchers (SK & MB); and Orville Schmidt (AB).
(front row, l-r): John Buckley (ON)- Vice President; Mario Perreault (QC)- President, Richard Bosma (BC); and Elyse Gendron (QC).

The Future of Holstein Cattle Data Capture Changing with the Times

The Canadian dairy cattle improvement industry has a very progressive approach to making animal information universally available. With automated animal data capture increasing at a rapid rate and less third party verification, The Bullvine put forth this idea to the Holstein Canada President. “Do you see it possible that information from automated systems will be used by the Association and made available on the Association website?” Mario responded with characteristic passion regarding the potential in this area. “This is an excellent question!  I also have the opportunity of sitting on the CDN Board, and we have formed a committee to study this issue.  Other partners, as well as a few producers using automated systems, also sit on this committee.” Mario sums up that this area of research is a given. “Of course Holstein Canada is there. We must change with the times!”

Holstein Canada's CEO Ann Louise Carson attending the  World Holstein Friesian Federation (WHFF) Council meeting in Berlin, Germany.

Holstein Canada’s CEO Ann Louise Carson attending the World Holstein Friesian Federation (WHFF) Council meeting in Berlin, Germany.

Collaboration -At Home and Abroad – Expands the Holstein Marketplace

When it comes to marketing Canadian Holsteins Mario is especially enthusiastic. “This comes back to my strong feelings about teamwork! Yes, we want to help our member’s market Canadian genetics, and our way of helping is to work closely with The Canadian Livestock Genetics Association.  In fact, our CEO sits on the CLGA Board.” He elaborates how working with CLGA is part of an ongoing Holstein Canada strategy. “Our goal is to work with exporters, to contribute in lobbying Government and to promote the quality of our Canadian Holsteins around the world. There are some things a generic and neutral association can do to help international marketing. This will be a priority in the coming years.”  As well, Mario eagerly points out that collaboration within Canada is also a high priority for Holstein Canada. “Another very important issue for me is to put even more emphasis on the work accomplished with Dairy Farmers of Canada in the last couple of years.”  His reasoning is not only based on “protecting our system of supply management” but also goes back once again to a basic commitment to all Holstein members that is best realized through teamwork. “Together we are stronger in promoting Holstein Canada’s profitable tools to all Canadian milk producers.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

We must never underestimate how the world looks in on our national dairy associations. It is so easy (from the outside) to see where the other national association has cracks, negativity or blind spots.  Getting to know Mario Perreault is a positive experience.  He speaks with pride, enthusiasm and passion about the Canadian dairy industry and especially about Holstein people.

All the best to Holstein Canada President Mario Perreault from the Bullvine and our readers. Congratulations for helping our industry to succeed not only on the balance sheet but from the heart as well. 




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Langmaids named 2014 McKown Master Breeder

Scott and Laurie Langmaid, along with their three sons, pictured from left to right, Bradley, Ross and Trevor, continue to breed outstanding females at Vermont Pond View Farm.

Scott and Laurie Langmaid of Danville, Vt., have been selected by the Klussendorf Association as the sixth recipient of the Robert “Whitey” McKown Master Breeder Award. This award recognizes a well-managed breeder herd that has been successful at showing and judging and emphasizes all qualities of the Klussendorf Award, including ability, character, endeavor and sportsmanship. The award will formally be presented on Friday, October 3 during the 48th World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wis.

Scott and Laurie, along with their sons Ross, Brad and Trevor, operate Vermont Pond View Farm. Scott grew up at Vermont Pond View Farm helping his father, Hugh, build a genetic base that has produced 170 Excellent cows. They have bred four Excellent 95-point cows and six Excellent 94-point cows.

The farm has been in Scott’s family for six generations and more than 200 years. Hugh and his wife, Ann, began working with registered Holsteins in 1964. In 2001, Scott and Laurie took over the dairy and have continued to grow the recognition of the herd.

The tradition of excellence runs deep in the cow families that the Langmaids develop. Several of the more prominent cows that wear the VT-Pond-View prefix (short for Vermont Pond View) come from lines that date back to cow families purchased by Hugh. This includes VT-Pond-View Round Oak Sue EX-94, whose line produced two Excellent 95-point cows, and VT-Pond-View Charisma-ET EX-95, whose line produced three Excellent 94-point cows. The Swampy Hollow Elevation Sweet EX-92 3E cow family also has played a large role in the herd.
Another of the more prominent lines on the farm had its beginning with Twin-Wind TC Broker Lass EX-95. The cow was purchased by the dairy in 1990 and has left her mark producing nine Excellent daughters and several Excellent granddaughters. One of her daughters, VT-Pond-View Rubens Lilyana, also scored EX-95 points and produced many high-scoring offspring.

In 2011, VT-Pond-View Goldwyn Libby-ET, the granddaughter of Lass, was recognized as the Unanimous All American and All Canadian Spring Yearling winning the spring yearling class and junior champion honors at the Royal Winter Fair, New York State Fair and Maryland State Fair. The family has also earned All American Best Three Females in 1991. That same year they earned Reserve All American Produce of Dam, an honor they repeated in 1994.

The family stays busy on the farm and has been unable to do much showing in the last several years, but they have a strong history at the Northeast Fall National Show recording five premier breeder awards and two premier exhibitor titles. The farm has also exhibited many years at the Vermont State show winning premier breeder six times and premier exhibitor five times. They have also laid claim to premier breeder or exhibitor titles at the All American Dairy Show, Mideast Fall National and New York State Fair.

A dedication to breeding and developing good cow families alongside the pond in northeastern Vermont has earned the Langmaids the honor of being named the 2014 McKown Master Breeder.

The Robert “Whitey” McKown Memorial Breeder Award was made possible by the family and friends of the 1997 Honorary Klussendorf honoree after his passing in 2009. Whitey joined the Holstein World staff in 1956 and became widely respected as he traveled nationally and internationally, reporting on shows, sales, meetings, and other Holstein events. The 1987 National Dairy Shrine president also developed MooKown Holsteins at Belleville, N.Y. Whitey had great admiration for the farmer breeder.

The Klussendorf Memorial Association, considered by many as the Hall of Fame for Dairy Cattle Exhibitors, began in 1937 in memory of Arthur B. Klussendorf, considered the outstanding dairy cattle showman of his time. Each year, the Klussendorf Association votes to add a new dairy cattle exhibitor to its roles with lifetime membership for their cumulative works including ability, character, endeavor, and sportsmanship.



Bons-Holsteins: The Type that Wins!

2014 editors choice graphicWhen you hear that Bons Holsteins took home three major trophies at the Dutch National Holstein Show in June, you might conclude that assuredly they have an eye for cattle and a passion for the show ring. But if you make any further assumptions, you might entirely miss the most important factor in their showring success.

The Bons-Holsteins team from the 2014 NRM Show

The Bons-Holsteins team from the 2014 NRM Show

“Bons-Holsteins is a home bred farm. In the last 60 years, we never bought a cow, heifer or embryo.”

Nico Bons of Ottoland in the Netherlands proudly benchmarks that he and his wife Lianne are the fourth generation to farm Bons-Holsteins.  As the youngest of the Bon family siblings, Nico has already faced the challenges of his dad passing away in 1999 and an accident that kept his brother from taking over the farm. Today with his mother Dikkie Bons the couple milk 65 cows and have 75 young stock on the 40 hectare farm. Undoubtedly, their young daughters Tessa and Anouk and son Ruben.

Left: Bons-Holsteins Koba 191 EX-91 - Int. Champion Int. Show Libramont 2013 & Sr. Champion in 2014!!! Right: Bons-Holsteins Koba 175 EX-90 - 2nd Calf Jasper dtr from the great home bred Koba cow family

Left: Bons-Holsteins Koba 191 EX-94 – Int. Champion Int. Show Libramont 2013 & Sr. Champion in 2014!!!
Right: Bons-Holsteins Koba 175 EX-90 – 2nd Calf Jasper dtr from the great home bred Koba cow family

100% Homebred – Scoring better all the time.

Every generation of the Bons family has moved the dairy operation forward while remaining committed to the homebred philosophy. 65 cows 29x EX and the rest is VG or better. Average score VG89. All bull calfs stayed on the farm and are sold to other farms as jumping bulls, and a few of them go to A.I. There are six cow families we are working with: Bons-Holsteins Aaltje, Bons-Holsteins Dikkie, Bons-holsteins Ella, Bons-Holsteins Koba, Bons-Holsteins Hannie and Bons-Holsteins Roza.

Bons-Holsteins Koba 191 (EX-94) Grand Champion NRM 2014 Res. Int. Champion Holland Holstein Show 2013

Bons-Holsteins Koba 191 (EX-94)
Grand Champion NRM 2014
Res. Int. Champion Holland Holstein Show 2013

One Goal Above All  “To Breed a European Grand Champion”

When Nico took over the farm in 1999, the average type score was GP 80.3. What remarkable progress to be averaging VG89 in 15 years!  Nico had been to Canada in 1994 and worked on Bosdale Farms in Ontario. “What I saw there were really nice balanced cows.” He reports that the experience had a big impact on him. “I knew right then what my goal would be.  I wanted to breed the European Champion cow and lead her by myself in the showring!”

Nuit de la Holstein Libramont 2013  Sr Champion Bons-Holsteins Ella 158 EX-93 (Mailing) & Reserve Sr Champion Bons-Holsteins Ella 153 EX-91 (Allen)

Nuit de la Holstein Libramont 2013
Sr Champion Bons-Holsteins Ella 158 EX-93 (Mailing) & Reserve Sr Champion Bons-Holsteins Ella 153 EX-91 (Allen)

“Showing cattle is a lot of work.”

Nothing really worth achieving is easy and Nico Bons is emphatic about the hard work involved in showing dairy cattle. He advises anyone interested in focusing on show cows to realize that fact and “to try to get people around you who really want to help you and listen to their advice.” He gives examples of mentors that have positively influenced him. “The cowfitters I have worked with in the last few years have sent me in the right direction. Three that I have learned the most from are Michael Halliwel, Joel Phoenix and Paul Petriffer.” Along with the hard work, Nico advises that you have to be prepared for ups and downs. “I had my luck to start from the bottom. I know what it is like to stand in last place in the showring” But this successful showman concludes. “Sometimes you win sometimes you lose. Never give up.”

Top Advice, “Don’t be mad at the Judge.  Breed a better cow. Win next time.”

Nico cherishes his family traditions and also learns from key mentors that have crossed his path as he seeks to achieve his goals. “Its difficult to say exactly who had the biggest influence on me. I think Ed Bos (From Bosdale farms) had a significant impact on me becoming the dairy breeder I am now. My training period at Bosdale showed me that you have to work really hard to get results in the show ring.My father added the one thing that I always remember. “If you are disappointed on show day about your placings, don`t be mad at the Judge but breed a better cow so that he has to make you Champion next time.” Hard work and taking responsibility are what have put Bons-Holsteins at the front of winning lineups.

 Bons-Holsteins Ella 158 EX-93 (Mailing)

Bons-Holsteins Ella 158 EX-93 (Mailing)
Res Champion Mature Cow NRM 2014
1st place Sr. Cow Holland Holstein Herd Show 2012

Trophy Shelf Chronicles Rising Showring Success

Nico Bons started working toward his ultimate showring goal first with successes at local shows and then by showing at a national show in 2003.  In 2007 international success was achieved in Paris and later in Libramont Belgium 2013 which  Nico describes as “one I liked the most.” when Bons-Holsteins Ella 158 (EX-93 Mailing) was named Grand Champion. Nico describes the cows that are winners for him.”I think there are two cows I am most proud  to have bred: * Bons-Holsteins Koba 167 (EX-91 Stormatic). She was a really tall cow (1.76 Cm.) and was made for the show ring. She was not only big but had balance in her frame and an udder that was close to perfect.” He explains that others found her special too. “ I loved to lead that cow into the showring. Whenever she entered the ring, you would hear spectators talking about her!” It isn’t surprising in this homebred herd to find that Nico’s second choice for breeding success is related to his first choice. “The second cow is the recent Grand Champion from the Dutch National Show (June 2014) Bons-Holsteins Koba 191 (EX94 Jasper). (Read more: Bons-Holsteins Koba 191 Grand Champion at NRM 2014)  The funny thing is these two cows are half sisters.. they are both descendants of Bons-Holsteins Koba 152  (EX-92 Integrity). She is not as tall as her half-sister, but she is a cow with almost no faults! She is extremely balanced… and is a real Queen in the ring. I feel quite strongly that she can do a great job at the European Confrontation. That’s the goal for this cow in the future!”

Bons Holsteins Ella 167 VG-89 2yr. 1st Intermediate Class Libramont 2012 1st Intermediate Class National HHH-Show 2011 Champion Jr. 2yr. Old HHH Show 2010 Champion Jr. 2yr. Old & Best Udder Libramont '11

Bons Holsteins Ella 167 VG-89 2yr.
1st Intermediate Class Libramont 2012
1st Intermediate Class National HHH-Show 2011
Champion Jr. 2yr. Old HHH Show 2010
Champion Jr. 2yr. Old & Best Udder Libramont ’11

Bons-Holsteins has Three Show Toppers at 2014 Dutch National Show

The Bons are building their show ring success. “We go to eight shows a year.” Reports Nico adding that showing is a strategic marketing plan, along with their website and Facebook. Nico feels that showing “ is an excellent tool to let the world know what you are doing.” Bons-Holsteins average 1500 visitors a year and each visitor receives a herd flyer.  This marketing plan earned positive reinforcement in June at the Dutch National Holstein Show in Zwolle.   Bons Holsteins won an amazing three championships! Bons-Holsteins Koba 191 (EX04 Kas[er_ was the Grand Champion. Reserve Senior Champion went to Bons Holsteins Mailing Ella 158. Koba 195, a full sister to Koba 191, was named the Intermediate Champion.

Nico Bons has favorite  “Winning” Bulls

With such a strong focus on type, there has to be a strong emphasis on bull selection. Nico lists his favorites: “At the moment we use a lot of Atwood and Lauthority, a little less from Shadow, Talent, Goldwyn, Jasper, Chelios, Seaver and sid. Referring to Jasper and Stormatic, Nico explains why they were chosen. “The reason to use these two bulls is because the Integrity was a little heavy boned. As a result,  we were looking for the bulls who could give us the bone quality. The Integrity cows’ strongest points were rear udder and rump so the choice of Jasper was easy. That’s where you have to protect this bull for.” Nico moves on to Lauthority. “I like my young Lauthroity heifer calfs. I think he can make some show winners.” His has only one hesitation. “ I am a little afraid about the rear legs… sometimes they are a little hocked in.” As well he likes Seaver. “Seaver is one of the bulls we just used recently and I see a lot of good 2 yr.olds in Belgium with great udders. You have to use him on refined boned cows.. I use him on my Stormatic and Talent daughters.”

nico bons judgingHere comes the Judge

With his passion for breeding show cows, it was only a matter of time until Nico entered the show ring as a Judge. In 2013, his name was added to the European Judges Panel by the EHRC. He finds it both a rewarding experience as well as a source of continued learning. “Atwood is the bull who surprised me every time I judge show. We know you have to watch his rumps but if they are ok you get some special ones!”

Not blinded by numbers Nico still builds on the Canadian Kind

One of the biggest differences Nico has observed over his breeding career is in the way breeders choose bulls. “In the past, we used our eyes and followed our heart to make the right pairing. Then came indexes.” Nico feels that indexes meant “breeding by numbers” as he calls it. He goes on. “After a few years we realised that the cows we created were ok as milk producing cows but had no strength and power anymore. And then came genomics.” Once again, Nico feels “we are losing our eye for good cow families.“ Nico feels that too much is being sacrificed for speed.  “In my opinion that makes it a crazy system, if the goal is all about getting the highest absolute number!”

“Trusting their eyes keeps people coming back”

Bons-Holsteins knows how important it is to have the confidence of  buyers in the dairy marketplace. Change can be threatening as Nico explains. “ At first I was afraid that, if I was not involved in genomics, I would not sell embryos or good cattle anymore.” However, he happily reports that hasn’t happened. “I get more and more requests for embryos and good cattle.” He sums up his reasoning for the cause of this continued success “The people who buy here are looking for something they can have confidence in and they buy what their eyes can see. Not being disappointed si what brings people back to buy again.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

The emphasis on show type has been a winning formula for Bons-Holsteins and Nico agrees.  “I think the biggest accomplishment is the total herd of homebred cows that we now have! From when we started in 1999 until now they have changed a lot.” He is proud of the Bon family teamwork that focuses on getting better all the time. “ I did not do all this work alone but my wife and mother helped me every day!”  Today with daughters Tessa and Anouk the Bons family are proud to meet the challenges of their shared vision and take their place in Holstein dairy breeding for years to come. They are definitely the type that wins!



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Five Honored as Holstein Association USA’s 2014 Herds of Excellence

Holstein Association USAHolstein Association USA is pleased to honor five U.S. Registered Holstein breeders as 2014 Herd of Excellence award recipients. The Herd of Excellence designation was introduced in 2008 to honor dairymen who have bred and managed Holstein cattle that consistently perform at the highest levels.

To be named a Herd of Excellence, herds must be 25 percent above breed average Mature Equivalent (ME) for milk, fat and protein; have classified within the last year and have an actual average classification score of 83 points or higher; have at least 70 percent of the herd homebred; and be enrolled in the Association’s TriStar production records program.

This year’s honorees include: Jeffrey & Kate Hendrickson, Jeffrey-Way Holsteins, Belleville, Wis.; Thomas J. Kestell, Ever-Green-View Farms, Waldo, Wis.; Steve & Amanda Killian, Dirt-Road Holsteins, Blair, Wis.; Larry Lexvold, Lexvold Holsteins, Goodhue, Minn.; and Scott & Doug Long, Long-Haven Farms, Clayton, Mich.

Read more about these outstanding breeder herds in the Spring 2014 issue of the Holstein Pulse. Select pages of the Pulse are available online at under latest news, then click on The Holstein Pulse.

Leo Jacobs – Founder of Ferme Jacobs – Passes

Leo Jacobs founder of Ferme Jacobs, passed at the Hospital of the Child Jesus, May 29, 2014, at the age of 86, surrounded by his family. Founding President of ferme Jacobs, a Master Breeder herd and member of the Quebec Agriculture Hall of Fame. He was the husband of the late Mrs. Nellie Kersten’s friend Jeanne Noreau heart. Born in Holland, he lived in Cap-Santé. 

The family will receive condolences at the funeral home Roger Benoit & Fils Ltée, 7, Church Square, Cap-Santé, Wednesday, June 4, 2014 18 am to 22 pm and Thursday from 10 h. The funeral will be held Thursday, June 5, 2014 at 13 am in the Holy Family Church in Cap-Santé, and thence to the crematorium. Mr. Jacobs is survived besides his girlfriend heart, his children: Jean (Marian Ghielen) Martin, Dorothy (Georges Cyr), Ella (Claude Lépine), François (Céline Petitclerc), Pierre (Sandra Fillion), Marian (Jacques Leclerc); his grandchildren: Yan (Véronique Premont) Ysabel (Tyler Doiron), Kevin (Stephanie Benoit) and Laurie (Mathieu Jalbert); Jonathan Jacobs and Jean-Philippe (Marie-Eve Sauvé); Louis (Audrey Mottard) and Philippe Bertrand (Marie-Sophie Arseneault) Catherine Langevin and Alexander Devault; Karen, Andrea Jacobs and Emmy; Matis-Leclerc and Catherine Jacobs and his 14 great-grandchildren, the children of Jeanne François (Cyndie Julien), Stephen (Melissa Dussault) and Mathieu Christmas (Jessica Won), his sister Leen (Harnol Kurvers) and Wiel brother, his brother. Joosten Jean (late Anna Jacobs), several nieces, nephews, cousins ​​and friend (s) 

Those who wish may make a donation to the Foundation for health and social services Portneuf, 700, rue Saint-Cyrille, PO Box 850, Saint-Raymond, G3L 1W1 or online at

For information: 418-285-2211, Fax:. 418-285-2077, email: salonbenoit @ website

A Different Kind of Vet on the Farm

farmers veteran coalitionSince the unfortunate events of 9/11, over 2.8 million Americans have served in uniform.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a whopping 200,000, or about 1 in 11, are currently unemployed.  The men and women who work risked their lives to protect the freedom of so many American’s enjoy on foreign soil cannot find the means to make a living when they return home.  About forty-five percent of the military comes from rural communities, compared with one-sixth of the total population, according to the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire The Farmer Veteran Coalition is hoping to change that trend, by introducing America’s heroes to agriculture and a new opportunity to help America.

“The military is not for the faint of heart, and farming isn’t either,” said Michael O’Gorman, an organic farmer who founded the nonprofit Farmer-Veteran Coalition, which supports sustainable-agriculture training.  “There are eight times as many farmers over age 65 as under.  There is a tremendous need for young farmers, and a big wave of young people inspired to go into the service who are coming home.”

The Farmer Veteran Coalition works with veterans in the food and farming community in all 50 states, to provide farming education, and veteran assistance to those in need. Farmer Veterans produce a wide range of food and fiber products, all of which are an integral part of America’s food system.

“Basically we have two simultaneous missions,” comments O’Gorman.  “One mission is to help the young men and women that are coming out of military service and the other mission is to help involve more farmers in an industry that is in need of younger people now more than ever.”

More than just dedication and commitment to their country can connect a farmer to a veteran.  Both occupations bring with them ethics to work hard and do things right; the fearlessness to sweat and the grit to never give up.  O’Gorman says one of the misconceptions is that farming is seen as a way for veterans to heal as if it were an easy, no-stress line of work.

“The real healing for our vets when it comes to farming is that it’s difficult, challenging and gives a true sense of purpose,” O’Gorman explains.  “These men and women went into the military with the highest calling and sense of purpose that they could find and after their time in fatigues is through, agriculture fills that void for them to do something for the greater good and our entire country.”

Mark & Denise  Beyers

Mark & Denise Beyers

One of the farmers that have found great support through the Farmer Veteran Coalition is Mark Beyers.  In 2005, while deployed in Iraq, Mark’s team hit an IED, which has left him with extensive injuries.  After Mark’s recovery, along with his wife Denise, who served stateside as a Unit Diary Clerk for 8 years, Mark decided to start producing maple syrup on their 15-acre property in Upstate New York.  Soon the demand for their product far outweighed the couple’s capacity to produce.  Mark and Denise have continued to grow their business with the assistance from the Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund.

Jeremiah  Butler

Jeremiah Butler

Also benefiting from the Farmer Veteran Coalition is Jeremiah Butler.  Jeremiah served five years in the Marine Corps before enlisting in the Army to pursue a career in the Special Forces.  As a Green Beret, Jeremiah deployed to Afghanistan where he sustained physical wounds.  After Jeremiah’s service, he decided to pursue a career in agriculture.  “I believe in the American small farm, and think it has a crucial part to play in the local economy and the community.  I consider myself a patriot of this country and believe this is the best way I can continue to support and help her grow.”  Jeremiah currently raises organic vegetables and berries in raised beds on his family’s property.  As a Bob Woodruff Farming Fellow, through the Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund Jeremiah was able to purchase a large greenhouse, which has enhanced his growing capabilities.

The Farmer Veteran Coalition (FVC) recently announced the national launch of the Homegrown By Heroes initiative.  This product-labeling program will allow farmers, ranchers, fishermen, and the like from all 50 states and U.S. territories who have served or are still serving in any branch of the U.S. military the ability to use the logo on their agricultural products.  Consumers and businesses purchasing agricultural products will begin to see this logo at the point-of-purchase and on business signage, enabling them to select products that support farmer veterans.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Former President Eisenhower once said “Our adequate food supply played as important a role in winning the war as did our supply of ammunition.  Thanks to the American farmer.”  However, even after their military service, there are still many battles these veteran’s face.  With one of the highest un-employment rates in the nation, these veterans need support.  That is why its great to see programs like the Farmer Veteran Coalition helping these heroes find opportunities in agriculture, an industry we all know is very rewarding and needs an influx of young producers.

To find out more about Farmer Veteran Coalition, visit their website or call their offices at (530) 756-1395. Share with them the opportunities you may have to help these dedicated individuals. Click here to download the Veteran Careers in Agriculture: A Resource Guide now.

ROSY-LANE HOLSTEINS – “Don’t Follow the Herd!”

2014 editors choice graphicHave you ever driven by an exceptional dairy operation and tried to figure out what it is that is making it so successful?  You’re not alone.  Dairy breeders everywhere study the stories of great entrepreneurs like (Read more: NORTH FLORIDA HOLSTEINS. Aggressive, Progressive and Profitable!! and Quality Holsteins – Well-Deserved Congratulations) looking for the vital ingredient that led to their special success.  Lloyd and Daphne Holterman at Rosy-Lane Holsteins would tell you it isn’t a matter of one person or one ingredient.  They would say that success comes from a functioning partnership of people, teamwork and strategic planning.

Four partners:  Jordan Matthews, Tim Strobel, Lloyd Holterman, Daphne Holterman

Four partners at Rosy-Lane Holsteins: Jordan Matthews, Tim Strobel, Lloyd Holterman, Daphne Holterman

The Milky Way to Rosy-Lane

Lloyd Holterman looks back to growing up on a 50-cow registered Holstein farm. “My parents Lloyd A. and Rosemarie Holterman focused on high production. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Madison in 1980 in Dairy Science and was a member of the Dairy Cattle Judging Team there.” explains Lloyd. “I married Daphne in 1981 and we partnered with my parents for 6 years, went on our own for 2 years, then returned to the home farm to take over and purchase the herd in 1989.” He brings the story to the present day. “We currently have 920 total cows and 870 youngstock.  We grow 1,600 acres of forage and do some custom harvesting.  Genetic sales account for 1-5% of gross revenue, depending on the year.” That simple summing up barely skims the surface of this well-run dairy operation that hosts classes, seminars and visitors from within the dairy industry and from the broader consuming public. The Holterman’s are dedicated dairy Agvocates as well as very successful dairy farmers. All tasks at Rosy-Lane are thoughtfully considered and thoroughly implemented.

Holterman Family (L to R;  Daphne  Lauren Lloyd Taylor)

Holterman Family (L to R; Daphne Lauren Lloyd Taylor)

At Rosy-Lane They Minimize AND Maximize to Avoid Tall, Pretty and Infertile

Lloyd states the first step in Rosy Lane Holstein’s operating strategy. “Profit comes first as farming is a business.” Far from the negative connotations such a goal sometimes earns, Lloyd points out that efficiency is key. “While it’s great to sell one animal for big dollars, the genetic program should be an investment in growing future earnings and genetic selection must maximize: feed efficiency (through high producing healthy cows); Labor efficiency (through high producing healthy cows) and Capital efficiency (through high producing healthy cows).

The link between efficient dairy management and health productive cows is one that Rosy Lane gives the highest priority. 

At the opposite management extreme, at least from the size viewpoint, is the goal that genetic selection must also minimize key parameters: Herd health cost per cwt.; death loss across ALL ages; calves born DOA and days open.”

With this clear vision of desired outcomes, Lloyd outlines how the strategy is carried out at Rosy Lane. “The best tool to do this (minimize and maximize) is NM$ or CM$ (Cheese Merit).  Living in Wisconsin, our income is highly dependent on component pricing (Class III).” He briefly considers an alternative. “TPI also has it strengths but if you aren’t careful, you can end up with Tall, Pretty and Infertile.”

Three Decades of Distinguished Rosy-Lane Dairying

Such a clearly stated perspective on dairying has been achieved over many years reports Lloyd. “Daphne and I started farming with zero dollars and two college degrees.  In 33 years, we have built a sound business that we are now transitioning to two young men that both started working with us before they were 16 years old.  It’s interesting to note that neither of them grew up on dairy farms.  One of the key points in our farm mission statement is to: Maintain an economically-viable business unit with future potential. We are well on our way to accomplishing this.” While they put extreme emphasis on the daily details they are always building for the future.

There Must Always be Time to Grow, Connect and Learn

At Rosy-Lane they feel there is always something to learn from mentors who, both near and far, have been many and well-valued. Lloyd points out the ones that he found to be the most influential.  “Pete Blodgett called it as he saw it and was one of the first to realize cows were too tall-narrow-thin-lame.  Another is George Shook, University of Wisconsin-Madison genetics professor, whose Dairy Cattle Breeding – Genetics 460 class still sticks with me every day.  His class was a good background to understand genomics.” Lloyd appreciates other successful dairymen. “Don Bennink, North Florida Holsteins, was an early proponent and visionary on health traits, as well as breeding cows for a profit.” Sometimes the mentors are of a very practical nature. “Gustav Wilke, Osnabruck OHG in Germany, pointed out that Ramos would be a good compliment to our program that emphasized Oman. He also brought the European perspective.” Other consultants earn praise as well. “Susie Martin, ABS Global Sire Analyst, always brings balanced recommendations to our program and points out bulls we might otherwise overlook.” Others have influenced the very strategy Rosy-Lane has developed. “Denny Funk, University of Wisconsin-Madison Dairy Science Dept., started us on NM$ and productive life.”  Of course, the valued advice from family is well-appreciated by Lloyd and Daphne, says Lloyd. “My brothers Bob Holterman, Gary Holterman, my father Lloyd A. (Sr.) and father-in-law Ray W. Johnson (Angus breeder) also have influenced our outlook and have given us the opportunity to meet and interact with leaders and visionaries of the cattle industry.”  These mentors are a who’s who of dairy advice and wisdom and yet Rosy Lane is not a typical farm by any means!

Strong Agvocates, Rosy-Lane Holsteins is hosting tours from local schools to producers from around the world.

Strong Agvocates, Rosy-Lane Holsteins is frequently hosts tours from local schools to producers from around the world.

Rosy-Lane Holsteins.  Unqualified Success!  Unclassified Too!

When you first learn that Rosy Lane does not classify their herd, it seems counter-intuitive to what many traditional dairy breeders would consider necessary.  Lloyd, as expected, has a well-reasoned explanation of their choice. “We participated in Holstein’s classification program for many years but it became increasingly clear that the program’s return on investment was negative.  Cows that are tall, narrow and refined are generally scored higher than shorter, wider, heavier cows.  Worse yet, the “shorter” cows are penalized on dairy form and udder depth because they are short and carry some condition.  We had a majority of these “shorter” cows, and we found they far outlived their higher-scoring herd-mates while having less foot problems and better fertility.  The classification program definitely punished Oman (we had about 550 of his daughters in our herd at any one time).” Returning to the businesslike approach that is the backbone of their success, Lloyd gives supporting examples. “Our farm runs on economics, and Oman was a bull that helped make our business profitable: 3 on calving ease, more live calves and fewer problems at 1st calving. Number 1 NM$ for several years. High DPR. Great foot health and Low SCC.” Rosy Lane made the logical, for them, choice. “It became obvious to us that scoring our “shorter” cows was as a waste of money.  Looking back, that decision to stop classifying should have been made much sooner because a business should only consider long-term profit and viability, not how high individual cow scores are.  Functional cows with good health, good feet and legs, balanced udders and high milk production make money.” Always able to clearly explain the decisions that have built Rosy Lane, Lloyd is well-prepared in explaining what is needed for successful cattle breeding. “To maximize profits in the future, modern cows will need to:

  • Produce more MARKETABLE milk (less cows dumped)
  • Breed back in 1 or 2 services
  • Resist mastitis
  • Hold components at peak production
  • Produce more live calves and
  • Calve younger to reduce rearing costs

In 2013, we marketed 1.69 lbs. milk for each 1 lb. dry matter TMR fed.  This can’t be achieved if there are problems at calving such as mastitis, DA’s, ketosis, and rampant lameness.  From Jan. 1, 2014 to May 8, 2014 (128 days) we had 75 days when no cow was treated or dumped so 100% of the milk harvested was marketed.  While this may be common on small herds, we milk 800-830 through our double-12 parlor 3X a day, achieving 94 to 100 lbs. milk average per cow per day.” With no apologies, Lloyd sums up their success, “We feel our genetic program is a central part of achieving these numbers.”

Breed Cows for Profitability

There are always clear goals for the future. “Daughters of Dean, Monarch, Supersire and Cabriolet will be flushed soon from the home herd.  They were selected because they are high NM$ with the balance of traits we are looking for:  Fat, Protein, DPR, SCC, CE and moderate stature with good strength.” He is enthusiastic about impending successes. “With our daughter Lauren, we purchased a Mogul x Freddie over 900 NM$ from Don Bennink and transferred 15 JoSupers recently.  She is a very balanced heifer.  We didn’t use Mogul ourselves and she had good CE and DPR.” (Rosy-Lane recently had the #2 high seller, Rosylane-Llc Oak 7276 the #23 gTPI female in the breed,who sold for $176,000 at the Day at the Derby Sale)

Over and Under:  “Use ALL the Tools. Set your Benchmarks.”

We sort by Net Merit FIRST
Then Discriminate Against Bulls Over Discriminate Against Bulls Under
+2.0 Stature 850 NM$
8.0 Calving Ease 50# P
2.8 SCC 60# F
+1 DPR
+5 PL

Lloyd continues. “Then we try to find unrelated bulls for our female population.  This is the general strategy and exceptions to the above are made.  ABS helps us from time to time with their computer inbreeding program.” He outlines bulls that Rosy Lane has used. “Manfred, Oman, Ramos, Shottle, Freddie, and Jeeves have been most successful for us.  And now Bookem & Gonzo on 2-year olds.  By increasing accuracy, we are able to select flush animals and recipients.  We are now able to correctively mate for health traits, along with production traits, and correct any shortcomings on individuals more aggressively, such as those with low DPR or high calving ease.”

“We Use Genomics For Impact”

Genomics has greatly increased selection accuracy and given the industry the chance to find both health trait genes and, on the other side, avoid detrimental haplotypes.  We can also find badly-needed outcross bulls more quickly.  The timing coincides with consumers who are demanding less drugs/hormones be used, so we now have better tools to produce the kind of cattle that have lower “health care” costs. In our herd, genomics gives us more options to reduce inbreeding and select for superior health traits earlier.”

Lloyd reports on sire usage.  “Genomic sire usage:  Supersire, Cabriolet, Rodgers, JoSuper, Dean and Halogen.  Why? They meet our sire criteria and can be used across the herd.  We didn’t use Robust; we use his sons and grandsons.  Planets are not holding up for us in the long run so we are trying to reduce his influence to some degree. Proven sire usage:  Freddie.  Why? Our best young cows are Freddies.  They calve easily, have great F&L, low SCC and high components.  Overall, they are very trouble-free. “

At Rosy-Lane, they are also well aware of the success being achieved by other dairy breeders and are careful observers of what they term influencers from afar. Lloyd reports that they closely watch the programs through genomic lists for the following herds/prefixes:

  • De Su
  • Cookie Cutter
  • Welcome Stock Farm
  • Spruce Haven
  • Coyne
  • Bush Bros.
  • Hendel

“Imagine The Perfect Rosy-Lane Cow!”

Far from being afraid of the future, Lloyd welcomes the challenges. “The trend toward larger operations will continue, driven by higher tax rates.  Our capitalistic system is increasingly becoming a ‘winner take all’ (not necessarily a bad thing).  Genetics will become more important because in the end it is the most cost effective long-term solution to reduce costs.”

Never one to wait for the future, Lloyd already has imagined the perfect cow. “Imagine a cow that calves easily like an Oman, has a disposition like a Shottle, breeds back like a Ramos, milks like a Planet and has the immune system of a Duster.  In our herd, feed efficiency would improve quickly from 1.69 to 1.78 and we would make tremendous genetic progress with the ability to PICK our culls.  This concept has been nearly lost on the Holstein genetic ‘community’.  And then people wonder why commercial dairymen crossbreed or switch to Jerseys.  If we don’t get with it now, Jerseys’ market share will soon be 50% and North American Holsteins (yes, Canadian Holsteins too!) will have to compete on cost only and may go the way of the Guernsey.  Is this where we want to go?”

“Follow your Passion.  Don’t Follow the Herd.”

Regardless of the area of dairying that is giving you challenges, you can learn a lot about solving problems from Rosy-Lane Holsteins.  Despite the ‘rosy’ farm prefix this operation never chooses to wear rose-colored glasses.  Of course, the day may come when everyone unites with a common vision for a sustainable and profitable dairy industry.  “When that happens” you might suggest, “perhaps even Rosy-Lane will follow the herd. Wrong!”  Lloyd Holterman points out, “That sheep-like mentality only works if it meets your profitability goals.  Dairying is a business.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Lloyd Holterman gives heartfelt advice to young dairy hopefuls.  “Do what you have a passion to do, if you haven’t found it yet – keep looking!” Trying to imitate someone else’s passion is a sure way to be unsuccessful. However, he cautions those who have encountered hurdles “Don’t blame others if you fail.” Whiners and complainers are rarely at the forefront of innovation and success. It’s your life. Your future. Seek out the positive. Rosy-Lane Holsteins has excelled at dealing with negative circumstances and people. “Listen to the naysayers and do just the opposite!”



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qs[1]There are many facets to the dairy breeding industry that readers of the Bullvine find themselves attracted to.  Whether its milk records, breeding awards or showring victories, there is something for everyone to get passionate about.  Quim Serrabassa, from Spain, was introduced to cattle early in his life and didn`t ever narrow the field.  For him three dairy passions are better than one.

Beginning in Barcelona

Quim and his brother Jaume were raised on the family farm Mas Comas Novas, La Guixa in Barcelona. Their father, Ramon, was a cattle dealer who enjoyed the buying and selling but wasn’t interested in breeding animals.   When the boys were only 12 and 14 they made a decision that would eventually bring them to where they are today says Quim. “In 1984 Jaume and I decided to keep the best cows and breed our own herd.” They give credit to their mom and dad. “From our parents we learned the love of farming, good cows and cow competitions.  This was a tremendous opportunity and we owe a lot to them for allowing us to take this responsibility at such an early age.”

Trying a New Angle

Twenty years later it was time for another new beginning. “In 2004 I started my own company Triangle Holstein.” Quim highlights how the name corresponds to the business. “There are three different business areas: the livestock business, the semen business and the show business.”  For each specialty area Triangle Holsteins provides customized service.  Like other visionary business men he feels that one-sided expectations of yourself and others could hold them back from reaching their individual breeding goals. “We work closely with the farmer to give professional and personal service tailored to their specific needs.” Quim values his early business experiences. “Many years ago, I had the opportunity to work for a big company and it was great.  I always had the goal of forming my own company.” He points out how it has been. “Working for myself gives me a lot of freedom and satisfaction.  I am responsible for my own decisions.  Sometimes good.  Sometimes wrong.” But undoubtedly, he has learned from all sides of the story.

IMG_5518 web2

A Three-Way Perspective

The Triangle Holstein breeding philosophy is one that starts with genetics but is carried out through careful management. “Triangle Holsteins is focused on the best North American cow families and conformation traits are the number one priority.  Nevertheless, I never forget production and health. The management of these key priorities is the key to making an animal be successful.” Quim knows that in cow terms there are three important areas. “Nutrition, exercise and comfort make all the difference.”  These three combined with kindness are what he calls his “silent” partners.  If those are the three main steps to caring for the animals there are also three characteristics that Quim feels all breeders must have in their personality. “This process requires breeders to be  stubborn, patient and enthusiastic all at the same time.”


Pachecas James Gretta
3 time Spanish National Champion

 Three Triangle Love Stories

It isn`t surprising to learn how many animals this Triangle Holstein breeder singles out. “There have been three special animals in  Quim’s life.”  He starts of with one from his youth.Comas Novas Dibbs Inspiration  was our first Champion cow when I was a teenager. She was a white dairy character cow, all quality from the head to the tail.”  The next one stands out for special reasons too. “My second favorite cow is Pachecas James Greta. She was strong, with a big frame and a fantastic udder. Greta was my longest project working with a show cow and she is the one that won many shows in Spain.” The third memory maker for Quim holds a unique space for Quim.” Regiment Apple will always stand out for me.  We came together many years ago, during the first time I was working in Madison for Mike Deaver who is one of the best cow men that I know. At that time Apple was 2 year old.”


Regiment Apple will always stand out for Quim. They came together many years ago, during the first time Quim was working in Madison for Mike Deaver, at that time Apple was 2 year old.”

Three Part Marketing Vision:  Farms, Shows and Facebook

No matter where you are in the global dairy industry, you are marketing your herd with each contact you make, whether it`s face to face, in cyberspace, hard copy or in the show ring.  Quim Serrabassa once again uses a multi-pronged approach. He outlines his methods. “On one hand I go every two weeks to France to select and buy commercial animals for my customers. My customers are breeders like I used to be, so I always feel very responsible for the cows I pick.” Quim never tires of searching out these animals. “I select them one by one, and this is one of the things I like the most. I walk to the field or to the barn with the intention of finding that special one. Sometimes they don’t start out looking that way. I will find one, usually dirty, with no foot trimming, never clipped … but finding her is a magic moment.” He especially likes it when a selection he makes goes on to do well. “Sometimes you can take her to the show ring. Another time you recognize her doing fine in her new home.”

The second point of Quim’s marketing is very much based on shows. “I like going to shows because it is the place where I meet my customers and I can feel the pulse of the market and hear about their needs.” Quim enjoys breeding for show cows. “My favorite sires for show cows are: Absolute-Red, Delta & Atwood.” But he doesn’t over look dairy cow sires. “For dairy cows I use Explode, Cashcoin, Carson and Deman.” His understanding of the show ring has been well developed over the years and he has gained recognition as a cattle judge. “Judging is one accomplishment I am very proud of.  I never expected to have the opportunity to be an Associate Judge in Madison beside Brian Carsacadden and then later in Laussane beside Mike Deaver.”  Both of these judges rank high for Quim. “In my opinion they are the best.”  (Read more: CARSCADDEN: The Royal Footsteps)

Word of mouth has always been a great way for the dairy industry to market itself.  Today dairy friends, peerwebsites and coworkers take that friendly promotion and sharing to new levels. “To keep my customers updated, we use our web site, Facebook and profiles.” says Quim. This enhances the friendships already made in the worldwide industry. “I share my passion for show cows with Roger Turner and Brian Carscadden who have been my mentors in the USA and Canada. Again Mike Deaver has taught me a lot and is a very special person for me.  Early on, one of my greatest influences was Alfonso Ahedo from Semex Spain. He is a great business man with a huge understanding of the Holstein industry.”  It’s all about sharing the passion says Quim. “I keep the passion for shows going with some members of the original farm. As well there is one nice heifer that I bought with friends Erica Rijneveld, Eric Dougoud, and Pat Conroy. (Read more: Erica Rijneveld – Takes Her Show… And Yours…On The Road! and DECRAUSAZ IRON O’KALIBRA: Simply the Best) These are people that love good cows and with whom I share good times too.”

Marketing and Genomics

In today’s marketplace rapidly changing tools are having a tremendous effect.  Quim looks at Genomics and how it has affected his operations. “Genomics has changed the semen market a lot.  For our company it was a great opportunity to start with.  Genomics provides opportunities for everyone.  The market is now global no matter where the bull comes from or who the owner is.”  Of course having the tool and knowing how to use it is the challenge. Quim seeks balance. “Now we have some genomic information that we can combine with cow family and traditional knowledge.  It is the mix and the balance between the new information and the traditional knowledge that will move us forward in the right direction.” If there is a downside to genomics for Quim, it is related to the speed of change. “Today the genetic market moves too fast.  We hardly have time to appreciate and enjoy the cow family as a group.

Work, Work, Work

Quim points out that there is a lot of hard work to make your dairy business. “You have to be satisfied about the things you do every day and try to keep yourself surround by the people that challenge you to grow.” He knows that everything isn’t always perfect. “This is a job that you have to believe in.  Do not expect big things and always enjoy the small details that life gives to you.” As happy as he is with Triangle Holstein, Quim sums up his accomplishments from his own unique angle. “My biggest success is my family.” Very eloquently he points out that this is where he finds his strength. “Especially when show time is over and the bright lights are off.”


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Hellender Holsteins: From Hell and Back

56250[1]It’s hard to imagine what path you would take as a dairy breeder if you were facing the loss of your entire herd. Anton Ender faced that decision in 1981 when his whole herd of elite Brown Swiss cows had to be slaughtered due to disease. For him the next step was to move forward with Holstein cows. Anton’s son Thomas Ender explains the decision simply. “He chose Holsteins because of their willingness to produce.” Today Hellender Holsteins, which is located just 30 minutes from downtown Zurich, is comprised of 23 hectares, 25 milking cows and about 40 heifers and calves. The free stall housing was built in 1991. Anton’s sons Thomas and Andreas are involved in the operation but both of them have full time jobs off the farm.  Thomas is the Head Classifier in Switzerland and responsible for all the breeding and marketing of the Hellender herd. Andreas works as a nutritionist and is on the farm on a daily basis and will take over in the near future.

“Targeted Milk Production.  Exceptional Show Performance”

Production attracted Anton Ender to Holsteins and it remains the highest priority. “At the outset they have to be productive.” says Thomas who outlines the Ender breeding philosophy. “We always select for productive cows that last. They don’t have to be the big time producers in their first lactation, but they do need to get better every year.” He zeroes in on how this is done. “The key to achieving this goal begins with great conformation and especially well attached udders.” Of course this has produced great looking animals and a very successful side effect in the success that they have had in the show ring. “We really like to show cows, but never bred for it. Production is the first priority.” Having said that, Thomas acknowledges that the show ring is important to the dairy operation. “The biggest part of our marketing is the participation on the Shows. With this success behind us, it is a great opening for marketing your genetics through the Internet, sales or on a private basis, because the link to the buyer has been created.”

Hellender Juror Jurgolin EX-92-CH 6E 11*     Supreme Champion & Hon Ment Best Udder Brunegg '11     1st at the Swiss Expo in '08 and '09 & 3rd in '11     Dam to COLIN (s. Champion) @ Swiss Genetics! #4 Swiss ISEL Bull (12/12)     Dam to the Hon. Mention Gr. Champion Swiss Expo '11: CALANDA     Jurgolin is in 8th lactation and already over 110.000 kg milk lifetime production!     She has 1 EX-94-2E dtr, 1 EX-94-3E dtr and 1 EX-95-3E daughter! Picture in 7th lactation

Hellender Juror Jurgolin EX-92-CH 6E 11*
Supreme Champion & Hon Ment Best Udder Brunegg ’11
1st at the Swiss Expo in ’08 and ’09 & 3rd in ’11
Dam to COLIN (s. Champion) @ Swiss Genetics! #4 Swiss ISEL Bull (12/12)
Dam to the Hon. Mention Gr. Champion Swiss Expo ’11: CALANDA
Jurgolin is in 8th lactation and already over 110.000 kg milk lifetime production!
She has 1 EX-94-2E dtr, 1 EX-94-3E dtr and 1 EX-95-3E daughter!
Picture in 7th lactation

Small Steps.  Big Success Now and in the Future.

There are always special animals that rise to the top of individual breeding programs and for Hellender Holsteins it was the Jurgolin Juror cow family. “Without any doubt the greatest cow we ever had and still have the pleasure to work with is Hellender Juror Jurgolin EX-92 6E GM 13*. She keeps impressing us with her own performance as she has already produced 125000kg of milk with really high components. Furthermore she twice topped the production cow class at the renowned Swiss’Expo.” Such achievements would make any breeder proud but Jurgolin is leaving a legacy as well. “The best thing about this hard working, zero problem cow is her progeny. Already 3 of Jurgolin’s daughters are classified EX-94 and EX-95 and there will be more great young cows to come.” Adding strength on the sire side is another achievement for Jurgolin. “Her son is the former N°1 bull in Switzerland and was sold out in a record time period.” Thomas explains the decision process that led to this success. “The mating was chosen to increase the production of her dam by Dixellen Design, which had really high components. Also could she have had a tighter attached udder but had excellent feet and legs, which made Juror a great mating sire for her.”

Hellender Champion Calanda EX-95-SW 3E      1st & Hon. Mention Champion Swiss Expo 2010     1st Swiss Expo Lausanne 2013     Supreme Champion Elite Show Brunegg 2010     1st National Expo Bulle 2010     Full sister to Hellender COLIN @ Swiss Genetics     She has a Windbrook son with skyhigh Genomics @ Swiss Genetics     Combined owned by: J. & C. Rey, P. Deru & Hellender Holsteins

Hellender Champion Calanda EX-95-SW 3E
1st & Hon. Mention Champion Swiss Expo 2010
1st Swiss Expo Lausanne 2013
Supreme Champion Elite Show Brunegg 2010
1st National Expo Bulle 2010
Champion x Hellender Juror Jurgolin EX-92-SW 6E
Combined owned by: J. & C. Rey, P. Deru & Hellender Holsteins

From a Small Start to Grand Successes

It is quite clear to see that, despite the traumatic cause of their start into Holsteins, Hellender building an outstanding herd.  Thomas outlines current breeding lines. “Right now we are still working with the foundation cow of the family, Juror Jurgolin. But we also are building through her daughters by Champion and Goldwyn. The next generation of great ones will come up through the Dempseys and a Knowledge out of the Champions and a Hvezda with RC as well as a Windbrook straight out of Jurgolin.” The shine on the future is also being fulfilled in the show ring. “We own two milking Goldwyns out of Vangoh Durham Treasure EX-96 3E that have been really successful in the showring and that are fresh with their second calves and ready to be flushed. Treasure caught my eye being late maturing and showing a perfect udder already as a young cow.” New purchases are showing possibilities too. “We just purchased the Top Seller of the Riedmuellers Holstein Complete Dispersal, Bolton Chantal VG 2y, a show winning daughter out of Champion Cresta then Durham, Encore, Cinder and Tony Rae EX-96. This bull dam has a very high production in a great mammary system and shows us lots of potential in the show ring as well. Thomas modestly identifies the Ender family’s blossoming success. “I think we consider our greatest accomplishment is that we started with a herd of 25 cows and have been able to develop a successful cow family whose progeny is doing well in France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Denmark and Belgium.”

Hellender Champion Corina EX-94-SW 3E      Supreme Champion Argovie-Expo 2013     1st & Res. Champion & Best Udder Brunegg '11     1st Expo Bulle '09 and 3rd Expo Bulle '11     3rd Swiss Expo Lausanne '09 and 3rd Swiss Expo Lausanne '13     Supreme Champoin & Best Udder Elite Show Brunegg '09     Supreme Champion Luga Luzern '09     1st & Res. Jr. Champion Elite Show '08     Swiss Holsteins Cow of the Year '14 Champion x Hellender Juror Jurgolin EX-92-SW 6E

Hellender Champion Corina EX-94-SW 3E
Supreme Champion Argovie-Expo 2013
1st & Res. Champion & Best Udder Brunegg ’11
1st Expo Bulle ’09 and 3rd Expo Bulle ’11
3rd Swiss Expo Lausanne ’09 and 3rd Swiss Expo Lausanne ’13
Supreme Champoin & Best Udder Elite Show Brunegg ’09
Supreme Champion Luga Luzern ’09
1st & Res. Jr. Champion Elite Show ’08
Swiss Holsteins Cow of the Year ’14
Champion x Hellender Juror Jurgolin EX-92-SW 6E

Sire Selection

“We like security in our breeding program, so for the breeding part genomics hasn’t affected us as much.” Having said that he adds this caveat. “It is harder to sell a bull out of a great cow family if you’re not in the race.” He therefore outlines the Hellender sire selection philosophy.” The majority of the bulls we used are daughter proven because with a small herd we prefer a proof with more security and prefer not to experiment with young genomic bulls. At the moment we are using Atwood, Aftershock, Seaver, Sid, Observer, Dorcy and still Champion. On the genomic side we’ve been using Destined, Airintake and Lingo. All of these bulls transmit good milk production in great udders.”

Hellender Champion Cortina EX-94-CH 2E  4th Swiss Expo '09 & 3rd Swiss Expo '10 4th National Expo Bulle '10 2nd & Hon. Mention Champion & Res. Best Udder Brunegg '09 Champion x  Hellender Champion Cortina EX-94-SW 2E

Hellender Champion Cortina EX-94-CH 2E
4th Swiss Expo ’09 & 3rd Swiss Expo ’10
4th National Expo Bulle ’10
2nd & Hon. Mention Champion & Res. Best Udder Brunegg ’09
Champion x Hellender Champion Cortina EX-94-SW 2E

 “Little Things Make a Big Difference”

Perhaps the easiest way to understand the Hellender breeding philosophy is to look at in the context of their home country. Thomas agrees pointing out, “I think the biggest difference is size. Everything is smaller in Switzerland: the farms the machinery and the herds. This opens the opportunity to do a more individual mating for each animal. At the end this helps to increase the level of the average. We are really happy about the fact that size doesn’t matter as much as it used to in the past. A middle sized, well balanced cow with a great udder often gets a preference towards the big framey cow. For us this is the key to longevity.  Do some wise investments in great cow families that reflect your breeding goal right at the beginning and go from there. Embryos I think are a good opportunity to acquire top genetics at reasonable prices. And be hard on the selection of your own animals, this makes you move forward with the right genetics over the years.”

Calanda and Corina are 1st and 3rd in the production cow class at the recent Swiss Expo

Calanda and Corina are 3rd and 4th in the production cow class at the recent Swiss Expo

“No Matter How Small You Start Out, You Should Always Dream Big”

The Enders are reaping the success of staying true to their vision. The history of this small herd attests to the success that a focused breeding philosophy can generate. In 2014 Hellender Champion Corina EX-94 was named Swiss Holstein Cow of the Year.  (Read more: Hellender Champion Corina – Swiss Holstein cow of the Year!) This daughter of Hellender Juror Jurgolin has several show ring victories and has been 3 time Supreme Champion in Switzerland with multiple outings at the Swiss Expo in Lausanne. Another Jurgolin daughter, probably the most famous of them all is, Hellender Champion Calanda EX-95 3E. She was Honorable Mention Grand Champion of the 2010 Swiss ‘Expo. Of interest also, is that several sons of the Jurgolin daughters are in AI. With all this success, there are many who admire the achievements of Hellender Holsteins. In advising other breeders how to follow in their footsteps, the Enders encourage dairy breeders to stick to their goals and learn from the best. “It is important to have an open mind and always be willing to listen and learn from good cowmen.” The Hellender Herd has benefited from that mentoring and Thomas gives a personal example, “For me the person I look up to is Callum McKinven. I admire him not only as a breeder full of passion but because he made it possible for me to see new opportunities. I learned much during my stay at his place and in times with him after.”

Hellender Goldwyn Griffen NC Goldwyn x Hellender Juror Jurgolin EX-92 6E GM 13* 3rd place Swiss'Expo Lausanne 2014 4th place Swiss'Expo Lausanne 2013 2nd place and finalist Junior Expo Bulle 2012

Hellender Goldwyn Griffen NC
Goldwyn x Hellender Juror Jurgolin EX-92 6E GM 13*
3rd place Swiss’Expo Lausanne 2014
4th place Swiss’Expo Lausanne 2013
2nd place and finalist Junior Expo Bulle 2012

The Bullvine Bottom Line

There are many great examples to use as role models and it isn’t surprising that many of them have gone the route of big herds, big facilities and big investments.  For the Hellender herd the focus wasn’t on size and numbers.  It started with strong emphasis on milk and built from there. With scrupulous selection they have certainly achieved quality in both milk production and in the show ring.  Congratulations to Hellender Holsteins for being an example of how a small herd can be managed to achieve remarkable success.



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