Archive for 2012 – Page 4

TPI™ and LPI – Marketing or Mating tools?

From old school dairy breeders telling you, “They are all worthless!” to geneticists telling you “They are the greatest thing since sliced bread!” it can be challenging to figure out whether tools like TPI® and LPI have significant merits in your breeding or marketing program

What Are They?

To get a better understanding of what each of these indexes represent start with the fact that  TPI® (Total Performance Index) and LPI (Lifetime Profit Index) are multi-trait indexes.  They both combine production, type, and health and fertility traits to rank sires on their ability to transmit an economic balance of these traits. TPI® is calculated by Holstein USA and LPI is calculated by The Canadian Dairy Network.

The big thing to remember about both of these indexes is that they are more or less a predictor of a bull’s ability to transmit based on established weightings.  For TPI® that weighting is as follows

TPI Formula

Source: Holstein USA, click on image for more details

Whereas LPI has the following weighting, 51% production, 29% conformation and 20% health traits. As you will notice, LPI actually puts a greater weighting on conformation and health than does the TPI®.

They’re Tools You Fool

The big thing to remember is both of these indexes were created to help identify superior sires that combined high production, sound conformation, and desirable health and fertility traits.  It does not mean that these sires are the only sires you should be using.  Or that if you only use these sires you will have the best herd in the world.

What it does mean is that you can use these tools to help short list what sires you are wanting to use, assuming that you are breeding for high production, conformation, and fertility.  If you are like some old school breeders who feel that high lactation production is not worth the tradeoff then fine, LPI and TPI® are not for you.  In reality, each breeding program would be best to develop their own index based on the needs and goals of their breeding program.  Maybe you would want more emphasis on health or type.  It all depends on your goals and then you work from there.

It’s All About the Marketing

Were these indexes created just for marketing?  No.  Were they created for ways to compare and sell sires?  Yes.  What’s the difference?  Well when both these indexes were created they had all the right intentions.  They were created for a way to compare sires on their overall genetic merits.  Which lead to major sale and marketing opportunities for those organizations and breeders who had the top sires.

I can remember that, before these multi-trait indexes were introduced,  everyone claimed to have the #1 sire or cow.  While that is still happening, for the most part TPI® and LPI provide the opportunity for breeders to gain a clear understanding of who is the top sire for producing high production, sound conformation, and healthy cattle.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

With so many different traits that are evaluated, trying to identify which sires have the overall best genetics can be very challenging.  While the TPI® and LPI formulas may not be the exact weighting that works for your breeding program, they are designed to represent that average breeder (if there is such a thing).  They are designed to give opportunity to compare sires on relative merits and see which sires rise to the top.  The big thing to remember is that they are to be used as tools! If you lose focus on that, these tools can have you looking like a fool!

GLOBAL INVESTMENT: Milk is a BIG Growth Industry!

Movie fans will remember the movie “BIG” where a young boy makes a wish at a fairground machine to be big. He wakes up the following morning to find that his wish has been granted and his body has grown older over night. But he is still the same 12 year old kid on the inside with a whole lot of strange new people and experiences to deal with! Some, including Canada, are finding themselves in a grown up world trying to catch up.

The Cream Rises to the Top of the Milk Maker List?

Globally, dairy farming, along with agriculture in general, is experiencing the “BIG” phenomenon. Milk production is expected to grow an average 2% per year for the next decade. Asia will account for most of it. Now that`s a lot of milk and BIG indeed!

Today we are looking at the list of Top 10 Countries By Milk Production as per US Department of Agriculture, 2011:

Top 10 Countries By Milk Production

Everyone feels patriotic when their country does well on ranked lists. Did you look to see where your country stood in the Top 10? How did it make you feel? Where you even on the list? If you’re like me, you probably thought (because of numerous publication writers telling you so) that Canada is a major milk producer. Ooops! We better make that major milk consumer. We are higher on the milk consumer list than we are on the milk producer list. We’re approximately 12th for per capita consumption, according to the United States Department of Agriculture and we’re 19th for production. Sounds a little far back even for a die-hard Blue Jays and Maple Leafs fan.

Where’s the Wiggle Room?

There’s lots of room for everybody to take advantage of the opportunities. If you’re at the top of the list, like the U.S. you can take heart from the fact that food production will be challenged to increase 70 percent over the next 30 years. The scary part is the fluctuating nature of consumer demand. An editorial in Hoard’s Dairyman, 8/25/10 made these points, “Of the countless wildcards in the dairy business, the future role of dairy exports is, perhaps, the wildest. That is why it is vital that our industry leaders and policymakers keep export potential in perspective. What our industry must have is a system that enables us all to expand production when domestic and foreign demand calls for it and to cut back on production when the market signals tell us to.” The comments are definitely something to think about. On the other hand, there are dangers in holding back as well. The truth is there is a huge gap between growing global demand and global supply. You might rewrite the axiom to say, “Nature abhors a gap!”You can be 100% sure of one thing. Somebody will move to fill it. The earliest ones into the game with vision and dollars will be able to profit from providing the milk, even it has to be accessed outside their own borders. It has been suggested that New Zealand could accomplish this. Or perhaps one of the mega-food companies who see the opportunity and are ready to take it. There is huge potential for countries or companies who have a low cost of production to move to the forefront of milk production.

But what if you`re further down the production side of the list? You may decide that it’s time to start movin’ on up! Hang on! It could be a bumpy ride. Consumer demands, trade regulations and national food policies are just three of the variables that are going to present ongoing challenges. even though many forecasters see agriculture as the greatest growth industry of our time. Super! All we have to do is increase the production of animals and plants. But then there is the increasing squeeze from land use, sustainable agriculture and available water. It’s ironic that at the very time when markets are growing and science and technology are making great strides, land and water use from growing urbanization are providing counter pressure.

Although we are learning to accept and adapt to the speed of new technology, it is probably true, that what we are familiar with today may not be the breakthrough that will take us into the future. For example, new technologies, such as nutrigenomics, will become increasingly important. With nutrigenomics, it will be possible to influence or control genetic expression in animals. Certain feed ingredients will be able to switch on genes in the animals, leading to improved production. It will revolutionize nutrition, said Karl Dawson, chief scientific officer at Alltech, when speaking at the Alltech International Symposium held in May in Lexington, Kentucky. He added. “You’re going to see more changes in nutrition in the next 10 years than you have seen in the last century.”

Thus far we see that there is growing demand and improved methods of delivering milk and milk products. Another key factor is the initiatives throughout the world to train farmers in the business of dairy farming. Rural development and sustainable agriculture projects are seeing successes that will affect milk production worldwide, while sourcing information and mentors in the areas of animal genetics, product development and dairy cattle management.


So far, everyone agrees that it will be possible, somehow, to keep up with the food demands of a growing world population. What we may not be so sure of is the exactly how it will happen. Nevertheless, milk will be an important product in feeding world populations. If you`re already in the dairy industry, you have an advantage that not all of the companies who aspire to global trade can claim and that is that the market is far from saturated and demand is continually growing. No wonder the stock market is recognizing that you can put your money where the milk is.

GENOMIC HEIFERS: Understanding who is on top

Adding genomics to genetic evaluations brings more attention to young heifers. There is increased accuracy to heifer indexes and new population benchmarks.  Even more significant are the Direct Genetic Values (DGVs) that are generated from the DNA results.  As you will see, the the very top heifers increase their genetic indexes significantly, while their full sisters, without high DGVs are not on the list. The DGV value makes the difference.

The Bullvine continually receives the question, “Why are the top heifers at the top?” In order to assist the industry to better know how high is great, the Bullvine has done an analysis of the top 25 Canadian Holstein heifers published in April 2012 by Canadian Dairy Network.

What do the average for the Top 25 look like?

[csv2table source=”” icons=”false”]

This is a truly exceptional group. What other Top 25 female list would be able to boast of an average value of 192 kg. for fat plus protein and 13 for conformation on their Parent Average Genetic Indexes? And look at their DGVs. They are even higher at 203 kgs. for fat plus protein and 13.8 for conformation.

Digging Deeper

Average numbers are a good place to start, but there are additional facts that can assist us in understanding the Top 25.

  • 21 were less than 1 year of age and 4 were over 12 months of age. Obviously, the heifers on this list are young.
  • The prominent cow families represented on this list are: Lila Z (24%); Lead Mae (24%); Gypsy Grand (16%) and Laurie Sheik (8%).
  • The heifers’ sires are 48% daughter proven bulls and 52% genomic young sires.
  • The heifers’ dams are 40% with performance of their own and 60% with PA GLPIs only.
  • 96% of the heifers have DGVs higher than their PA GLPI.
  • The most significant fact is that the top 25 heifers on average have DGVs 228 LPI points higher than their PA GLPI. They are what are commonly referred to as high outliers. Most of these heifers have full sisters who are not as high for DGV. Previously, they would have been considered equals.

In future articles, The Bullvine will be bringing forward ideas on the genetic needs of dairy cattle and strategies to use in selecting and breeding.


When deciding to invest in a high genomics heifer, it is important to study both the heifer’s PA GLPI and her DGV. Although 25 may be too small a group to depend on for everything. Nevertheless from this small snapshot we get a clearer picture of the potential that genomics and DGVs provide.  The Bullvine is excited to provide this perspective on an ongoing basis.
The Dairy Breeders No BS Guide to Genomics


Not sure what all this hype about genomics is all about?

Want to learn what it is and what it means to your breeding program?

Download this free guide.




Old School Dairy Breeders – Stop Pissing On Genomics

Old school breeder pissing on genomics!!!!

Recently as part of our weekend humor series we published the picture seen at the right.  In publishing the image we knew we would get a reaction, but we were surprised at the way breeders interpreted it.  While we intended to show how old school breeders are dissing on genomics, but instead it seemed to become a rallying cry for old school dairy breeders.

The conversation that has stemmed from it has been very interesting.   As you can see, there are still many breeders who don’t totally understand the merits of using top genomic young sires.  In an effort to help educate, or maybe just bang my head against the wall, we have prepared the following details. .

Proven vs. Young Sire – Who wins in the long run?

Let’s take a comparison of the top 10 Genomics Young Sires vs. the Top 10 Proven sires from the April 2012 proof run.  Of course we all know that the genomic young sires will have higher breeding values, but we need to account for the expected drop.  Our analysis of the NAAB genomic sires’ proofs vs. their later daughter proven proofs currently shows a 13.8% drop on TPI.  (Note: we are actually tracking the drop on LPI sires, TPI sires and PLI sires, and so far we see them dropping 9.7%, 13.8%, and 13.5% respectively.)

The following table shows where the current top genomic sires would rank compared to the proven sires options available currently.

[csv2table source=”” icons=”true”]

What Does This Mean?

What you notice is that three of the top current genomic young sires (Numero Uno, Supersire, and McCutchen) would all rank among the top 10 proven sires.  In fact, 25 of the top 50 sires would be genomic young sires.  This is not to say that they will all drop the 13.8% that the average sire has already.  They could drop more or less.  However, what it does show is that these young genomic sires have a much higher predictability than in the past.  You can now use a group of these young sires with much greater confidence than in the past.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Are all the top genomic sires, going to end up on the top of the proven sires list, when they have daughter progeny?  No, of course not.  But what we have been finding is that only about 10% of them drop off the top list, and many of them hold pretty strong.  We have even found some genomic sires that actually go up with daughter information.  What it does mean?  Use genomic sires that are within 10% of the top sires.  If they have GTPI values of 2,300 or greater, you will end up ahead of where you would have been, if you had not used any genomic sires at all.  Just remember this is an average.  The movement will not be exactly the same for all sires, hence the need to spread out your young sire usage.

For all those old school breeders, who are pissing on genomics, well what can I say?  I don’t expect to change your mind. However, it is foolish to piss on something that you don’t understand.  Might I recommend that you read our free guide – The Dairy Breeders “No BS” Guide to Genomics.

Also be sure to check out our other fun links on Facebook

The most nevus day in most breeders lives.

The most nevus day in most breeders lives.

Some decisions are just too hard to make....

Some decisions are just too hard to make….

"You been Flushing Long"

“You been Flushing Long”

It's a good thing dairy breeders don't look at woman the way they do dairy cattle!!!

It’s a good thing dairy breeders don’t look at woman the way they do dairy cattle!!!

When you're having a bad day. Just think......

When you’re having a bad day. Just think……


Weekly Show and Sale Recap– 7/14/2012


  • Cortland Classic Holstein Show
    July 9, 2012 – Cortland, NY
    Judge: Jamie Black, Constable, NY
    Total Head Shown: 116

    • Junior Champion: Co-Vale Fever Camila, 1st summer yearling, Co-Vale Holsteins, Eaton Holsteins & Barclay Phoenix
    • Reserve Junior Champion: Bulrush Goldwyn Kocktail-ET, 1st winter calf, Eaton Holsteins & Co-Vale Holsteins
    • Senior & Grand Champion: Curr-Vale Goldwyn Lady-L, 1st aged cow, Jessica Currie
    • Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion: McGarr-Farms Golden Rose, 1st 4-year-old, Patrick McGarr
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Mac-Mara Holsteins
  • Washington State Holstein Show
    July 5-6, 2012
    Lynden, WA
    Judge: Brian Behnke, Albany, WI
    Total head: 81

    • Junior Champion: VanDyk-S Trumpet Loretta (Ralma-RH Trumpet-ET), 1st fall yearling, Grace Zylstra
    • Reserve Junior Champion: Goldcrest Braxton Gin (Regancrest S Braxton-ET), 1st fall calf, Goldcrest Farms
    • Intermediate Champion: Goldcrest Dundee Roxy (Regancrest Dundee-ET), 1st junior 3-year-old, Goldcrest Farms
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion: La-Dee Veronicas Sensation (Velvet-View-KJ Sensation), 1st senior 3-year-old, Larry Tjoelker
    • Senior & Grand Champion: Claquato Goldwyn Regina (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st aged cow, Claquato Farms
    • Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion: Markwell-LB Goldwyn Deb (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st 5-year-old, Markwell Holsteins
    • Premier Breeder – VanDyk-S Holsteins
    • Premier Exhibitor – Goldcrest Farms
  • Central Plains Holstein Show/South Dakota State Show
    July 7, 2012
    Brookings, SD
    Judge: Justin Burdette,  Mercersburg, PA
    107 total head

    • Junior Champion, S.D. State Show and Central Plains Show: Vanderham Cont Sake-Red (Patience Showline Contender), 1st summer yearling, Vanderham Dairy, Alcester, SD
    • Reserve Junior Champion, S.D. State Show and Central Plains Show: Al-Shar SDG Embers Alex-ET (Golden-Oaks ST Alexander), 1st fall calf, Al-Shar Holsteins, Groton, SD
    • Intermediate Champion, S.D. State Show and Central Plains Show: Macland Atwood Stacie (Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood-ET), 1st Jr. 2-year-old, Majestic View Genetics, Troy & Darin Zoellner, and Andy Weber, Groton, SD
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion, S.D. State Show and Central Plains Show: Strans-Jen-D Adv Raquel-Red (KHW Kite Advent-Red), 1st Sr. 2-year-old, Honslo, Birkholz, T., J., & J. Stoutjesdyk, Alcester, SD
    • Senior & Grand Champion, S.D. State Show and Central Plains Show: Jen-D Talent Reanna-Red (Ladino Park Talent), 1st Aged Cow, RSC-CH Holsteins, Alcester, SD
    • Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion, S.D. State Show and Central Plains Show: Sipka PG A Spool 1061-ET (EK-Oseean Aspen-ET), Postlane Holsteins, Volga, SD
    • Premier Breeder Central Plains and SD Holstein Show: Sipka Holsteins, Volga, SD
    • Premier Exhibitor Central Plains: Majestic-View, Troy & Darin Zoellner, Andy Weber, Groton, SD
    • Premier Exhibitor SD State Holstein Show: Al-Shar Holsteins, Groton, SD
  • Emerald Expo
    Patrick and Derrick Frawley were the big winners during the Emerald Expo in Ireland. With Ridgefield Dundee Portea and Croagh Susie Mist 46 (Goldwyn) they captured gold and silver during the individual finale. In addition, they showed the best group of 3 cows. In the milking heifers, Clonpaddin Fames (Sanchez) of Garry Hurley was victorious. (


  • High Rocky-Mountain average
    Mascalese, the Italian Nr.1 bull, has become very popular worldwide in a short period of time. Also in the western part of Canada, where a first choice Mascalese heifer calf out of Ms Chassity Cash VG-87 attracted a great top price of C$80,000. Cash, owned by Morsan Farms, is the sought-after Goldwyn daughter of Regancrest Chassity, who was elected HI’s “Global Cow of the Year” in 2011. That great bid was realized at the 2012 edition of the RockyMountain Sale, where 118 lots reached an outstanding average of C$9776. Another top price was paid for Ladinodale Aretha-Red, a red and polled Destry daughter with high genomics. For C$66,000 she went to RockyMountain Holsteins. And then there was the little Shamrock calf with 3157 gLPI from Fleury-Gen Baxter Lisa, that went to Butler, Elite Dairy, Johnson & Widholm for C$50,000. Also the promising Goldwyn daughter and show heifer Hoese Goldwyn Beauty attracted lots of interest. It was Morsan who finally bought her for C$35,500. (
  • $15,000 for an Explode
    Many Canadian buyers made their move at the International Markwell Sale in the US state of Washington, which averaged $3439 over 98 lots. The highest price was paid for Markwell Explode Delcie (from the Raven family), who went to the Delcie Syndicate for $15,000. (
  • Destry daughter tops Barrel Creek Holsteins Dispersal
    A daughter of Scientific Destry topped the Barrel Creek Holsteins Dispersal, held June 26th in Intercourse, PA.  Barrel-Creek D Olley-Red-ET sold for $3100 to Walter Brooks of Springville, PA.  Olley was fresh last October and due again this coming October to KHW Elm-Park Acme.  Her dam is an 85-point Advent with over 22,000M from the famed Beaujolais-Red family of Pinehurst.  The second dam is Pinehurst Dark Elegance *RC herself, scored 2E-94 with a lifetime production of 166,944M 3.9 6564F 3.1 5238P, and a 7th generation EX over 1100 of fat!  The second high seller of the day at $3000 was Barrel-Creek Talent Casey, a VG-85 Talent daughter due in January to Sanchez.  The dam was an unscored Goldwyn lost after 1st calving, but behind her was the well-known family from Glen-Valley Holsteins including Glen-Valley Win Caprice-ET (3E-93 GMD-DOM) and Blackstar Classy (2E-92 GMD-DOM) who made over 200,000 of lifetime milk.  Promise Haven Farm of Ulster, PA, was the successful buyer.  One hundred fifteen lots averaged $1675 for the Samuel & Lydia King family of Atglen.  The sale was co-managed by Stonehurst Farm and The Cattle Exchange. (
  • Top-selling French Detox
    With an impressive price of €29,500 the Red & White BTS-Aeva became top seller at the auction of Bon Temps & Partners in France. Aeva, purchased by Diamond Genetics & Rijnhof Holsteins, is a Detox daughter out of super bull dam KHW-I Aiko Baxter VG-87. The runner up (€18,600) was a Van Gogh daughter from the Dellia family. (

Sold! or did she?

Maybe it because it’s Friday the 13, or maybe it’s because I just like stirring things up, but recently when I was reviewing the sale list from some of the major sales, I found myself asking, “Did she really sell?”

As I look at the buyers list I see that there were many lots that were bought either by sales management or by the close friends of the person selling the animal.  While I understand in some cases, such as Rocky Mountain Holsteins, for example, that the teams putting on the sale are also typical buyers as well, I also notice cases where I see that lots sold to a close friend of the consignor or neighbor of the consignor and I ask myself did she really sell?

It has been my finding in the past that these types of sales, typically, do not result in any form of actual sale.  Ya sure you may see the new name on the pedigree for a little while, but give it about a year or so and that animal is back in the sole ownership of the breeder who was selling that animal.

I can understand that the breeder does not want to let their animal sell for less than they feel they are worth.  However, the question begs to be asked, is she really worth what they think she is?  On the other hand, are they just looking for the marketing aspect of having one of their animals on the top sellers’ list?

Creating a False Market

There is a certain aspect to having your animal appear on the top sellers list at a major sale.  Often time perception is reality.  Therefore, if breeders see family members from a certain family consistently selling well, they assume it’s a very marketable family and then want to get in on that family to cash in on the popularity.  The problem is that popularity never existed and the person buying in never makes any money.  Neither does the original seller really.  Since they have to pay the commission to the original sales management team for the commission on the animal that never really sold.

Don’t believe your own hype

For most dairy breeders, nothing compares to seeing the fruits of your hard work.  You tend to see each as though it was one of your children.  Well not quite, but pretty close.  You have put so much hard work into it that you want to see the reward for all that work.  Many times that comes in one of two ways: awards and/or revenue.  Moreover, while awards are nice, they don’t pay the bills.  Therefore, you do not want to let those animals go for less than you feel your time and effort is worth.

The problem is many breeders start getting a false sense of what their animals are worth.  You see other animals selling for big dollars, and you think, “Hey my heifer is at least as good as that heifer, if not better”.  Since you don’t want to be shortchanged on your sale price you “protect” her by having a friend or neighbor run up the sale price to what you believe is the minimally acceptable price.  The problem is that no one else in the market feels that she is worth that, so all that you have really done is increased the size of the commission check you are going to pay to sales management.

There’s a fix in the works

I cannot tell you the number of times that I could tell you who and at what price an animal would sell for, before the sale even started.  The reason I can’t tell you is because it’s against most terms and conditions of the sale agreement.  Animals being offered at public auction are to be sold in an open and equally available manner.  Often times, high valued animals are going through the sale ring for the marketability and the hype.  Yes, they are being sold to a new buyer, but the deal has already been worked out before the heifer ever enters the sale ring.

Can I say it’s wrong.  Not really, because it is a mutually agreed upon sale price, and if someone else wanted to pay more than that price they could.  The challenge is that this was more of a private treaty sale than a public offering.  However, I guess everyone wins, sales management gets a sale topper, the seller gets the sale price they are looking for, and the buyer pays a price they agreed upon and gets the added promotion on the animal.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

If you are going to sell an animal at public auction, be willing to sell her.  Don’t put her (or in many cases now him) in the sale if you are not willing to sell.  Yes, I understand the marketing aspects, but in the end, you are only hurting yourself and the industry.  Those who have been to enough of these sales know what breeders are actually willing to let their top animal go, and those who only have the animal in the sale for the hype.  Next time you are at one of these top sales, look to see who is bidding on these animals.  Is it the people who buy all the time?  Is it a breeder who you know is looking to add a new cow family?  On the other hand, is it the neighbor or best friend of the person selling the animal?  When the latter is the case, I have made it a point to stop bidding that instant.  No matter what the price.

What has your experience been?  Please share in comments box below.



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Are You Feeling the Heat?

There is no question your cattle are feeling the heat and, as a result, so is your pocket book. One of the greatest challenges facing many dairy farmers, especially those in the southeastern United States is the effects of heat-stress on their cattle.  The loss in production during the hot summer months can have a huge effect on profitability.  The following are some ways you can improve the performance of your herd, during the hot summer months.


Three things send your profits spiraling down: increasing air temperature, temperature-humidity index and rising rectal temperature above critical thresholds.  These three can cause decreased dry matter intake (DMI) and milk yield and reduce efficiency of milk yield.  In other words, as temperatures go up your profits go down.  Fortunately, modifications including shade, barns which enhance passive ventilation and the addition of fans and sprinklers help to increase body heat loss, lower body temperature and, thus, increase DMI.

  • Shading
    One of the first steps that should be taken to moderate the stressful effects of a hot climate is to protect the cow from direct and indirect solar radiation.  Get them out of direct sun!  It was estimated that total heat load could be reduced from 30 to 50% with a well-designed shade. Shading is one of the more easily implemented and economical methods to minimize heat from solar radiation.  Cows in a shaded versus no shade environment had lower rectal temperatures (38.9 and 39.4°C) and reduced respiratory rate (54 and 82 breaths/min), and yielded 10% more milk when shaded. Numerous types of shading are available, from trees (which are easily killed by high cow density), to metal and synthetic materials (shade cloth).
  • Cooling for Dairy Cows
    Although shade reduces heat accumulation from solar radiation there is no effect on air temperature or relative humidity and additional cooling is necessary for lactating dairy cows in a hot, humid climate. A number of cooling options exist for lactating dairy cows based on combinations of convection, conduction, radiation, and evaporation. Air movement (fans), wetting the cow, evaporation to cool the air, and shade to minimize transfer of solar radiation are used to enhance heat dissipation. Any cooling system that is to be effective must take into consideration the intense solar radiation, high ambient temperature, and the typically high daytime relative humidity, which increases to almost saturation at night. These challenging conditions tax the ability of any cooling system to maintain a normal body temperature for the cow.  Most air conditioning systems tend to be cost prohibitive and most misting systems tend to increase (not decrease) the relative humidity and can cause large amounts of wasted water that must be dealt with.  Now you’ve got heat and water, two things pathogens love.
  • Cooling Dry Cows
    While many producers tend to focus on lactating cows, it is important not to forget about your dry cows as well.  In a research study, when cows shaded during the dry period were compared with unshaded control animals.  The shaded cows delivered calves that were 3.1 kg heavier and yielded 13.6% more milk for a 305 d lactation, even though all cows were handled similarly following calving.  The shaded cows had lower rectal temperature, respiratory rate, and heart rate and altered hormone patterns during the dry period. Similarly, cows that were cooled using sprinklers and fans during the dry period maintained lower body temperatures and delivered calves that were 2.6 kg heavier and cows averaged 3.5 kg more milk daily for the first 150 d of lactation than shade only controls.
  • Heat Stress Effects On Heifers
    Heifers generate far less metabolic heat than cows, have greater surface area relative to internal body mass and would be expected to suffer less from heat stress. However, research from the southern United States and Caribbean regions indicates that Holstein females raised at latitudes less than 34°N weighed 6 to 10% less at birth and average approximately 16% lower BW at maturity than those in more northern latitudes, even when sired by the same bulls. Immunity may also be compromised in newborns during hot weather, and calves born in February and March. Calves born to heat-stressed dams were less vigorous, less likely to nurse immediately after birth, and consequently the colostrum from the first milking was of higher quality due to little or no nursing. Hot conditions may also compromise the ability of the calf to absorb immunoglobulins. (For more on this check out 10 Ways Cool Calves Beat the Heat)

Genetic Selection

There are many aspects of genetics that influence the response to heat stress, and variation among breeds is large. One of the challenges associated with managing high producing cattle in a hot environment is that selection for increased performance is often in conflict with maintaining homeothermy. The maintenance of body temperature is heritable through characteristics including sweating competence, low tissue resistance, coat structure and color.  Selection for heat tolerance without selection for an accompanied greater productivity would likely result in lower overall performance by the animal. Sweating response was found to be negatively correlated with metabolic rate, suggesting the difficulty in combining desirable traits of heat adaptation and metabolic potential in cattle.

Because genetic variation exists for traits important to thermoregulation, the potential to select sires that can transmit important traits must be considered. Genetic selection for heat tolerance may be possible, but continued selection for greater performance in the absence of consideration for heat tolerance will result in greater susceptibility to heat stress.

Nutritional Management

There is no question that during the hot summer months you need to change what you are feeding your cattle. With reduced dry matter intake you must reformulate your rations to account for the greater nutrient requirements during the hot weather.

Intake of DM usually declines with hot weather and nutrient density of the diet must increase. The tendency is to increase dietary protein concentration above requirements, but there is an energetic cost associated with feeding excess protein. The most limiting nutrient for lactating dairy cows during summer is usually energy intake and a common approach to increase energy density is to reduce forage and increase concentrate content of the ration. The logic is that less fiber (less bulk) will encourage intake, while more concentrates increase the energy density of the diet. High fiber diets may indeed increase heat production, demonstrated by work showing that for diets containing 100, 75, or 50% of alfalfa, with the remainder being corn and soybean meal, efficiency of conversion of ME to milk was 54, 61, and 65%, respectively. While heat increment is a consideration for high fiber diets, total intake has a much greater impact on metabolic heat production by the animal. During hot weather, declining DMI and high lactation demand requires increased dietary mineral concentration. However, alterations in mineral metabolism also affect the electrolyte status of the cow during hot weather.

Water is arguably the most important nutrient for the dairy cow. Water intake is closely related to DMI and milk yield, but minimum temperature was the second variable to enter a stepwise regression equation (after DMI), indicating the influence that ambient temperature exerts on water consumption.  Clean ambient water must be easily available to animals at all times.

The nutritional needs of the cow change during heat stress, and ration reformulation to account for decreased DMI, the need to increase nutrient density, changing nutrient requirements, avoiding nutrient excesses and maintenance of normal rumen function is necessary.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Extended periods of high ambient temperature coupled with high relative humidity compromise the ability of the lactating dairy cow to dissipate excess body heat. Cows with elevated body temperature exhibit lower DMI and milk yield and produce milk with lower efficiency, reducing profitability for dairy farms in hot, humid climates. Maintaining cow performance in hot, humid climatic conditions in the future will likely require improved cooling capability, continued advances in nutritional formulation, and the need for genetic advancement which includes selection for heat tolerance or the identification of genetic traits which enhance heat tolerance. If producers must focus their efforts, during times of heat stress, then they should focus on those cows that are three weeks before and six weeks after calving.

For more on this check out “Effects of Heat-Stress on Production in Dairy Cattle” from the Journal of Dairy Science

GENOMICS: Big Dollar Opportunities are Adding Up

Is the glass half-full or half empty?  The comment is often heard that genomics has yet to prove itself.   When index breeding for production traits came on the scene forty years ago, it too was seen as the new kid on the block.  In response,  The Bullvine has decided to compile a list of points could be considered significant dollar opportunities  Please note that these dollar values are derived from the Canadian situation but the general principles can be applied elsewhere.

Sample Only the Best Young Sires

Eliminating the need to sample the bottom 60% of 550 young sires (all breeds) will save the Canadian industry $16.5 M per year.  Add to that, eliminating the loss that producers bear when they must cull daughters of low genetic merit young sires and it is over $20M in savings by genomically testing all young sires and only sampling the top sires.

Turning Generations

Generation interval is extremely important in determining the rate of genetic advancement in a population of food producing livestock.  Shortening the generation interval, by using genomics to more accurately identify the top heifers and young bulls, will decrease the generation interval by one year, when 30% of the population is bred to young genomically tested young sires. That will increase the rate of genetic advancement by 25% per year.  However the rate of usage of genomically tested young sires is fast approaching 50% which equates to a reduction in generation interval of two years. This results in a 60% gain in genetic advancement.  Research has shown that that 60% gain is worth $30M annually for the traits that are currently included in the LPI formula.

Increased Accuracy

When considering the accuracy, with which we know the breeding values of the animal in a population, there are many points to consider:

  • Conducting a low density panel test on all heifer calves in a population of cows has a cost. It also has the benefit of having a totally accurate herdbook, no wrong assignments of parents and these help in genetic evaluations.
  • Knowing the genomic values for all females means that those genetic merit females can be used as recipients or can be fattened and sold for meat.

Identifying the elite females in a population greatly enhances the rewards that can be reaped from using only the best as dams of the next generation. Putting a dollar value on increased accuracy on the female side of a population is not easy to do but by The Bullvine’s calculation it would yield $20M per year in net terms for Canada’s dairy farmers.

Beyond Canada there are great populations of dairy cattle that contribute to the advancement of the genetic merit of dairy cattle everywhere.  Knowing the genomic values of these animals will greatly help North America advance their populations, especially for breeds with numerically smaller numbers.

Traits under Selection

As The Bullvine has reported (read Is Your Breeding Strategy a Field of Dreams) selecting for traits beyond milk, fat, protein, SCC and conformation will become possible with the use of genomics.  Already The Bullvine has learned from our followers that they look forward to knowing in genetic terms details for feed efficiency, production limiting disease resistance, calf health and liveability, reproduction traits and more.  Putting an industry dollar value on knowing the growth of those additional traits is not possible at this time.  But it will be quite a significant number.


This article will not spend time addressing inbreeding as it has been addressed previously in The Bullvine (read Inbreeding: Does Genomics Affect The Balancing Act).  Suffice to say at this time inbreeding can be handled when selection uses genomic values.  Not previously mentioned by the Bullvine on inbreeding is the fact that in dairy cattle populations beyond Holsteins there is considerable benefit to using genomics to select semen and embryos from outside a country’s borders.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

So far in this article, The Bullvine has been able to identify over $70M to $100M in annual benefit to Canadian dairy breeders alone from the use of genomics.  That means $10,000 annually for each and every breeder.  So is the glass half full or half empty when it comes to using genomics? How do you see it?
The Dairy Breeders No BS Guide to Genomics


Not sure what all this hype about genomics is all about?

Want to learn what it is and what it means to your breeding program?

Download this free guide.




Murray Hunt: Perspective from Both Sides of the Fence

It’s our pleasure to welcome Murray Hunt to the Bullvine Team. Murray brings a wealth of experience from both the dairy industry side as well as the breeder sides of the fence. Ask Murray what success is in the dairy industry and he will instantly flash a smile because he has seen it up close and from both sides of the fence. The family farm, which is approaching its 100th Anniversary, is where he first fell in love with dairying, first at the heels of his grandfather Allen Humphrey and then working with his parents Sterling and Irene Hunt.  Almost three decades with Holstein Canada and the Canadian Association of animal breeders never separated him from his hands on appreciation of cattle at Huntsdale Holsteins.

He Loves Those Cows

“There’s an advantage to spending your working career doing what is closest to your heart.” Murray reports.  As he warms to the topic he enthuses that “Look at the major advancements we have seen in milk production and conformation, especially udders in Holstein cattle.  They were known for deep udders and low butterfat. They’ve certainly come a long way.” Years of working with the Holstein Canada Classification program support his conclusions. “And there is still great potential in working on feet.”  Justifiably proud of the Master Breeder shield earned by Huntsdale, Murray continues to breed to send sires into A.I. both in Canada and one in abroad. “Developing a member of the Gypsy Grand cow family has been good for Huntsdale.”

Cow Sense Meets Cow Science

Murray earned both his B.Sc. and M.Sc. at Guelph University.  His Master’s thesis was entitled, “An A.I. Breeding Schemes” and included the “Dollar Difference Guide” which was the precursor to the Canadian LPI system.  Hunt’s Masters was implemented by A.I. organizations that went from sampling less than 50 bulls per year to over 400.

(Not) The Same Old Story

Despite his long history with farming and farmer organizations, he is not reluctant to move forward.  “Success can be directly linked to your willingness to change.” Says Murray even though he adds, “All change is not good but we have to research the possibilities and then select what appears to be the best move in a forward direction.” If he himself was stuck in the past, he might be unwilling to see genomics moving the industry away from a purely pedigree analysis of animals.  “On the contrary!” he exclaims, “It’s wonderful to move to the next stage where we don’t have the cost and delays of proving sires that don’t have a chance of coming through as plus sires!” This leads to the topic of organizations and Hunt firmly believes that the future of the cattle breeding industry will see fewer producer organizations. “This is predictable from a purely financial point of view and will evolve with the breeder priorities, provided we can move beyond the past, be objective and expand our vision for the future.”

Look to the Horizon

“We need to forge our path to the horizon and not just to the end of our own laneway!” insists Murray who notes that “The ones who move forward with change are the ones who stay with the (cattle) industry and those who don’t will exit the industry.” He is not upset about this but does add, “Every generation that survives on the farm moves ahead with technology. It could be in your fully equipped office or the method you use for milking. For some it’s new ways to grow crops and mechanized ways to feed them.”  He strongly feels that it is “up to dairy breeders and industry leaders to trust the system, improve the system and use the system to produce a continually better product.”

The Bullvine Bottom Line

For Murray Hunt there is no final one-size-fits-all answer.  “If it was that easy, there would be no challenge and no opportunity. We all want to use what we know to prove our faith in the potential of Holstein cattle.  These are exciting times for genetics, technology and the future of the dairy business. It’s no time to find yourself sitting on the fence!”

Join us in welcoming Murray to the Bullvine team and we are excited about the great insights he will bring to the Bullvine.

A.I. and Sire Selection: Is the Tail Wagging the Cow?

As I watch how the dairy industry has changed over the recent years, and more specifically the dairy breeding industry, I find myself asking the question “is the tail wagging the dog?” Specifically I want to know, “Are dairy breeders dictating to A.I. companies what bulls they want to use and what trait they are looking for, or, is it the other way around?

So much has been made of how genomics has changed the dairy breeding industry lately, and yet, it still seems as though the large A.I. companies are trying to tell dairy breeders what they should be interested in, instead of dairy breeders, who know their own needs, telling the A.I. companies what’s important to them.

In any marketplace it should always be the consumer dictating to the producer what’s important. For the dairy industry that means that “Joe public” should dictate what’s important. Do they want hormone free milk, do they want milk that is from non-genetically manipulated animals. All this should be and, ultimately, will be determined by the end consumer.

Then as the milk producer, based on your own goals or strategy to deliver a product that is of high value to the end consumer you manage your herd appropriately. That means selecting of sires and genetics that will help you satisfy “Joe public.” Too often, I find that A.I. companies are caught up in themselves. They either have a new hot sire that they want to push, or they have developed what they think is a “distinct” differentiation from the other A.I. companies and want you to buy into that.

Your breeding program should not be dictated to you by who the popular sire of the moment is or what is the cheapest semen you can get. Dairy cattle breeding is not a popularity contest. It is something you should put time into and carefully consider based on your overall farm/herd goals and where you’re genetic programs fit into that. You can then decide what traits are important to you and what sires will help you achieve the desired results. As a progressive dairy breeder you need to be in charge of your genetic programs, not the local semen salesmen who get their marching orders from someone who does not know your specific needs and goals.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

The biggest thing I have learned in my years working with various large corporate entities is that it all starts with the end consumer. Look for what they want and work your way back. For dairy breeders who want to be market leaders, that means looking at milk consumption. What trends are happening there, what trends are going on in animal welfare? By looking ahead instead of behind you will not only not be caught in the latest fad, but rather you will see the rewards in your pocket book.


For more information check out The Bullvine Bull Book or our Genetic Evaluation Resource Center.


Weekly Show and Sale Recap– 7/7/2012


  • RockyMountain High Averages $9,776!
    July 5, 2012 was an exciting day at RockyMountain Holsteins as they hosted the fifth RockyMountain High Sale.  A great line-up of show type, and high genomic numbers paraded through the ring to achieve an average of $9,776 on 118 live lots. (

    • Topping the sale was Lot 1 for $80,000, 1st choice Mascalese from eight females out of Chassity Goldwyn Cash VG-87-2YR-CAN GTPI +2275, the Goldwyn daughter of Regancrest S Chassity EX-92 DOM.  The choice sold to Canadian Logistics.
    • Second highest was Lot 43 at $66,000- Ladinodale Aretha-Red, a 3/11 Destry out of Ladinodale Amanda-Red VG-86 *PO, RockyMountain Holsteins, buyer.
    • Third high seller at $50,000 was Lot 13-RockyMountain Srock Lilli GTPI +2497 GLPI +3157 DGV +3415, she’s a Shamrock daughter of Fleury Gen Baxter Lisa VG-87 x Lisamaree VG-89 then Lila Z and she sold to Jeff Butler, Elite Dairy Genomics, Todd Widholm and Larry Johnson.
  • International Revue Markwell Global Edition Averages $3,439
    A cloudy, rainy day didn’t deter a big crowd from attending the International Revue Markwell Global Edition on Tuesday, July 3rd. The sale received great support from neighbors north of the border and when everything was totalled up, 98 live lots averaged $3,439. (

    • High seller was Lot 11 at $15,000 – Markwell Explode Delcie-ET, a 4/11 Explode at +2206 GTPI out of Seagull-Bay Gold Daisy-ET VG-87 DOM, then A-L-H Donatella VG-86 DOM back to EX-95 Raven. She was purchased by the Delcie Syndicate, WA.
    • Markwell Shamrock Mikasa-ET, a stylish 10/11 Shamrock at +2247 GTPI out of Markwell Goldwyn Medina EX-92 sold for $12,700, good for 2nd high. She also hails from the Raven family and her dam has several sons in AI. Hyljon Holsteins of Chilliwack, BC made the final bid on Mikasa.
  • Holland Master Sale
    Lots of excitement during the Holland Master Sale at Zwolle (Netherlands): a high sale average of €15,990 over 42 lots; and a top price of no less €101,000 for a first choice Numero Uno out of the highest gTPI cow in Europe, the Italian Muri Planet Popsy . Buyers were Cormdale, Diamond, and Eclipse. For €65,000, Bouw Shamrock Lizette will travel to Whalley & Cottonabbots in Great Britain, while at €55,000 Cormdale & Al-Be-Ro became the new owners of a polled Colt P. (Source:
  • US National Convention Sale
    An Epic daughter (2490 gTPI) of Cookiecutter MOM Halo at  $76,000 topped the National Convention Sale in the US, where 81 lots averaged $12,825. The amount of $52,000 was paid for a polled Man-O-Man calf as well as for a Facebook out of a Planet daughter of Larcrest Crimson. (Source:
  • Futures Sale
    One day earlier, the National Convention Futures Sale reached an average of $11,169 with 27 lots sold. Here the top price, paid for a McCutchen out of an Observer daughter of Roorda Shottle 6802, was $37,000. A first choice Numero Uno from  Ensenada Alan Petty changed hands for $22,000. (Source:
  • Northwest Dairy Showcase Sale Averages $2,416
    The Northwest Dairy Showcase Sale, sponsored by the Whatcom County Holstein and Jersey clubs, took place on Thursday evening, July 5th and averaged $2,416 on 28 live Holsteins and Jerseys. Five embryo lots averaged $385 per embryo.

    • Topping the sale at $5,500 was Lot 1 – Westcoast Windbrook Amalee, a 12/11 Windbrook heifer out of Butz-Butler Durham Amy-ET EX-93-CAN, then EX-96 2E Angel and EX-96 2E Ashlyn. Amalee leaves her Westcoast home headed to the LaFollette Holstein herd of John & Joan Judd in Wisconsin.
    • High selling Jersey at $2,800 was Lot 25 – Rocha MVP Genna, a 2-year-old MVP daughter fresh in April out of an EX-92 Chairman dam. Consigned by Cris & Doris Rocha of Tillamook, OR, Genna was purchased by Jerald Visser of Sumas, WA.
  • US Jersey National Heifer Sale Sets Records
    July 2, 2012
    Fryeburg, Maine
    Unofficial Average $4,700 – the All-Time Record Average for the Heifer Sale!

    • Lot 1 – $27,100 – Buttercrest Impress Satin-ET, +244 GJPI calf with a great amount of bull stud interest – a new record seller for the National Heifer Sale! Consigned by Cooperrider & Sons, Croton, Ohio  Buyer: River Valley Dairy, Tremont, Illinois.
    • $10,100 – Lot 6 – A heifer who is currently + 247 GJPI and has interest from several bull studs. Consignor: Michael Ooms, NY Buyer: Sexing Technologies, TX.


  • All-Holland Show
    During the All-Holland Dairy Show (NRM), the General Championship of the Holsteins was won by Shottle daughter Jimm Holstein Hellen 589, of John de Vries. Other champion banners went to Sanchez daughter Willem’s Hoeve Rita 579 of De Jong, and Allen daughter Tellingen Esmeralda 27 of Krikken. In the Red Holsteins, the final victory went to Brook Marie 61, a Classic daughter of Hans Puttenstein. Barendonk Brasilera 12 (by Classic), of Barendonk, and OV Nueva (by Sputnic) of Nieuwenhuis were the other winners. (Source:
  • Young Champion
    In Luxemburg, the 1st calver Jasper daughter Fini, owned by André and René Laugs, has won the National Show. However, that was not their only success. Also the overwhelming champion of the senior class, the pitch-black Roy daughter Uroyble, was paraded around the ring by Laugs. The intermediate class was won by Goldwyn daughter HTH Lara Goldwin, of Zuchtbetrieb Holsthein – Thein & Elsen. (Source:
  • Washington State Jersey Show
    July 5, 2012
    Lynden, WA
    Judge: Brian Behnke, WI

    • Junior Champion of the Junior Show – Avonlea Comerica Rhianna (Comerica), Lauryn Young & Mia Berry, WA
    • Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show – Royalty Ridge HG Felicity-ET (Hired Gun), Lauryn Young, WA
  • Royal Highland Ayrshire Show Results
    June 21-24, 2012

    • Junior Champion – Cuthill Towers Zola 12 (Potter), A & S Lawrie
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Knowe White Kate 171 (Easlad), G & G Templeton
    • Champion – Halmyre Urr Floralin 144 (Inimitable), K Davidson
    • Reserve Champion – Cuthill Towers Zola 12 (Potter), A & S Lawrie
  • Expo Rive-Nord Holstein Show Results
    June 30, 2012
    Judge: Réjean Leclerc
    77 Head

    • Junior Champion – Stepido Baltimor Bailey (Baltimor), 1st Intermediate Yearling, Ferme Syma Holstein Enrg, Ferme Godin enr et Steve Godin, QC
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Vieuxsaule Seaver Calina (Seaver), 1st Summer Yearling, Ferme du Vieux Saule, QC
    • HM Junior Champion – Rietben B Sassy (Braxton), 1st Intermediate Calf, Ferme Drouin & fils, QC
    • Grand Champion – Roggua Dundee Evelyne (Dundee), 1st 4 Year OldFerme Yvon Sicard et Ghislain Demers, QC
    • Reserve  Grand Champion – Shadypoplar Rochester Patsy (Rochester), 2nd 4 Year Old, Ferme Syma Holstein Enrg, QC
    • HM Grand Champion – Penlow Jennifer Goldwyn (Goldwyn), 1st Sr. 2 Yr. Old, Ferme Pinstar Holstein inc, QC
    • Premier Breeder – Vieuxsaule, QC
    • Premier Exhibitor – Ferme Drouin & fils, QC
  • Central New York Holstein Show
    July 5, 2012
    Norwich, NY
    Judge: Callum McKinven
    143 Head

    • Junior Champion – Junior Show – Midas-Touch Atlanta Mist – 2nd Winter Calf, Cooper Galton
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Junior Show – Maple Downs CC DU Ameilia – 1st Fall Yearling, Emily Tillspaugh
    • Junior Champion – Open Show – SBW-FC San Fernando – Winter Calf, Woodcrest & Kevin and Barb Ziemba
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Open Show – Woodcrest Goldwyn Agella – Fall Calf, Hannah Braum
    • Junior Best Group of 3
      • Headline Farm
      • Ovaltop Holsteins
      • Roll-N-View
    • Intermediate Champion – Junior Show – Macland Atwood Juliet – 2nd Junior 2 yr old, Emilie Mulligan
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion – Junior Show – Genesee-Hill Ross Cleo – 8th Junior 2 yr old, Claire Mulligan
    • Intermediate Champion – Open Show – George Farm Jasper Ebita – 1st Senior 3 yr old, George Farm
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion – Open Show – Mac-Mara Velvet Jester – 2nd Senior 3 yr old, Mac-Mara Holsteins
    • Senior & Grand Champion – Junior Show – Curr-Vale Goldwyn Lady-L –1st Milking Aged Cow – Jessica Currie
    • Reserve Senior & Res. Grand Champion – Junior Show – Ridgedale Folly – 1st 125,00lb Cow, Cyrus Conrad
    • Senior & Grand Champion – Open Show – Curr-Vale Goldwyn Lady-L – Milking Aged Cow – Jessica Currie
    • Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion – Open Show – Silbert Goldwyn Stacy – 4 year old, Woodcrest & Kevin and Barb Ziemba
    • Senior Best Group of 3
      •  Curr-Vale
      • Mac-Mara
      • Ovaltop
    • Premier Breeder – Junior Show – Nicole Head
    • Premier Exhibitor – Junior Show – Cyrus Conrad
    • Premier Breeder – Open Show – Curr-Vale Holsteins
    • Premier Exhibitor – Open Show – Woodcrest and Kevin & Barb Ziemba
  • Royal Highland Jersey Show Results
    June 21-24, 2012

    • Junior Champion- Enchanted Iatola Ariel (Iatola), J & I Wilson
    • Reserve Junior Champion – Potterswalls Minister Glamour (Minister), Miss Karen Hunter
    • Champion Jersey – Clydevalley Governor Flora (Governor), Mr Robert Hunter
    • Reserve Champion – Enchanted Iatola Ariel (Iatola), J & I Wilson
  • Three Counties Jersey Show Results
    June 15-17, 2012

    • Champion – Jubilee Signature Ceres (Signature), Normead House, Winterbourne Monkton
    • Reserve – Shellon Connection Diamond (Connection), S & S Murray Farms Ltd., Shipley Bank Farm

Rocky Mountain High Sale: The Heart of the West

Yesterday as I watched online the Rocky Mountain High sale that averaged a strong $9776, this year hosted by Rocky Mountain Holsteins and I found myself missing being there very much.  Not because there were some great cattle selling, which there was, and not because there were some great buys to be had, which there were, but rather because of the showmanship and the western hospitality.

I can still remember when my brother first went to work for Alta Genetics and had the amazing opportunity to work with Dr. David Chalack and the AltaGen program.  One of the key responsibilities he had was working on the annual sale to be held each summer in conjunction with the Calgary Stampede, which has now morphed into the Rocky Mountain High sales series.

It was there that I learned there is nothing really like western hospitality, or the show that Dr. David and the team put on.  From the line dancers dancing to the John Michael Montgomery song “sold” that opened the sale to the shootout in the middle of the sale to make sure that everyone is still alert, they really made things memorable.

It was also at that sale that we really started getting into purchasing top index cattle.  My mother and I had been given a budget of $10,000 to purchase that would be the foundation of our breeding program.  After much homework and careful consideration we purchased Summershade Icemarti, a Ricecrest Marty (thanks Ron) from the then #1 LPI cow Summershade Icebreak Luke for the ripe sum of $11,000.

Then the whole western hospitality combined with auction fever hit and we kept purchasing more.  We purchased AltaGen Mattie Jenni, Altagen Marty Shari and 2 other animals.  And it was a good thing we did.  Icemarti, did not score VG as a 2yr old, a kiss of death at that time, and she was not a prolific flusher.  So the ROI on her was not very good.  However, Mattie Jennie did score VG as a 2yr old and that combined with a show heifer we purchased at the sale from Willswick did at least manage to salvage the trip.  It was also there that we learned that you either go big or go home, and lead to us purchasing Rietben Con Carmel, a Convincer out of the now EX Rudolph sister to Freelance and Goodluck at the Royal Sale of Stars that year, who would become a top index and foundation cow for our breeding program.

For many breeders a trip to the Rocky Mountain High series sales is a highlight of their summer.  They get to see great cattle, a great show and have a great time.  With Dr. David’s strong involvement in the Calgary stampede you can bank on having a great time.

The Rocky Mountain Holsteins team, and more recently with the Morsan involvement, the RMH series of sales, has proven to have some of the best cattle in the world to offer.  It has become a mainstay on the top list of sales each year, and is always presented with no expense spared.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

I almost shed a tear watching how things are changing.  My brother is now moving to The Netherlands to be closer to the corporate executive team, my “farm” is in Vaughan Ontario and I ask myself if I will be able to make future sales.  My answer is, “Hell yes!”  The west will continue to win my heart with the great cattle sale and hold it with the rodeo, races and hospitality!



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Dairy Cattle Genomics: Have we taken it too far?

When you look at the top 10 GTPI heifers you see that 9 of them are from heifers themselves with only one coming from a scored and milk producing dam.  In addition 9 of them are from one sire (Shamrock), which instead of widening the genetic pool is actually shrinking it.  Looking at the top GLPI list reveals that three out of every four in the top 100 are from un-calved heifers.  While, on paper, cutting the genetic interval makes sense (read The Genomic Advancement Race – The Battle for Genetic Supremacy), long term, have breeders and AI companies started to take it too far?

In the new genomic world the previous gold standard of a proven sire stack and string of VG+ is no longer required.  In any given pedigree you can now find GP cattle (read Is Good Plus Good Enough) or sires that you never have heard of.

Does Classification Even Matter?

While GP-84-2YR used to be the kiss of death for many marketing and genetic programs, genomics has changed the game.  With genomics, we are seeing many GP 83 or 84 cows used as dams that would have never been touched before.  While many will increase in score later in life, others do not, and yet that does not seem to be as big a factor.  Many A.I. companies and breeders are more concerned about their genomic values than that of the actual classification scores.

There could be many reasons why that potential bull mother did not score very good.  It could be management, it could be an accident that happened.  Also, it could be that she is just not that good.  It brings into question the relevance of classification.  While the index system relies on having a large data set in order to map the genomes to the potential performance of each trait, it has me thinking do we need to score cattle anymore or can we just use their genomic values?  Then I snap back to reality and realize that it’s one thing to look good on paper and another to deliver in reality.

Have We Forgotten Sire stack?

At one time, if there was a non -known sire in the pedigree, A.I. would not touch it.  The marketability of that pedigree was next to nothing.  No matter what the classification score was, or what the family was behind that animal, sire stack carried significant weight.  Now I find myself having to do as much homework on the sire of the new top young sires, as I do on the young sires themselves.  That may be because most of them are still young sires themselves.  However, it is also because a young sire that did not turn out can still sometimes be better than a previous Top 10 proven sire.

For example, let’s say the proven sire has a TPI of 2300 at the time of mating and the young sire being used as sire of sons has a TPI of 2900.  By the time the resulting progeny is being sampled the proven sire may have a TPI of 1750, and the young sire that was being used as a sire of sons may have a TPI of 1850.  While that young sire may not be a list topper anymore, he is still higher than the proven sire that could have been used at the time.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

The dairy cattle industry has seen more change in the selection of parents in the past four years than at in any other period in its history.  Genomics has changed the name of the game, and while many breeders have been apprehensive in embracing it, others have taken it and are running full force.  I would not be surprised to see more significance in the future put on Direct Genomic Values (DGV’s) than on the weighted GLPI or GTPI.  With everything that is new, there is a learning curve and, as we discover how to use this tool better, I am sure we will find better ways to apply the information.  However, there is no question that genomics is here to stay and it is greatly changing the rate of genetic gain.

The Dairy Breeders No BS Guide to Genomics


Not sure what all this hype about genomics is all about?

Want to learn what it is and what it means to your breeding program?

Download this free guide.




Early to Bed, Early to Rise, Work like Mad and Advertise!

Summer is not the time to skimp on promoting your herd for potential income. If anything, you should advertise even more now. Start with free and easy sources and build awareness of what you have to offer. The following are 11 tips to help you.

  • Word-of-Mouth Turns up the Volume
    Experts say that word-of-mouth is 10 times more effective than other marketing tools such as advertising, special events, and direct mail. Always, always, always keep friends, family, neighbors, and others up to speed on what you have to offer in the marketplace. Are you putting up new facilities? Are family members winning on the show circuit? Have you raised your production levels? Is your farm winning production awards? Are you promoting bio-security or green protocols? Give people something to talk about. Better yet share it on Facebook and let it go viral.
  • Signs
    Every person who sets foot on your property as friend, acquaintance, business supplier or animal handler, should be able to see a sign with each animal letting them know who it is and why they are special. Think about it. If you are starting into genomics, polled cattle or red genetics, make sure that you have a sign saying so. Everyone associated with you should be able to answer the question, “Who’s selling polled Holsteins these days?” or whatever variation of the market you are targeting. Set up the appropriate signs and update frequently.
  • Go Beyond Magazine Ads
    There’s a very true saying that goes something like this, “If you can afford to advertise, you don’t need to.” Old fashioned ads in breed magazines can set you back $1000 to $3000 for each package. They reach a specific demographic and, not necessarily, the buyers the movers and shakers who are out there moving cattle around. Furthermore, although a picture is worth a thousand words, today`s big spenders want to get up-close and personal when evaluating their next purchase. Don’t rely on this resource exclusively.
  • Digital Marketing
    The opportunity to grow your business with digital marketing services has never been greater. What is digital marketing? Defined, it is promoting your company or brand by using all forms of digital advertising channels to reach new customers. Remember it’s the new customers that you want to connect with. It can be as simple as email, Facebook, or twitter. Every time your prefix is printed make sure your sales niche is there too! “Huntsdale Farms – Your source for Top Genomic Heifers” for example.
  • Sponsorships
    Increase attention and increase traffic to your dairy business through your association with 4-H, Holstein clubs and other agricultural and conservation groups. This next decade will see huge changes in consumer awareness and demands relating to food production and animal treatment. Reputation starts at home. Make sure that yours is associated with the good animal husbandry and quality products. These are the cornerstones of why you are in dairying in the first place.
  • Be Political
    It`s too late when you read the 2012 Farm Bill or the CDCB proposal after they have been passed and you see that it negatively affects your cattle business. It’s unreasonable to expect any political representative to be 100% aware or even 50% knowledgeable of what our industry is all about. When was the last time this person had any experience directly relating to agriculture? It is time for the farmers to take responsibility for keeping the communication going both ways. An informed government decision (that you have put input into) is better than one that is based on hearsay, pressure groups or political positioning.
  • In the News
    Agricultural is on radio, TV and in news headlines these days. It isn’t always cast in the best light. Make friends with the reporters who cover these topics in your area. If you have expertise in something that is getting headlines don’t keep a low profile and then become frustrated when your side of the story is misrepresented or worse completely inaccurate. Make yourself known to the local, provincial and federal politicians who speak for or against agriculture. It doesn’t cost anything to invite local media or agricultural representatives to your events but how often do farmers assume that they will just show up at that sale, cattle show or open house? And once you’ve extended the invitation, provide a two to six hundred word report on what happened and why it is not only great for agriculture or cattle breeders but for the community as well.
  • An Effective Website
    Nearly 55% of all small businesses have a website, but yet less than 2% of dairy breeders do. Believe it or not, it works for farm businesses too! You don’t need to be fancy with it or pay a lot of money. For a minor investment your website becomes your hardest-working employee, working around the clock daily to promote your farm, cattle and embryos. Your site can work as a super sales tool. 24-7 is the new advertising success code.
  • Be an Expert
    Are you an expert at some aspect of the dairy industry (i.e. polled, genomics, health traits. etc)? Write articles about your expertise with a small link to your website or Facebook page at the end. Are you a cattle judge? Show fitter? Do you provide sale services or buy and sell cattle or embryos globally. Be the media source for your market segment. As a professional service, you can position yourself as the go-to authority. It is all about positioning your prefix, your products and yourself for success.
  • Networking
    Online or offline, networking groups abound. Online, I would suggest joining effective sites like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn. Most consumers search the web before making a purchase. Phone books are nearly obsolete. Magazines and newspapers are not 24-7 accessible at the touch of your fingertips. The world is now your marketplace, so you can sell your cattle or their genetics anywhere. This means more money, opportunity, and a more professional image for your farm.
  • Video Marketing
    There is a tremendous opportunity here. Thanks to modern technology, it’s never been easier to make your own video. You probably own several devices which are capable of capturing high quality videos that you can then edit and burn onto DVD or upload to the Internet. This is a very simple process that doesn’t take long to learn. You can highlight cows, heifers, show cattle or embryos. These videos can then be used on the web, at shows and sales.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

These days, dairy producers need to have as much confidence in handling their advertising as they do when handling their high-producing cows.



To learn how to get your farm on Facebook download this free guide.



Top Three Things to Consider When Investing In High Genomic Heifers

Over the past year there have been prices in excess of $200,000 dollars paid for high indexing genomic heifers.  For many breeders the changes that have resulted from the higher reliability that genomics provides has prompted them to invest “the farm” when it comes to buying into these potential cash cows.  However, where to invest your money and which animals are worth it and which ones are not can be a very risky proposition.  With that in mind, we compiled the following recommendations

Making the short list

While purchasing the #1 GLPI heifer may provide you with the greatest chance of getting a top cow, it is not a guarantee.  In looking at the top 10 GLPI heifers, you notice an interesting range with most having an LPI of 3200 to 3400 points, but there are some that have GLPI’s of 2300 to 2500.  You don’t have to buy into the very top of the list, but it does make it easier. Similar is true for the GTPI list as well.  Though it’s highly recommended that you purchase a heifer who has DGV’s higher than her parent average.



There are also cow families that seem to be increase significantly generation after generation.  One such family is the world renowned Lila Z family.  While Lila Z herself is only 1165 GLPI, descendants are currently the #1 GLPI heifer and #1 GLPI bull.  That is because generation after generation in this family seems to come to the top.  This means that you can consider purchasing embryos or heifers from animals that have a GLPI of about 2900+ or 2000 GTPI if it is a family that has proven to produce much higher genomic progeny generation after generation. But be careful don’t assume that they all will.  Check the family history.



Lesson:  While purchasing at the top provides you with the greatest potential it is worth taking the time to see how your choice stands up generation after generation.  Certain cow families like Lylehaven Lila Z and Ammon-Peachey Shauna seem to consistently put out high genomic descendants.

Never Under Estimate the Power of the Stack

When it comes to providing the greatest reliability for your investment, nothing compares to looking at the sire stack.  One thing I have learned from your tried and true breeders is whether you are breeding for index or show cattle, nothing beats a good sire stack.  Proven sires have a much higher reliability than genetic predictors do.  A heifer’s sire stack is a great way to eliminate the hothouse effect (for more check out it’s in her genes…).

Lesson:  When investing in dairy cattle it can often be buyer beware, a great way to mitigate the risk when purchasing into cow families that you are not familiar with is to look at their sire stack.

Flush History

Nothing can make or break an investment in genomic heifers like a poor flush history.  You will make or break the bank depending on how well they flush.  As the numbers show in What comes first the chicken or the egg?  There really is no comparison when it comes to the most important factor in the profitability of your genetic and embryo programs.  In fact, for each embryo flush where a donor is able to produce over 10 eggs per flush, you will typically see 24% greater return on your investment.  It takes a rare case (1 in a million) to have a cow that flushes less than seven embryos per flush to be a profitable investment.

Lesson: as much as you spend a great deal of time researching the pedigree and looking at your potential purchase’s conformation, there really is nothing more important than her own and her family’s historical flush ability.  Take the time to make sure that the animal you are considering will be able to flush 7+ embryos per time.  If you are not sure they will, or there isn’t an available flush history on the family (strongly maternal) wait.  Look for a new animal.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

With big dollars being spent on top genomic heifers, and even more breeders wanting to get into investing in top genomic heifers, taking the time to do your homework is very important.  Investing in the correct families which have generation after generation of proven genetics can save you future headaches.  Taking the time to make sure that they are able to produce significant numbers of embryos can make you a great deal of money.  (To learn more about his read 6 Ways to Invest $50,000 in Dairy Cattle Genetics). Take the time to consider these factors and you will see the reward for it.

What has your experience been?  Please share in comments box below.



Not sure how much to spend on that great 2 year old?
Want to make sure you are investing your money wisely?
Download our Dairy Cow Investment Calculator.



It’s Buyer Beware

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a twitter chat about Dairy Cattle Marketing Ethics.  During the conversation there was a recurring theme of “buyer beware”.  Whether it was about photo enhancement or sales claims, the ultimate message was that buyers should beware of everything they read or see.  The problem is – and I have seen this many times in other industries – “buyer beware” is no way to grow a strong business.

Technology has greatly changed not only marketing, but also the sales of dairy genetics worldwide.  You are no longer selling to the breeder next door, in your state or province, or even in the same country anymore.  Often, you are selling to breeders halfway around the world.  While this opens up huge marketplaces for top genetics, it also creates an opportunity for potential customers to be lead astray.  These breeders do not know the characters of the people selling their genetics, or even if they can trust that the genetics they purchase, there is the question of will it bring the desired results.

It’s About Long Term Relationships

For years I have heard of extremely high prices being paid for mid-level genetics, to markets that were not as educated as the North American market at the time.  Breeders would be more than happy to sell their cattle for twice as much as they would get domestically, and not even worry how things would work out for the breeder buying their cattle.  The thing is, those breeders who lead breeders astray now find themselves in a tough predicament, and those breeders who worked at developing a trusting relationship with these marketplaces have now found themselves in good stead.

Let’s Not Manipulate

One of the areas that seemed to be of unified agreement during the twitter chat was that of photo manipulation.  With no formal organization to regulate how photos are altered, and technology advancing so rapidly, photo abuse has reached insane levels.  To a point where it seems like most breeders no longer trust the pictures of cattle;  it has been said that anyone can get a great shot these days “one way or another.”

During the chat, it came to my mind that if we cannot expose those who are crossing that ethical line (note:  I’m still considering doing a “10 worst photos of all time” article and let the breeders decide who is ethical and who is not).  However, until then, if you cannot operate from the negative, maybe we should operate from the positive.  Maybe we should create a stamp or seal that identifies those images that have not been enhanced in anyway.  Yes, the pictures will not look as glossy or shiny, but they will help build trust, since you know what you see in these images will be what you get when you purchase genetics from these animals/breeders/companies.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

“Buyer beware” is no way to build a long-term business.  While you may make money in the short run, in the long run you will pay the price.  The industry is too small and technology has opened up communications around the world greatly.  The best way to build your marketing and sales strategy is to have your customer be your number one focus.  Work at making them into raving fans of the genetics they purchased and the support you’ve provided them.  While this will take more effort than the quick sale, your long term cash flow will greatly benefit.  Consider this a message of “Seller Beware.”

Want to take your marketing to the next level, download our free guide “The Dairy Breeders Guide to Facebook“.

Weekly Show and Sale Recap– 6/30/2012


  • US National Holstein Convention Sale
    June 28, 2012
    Juanita K. Hammons Hall in Springfield, Missouri!

    • Lot 9 – $76,000 – Cookiecutter Epic Hadele-ET, Mar’12 Epic +2490 GTPI that sold with numerous AI and embryo contracts out of Cookiecutter MOM Halo-ET +2358 GTPI
    • Lot 23 – $52,000 – Hickorymea Manoman Opine P, May’10 polled Man-O-Man from 7 VG & EX dams – the #4 GTPI Polled animal in the world due in January to Parker P. The calf is a potential homozygous polled calf.
    • Lot 2 – $52,000 – Larcrest Cagney-ET, Mar’12 Facebook at +2431 GTPI +6.8PL +1988M +91F +66P +2.48T out of Larcrest Chima-ETS VG-86 +2237 GTPI Planet daughter of Larcrest Crimson VG-89 DOM
  • US National Holstein Convention Futures Sale
    June 28, 2012
    University Plaza Hotel in
    Springfield, MO
    Managed by Burton & Associates
    Average $11,169 on 26 lots.

    • Lot 1 – $37,000 – Pick out of 7 McCutchen females x Roorda OB Mckenzie GTPI +2409 x Rooda Shottle 6802 VG-85 GTPI +2172 from the Minnow family
    • Lot 6 – $25,000 – Curr-Vale Delighted Red-ET, Feb’12 polled, red Colt-P with +2098 GTPI from Curr-Vale Shottle Delight GTPI +2076 x Curr-Vale Goldwyn Delicious *RC EX-91, a 7th gen EX
    • Lot 3 – $22,000 – 1st choice Numero Uno x Ensenada Alan Peggy-ET VG-85 GTPI +2205, a maternal sister to Planet
  • Record prices at bull sale
    At the 4th Online Elite Bull Sale (average: €10,640) organized by Diamond Genetics, the two most expensive lots fetched new record prices. A 1st choice Freddie out of Crimson’s Planet daughter Larcrest Chenoa sold at €28,000 to an AI stud in the Czech Republic. At €27,000, the 1st choice from five Shamrock pregnancies from Stantons Freddie Cameo (Saturday family) went to a buyer from Canada. (


  • Maxville Spring Show
    June 23, 2012 – Maxville, Ontario
    Judge: Bloyce Thompson, Frenchfort, PEI
    158 Total Head Shown

    • Junior Champion: R-E-W Happy Go Lucky, 1st senior yearling, Velthuis, Ardross & Sjendi
    • Res. Junior Champion: Gillette Sid Misteryday, 1st intermediate calf, Ferme Gillette
    • HM Junior Champion: Velthuis Jasper Janice, 1st senior calf, Velthuis Farms
    • Grand Champion: Happydanny Jayz Sunday, 1st sr. 3-year-old, J&P Black, D&H Meier & Mike Heath
    • Res. Grand Champion: Cobequid Goldwyn Leno, 1st Jr. 3-year-old, Yvon Sicard
    • HM Grand Champion: Meadowgreen Jeany Outside, 1st mature cow, Ferme Blondin
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Ferme Blondin
  • Minnesota State Holstein Show
    June 23, 2012
    Hutchinson, MN
    Judge: Callum McKinven, Quebec
    Total Head: 198

    • Junior Champion: Strans-Jen-D Tequila-Red-ET (Scientific Director), 1st fall yearling, Reid Stransky & Cliff Helken, Owatonna, MN
    • Reserve Junior Champion: Stranshome Gold Alyssum (Braedale Goldwyn), 1st summer yearling, Joe & Reid Stransky, Owatonna, MN
    • Hon. Mention Junior Champion: Stranshome Dundee Dewdrop (Regancrest Dundee), 1st fall calf, Reid Stransky & Pat Conroy, Owatonna, MN
    • Intermediate & Grand Champion: Schillview Gold Goldanne (Braedale Goldwyn), Charles Schiller and Quentin Scott, Little Falls, MN
    • Reserve Intermediate & Hon. Mention Grand Champion: Elginvue Goldplate Star 387 (Comestar Goldplate-ET), Kenny Mueller, Arlington, MN
    • Senior Champion & Reserve Grand Champion: Lida-Acres Cousteau Anna (Silky Cousteau), 1st 4-year-old, Dana & Maria Johnson, Pelican Rapids, MN
    • Reserve Senior Champion: Jen-D-Devil Tiffany-Red (Dutchline Red Devil-Red), 1st 5-year-old, Reid Stransky and Jeni Dingbaum, Owatonna, MN
    • Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Macland Holsteins
  • Minnesota State Junior Holstein Show
    June 22, 2012
    Hutchinson, MN
    Judge: Chad Ryan, Fond du Lac, WI
    Total head: 110

    • Junior Champion: Kingsmill Atwood Allison-ET (Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood-ET), 1st fall yearling, Cally Strobel, Henderson, MN
    • Reserve Junior Champion: Stro-Lane Jasper Rocket (Wilcoxview Jasper), 1st summer yearling, Cally Strobel, Henderson, MN
    • Senior and Grand Champion: Budjon Rubens Annette (STBVQ Rubens), 1st 100,000 lb. cow, Molly Herberg, St. Peter, MN
    • Reserve Senior and Reseve Grand Champion: Lake-Prairie Kite Anika-ET (Markwell Kite), 1st 3-year-old, Joseph, Zach, Jerome and Darian Stransky, Owatonna, MN


The Mark of a True Breeder

Whenever a new sire tops the list, or a cow wins a big show, everyone sees the prefix on that animal.  However, just because you bred that animal does, that make you the true breeder?  More and more you are seeing top animals that have just one generation bred by the breeder.  Does that make them the true breeder of that animal?

With the amount of top cattle that are being bought and sold, you are seeing more and more pedigrees that have different prefixes in each generation.  While at one time we used to see five, six, or more generations all with the same prefix, now it’s not unusual to see six different prefixes in six different generations.

While I am all for the trade of dairy cattle because it’s what makes the genetics market go around,   should the last breeder on the pedigree get all the credit for breeding that animal?  As we all know you cannot make a great show cow or top index animal in just one generation.  It takes generation after generation with a clear goal in mind and a smart breeding strategy to breed the next great one.  Yet, when we look to give awards, assign master breeder points, etc. we give all the credit to whoever’s name is on the prefix.

While it’s not a slam-dunk to buy a cow and breed the next great one, buying into a well thought out, established cow family can certainly accelerate the process.  We see it more and more as many top herds look to diversify and add new bloodlines into their operations in order to provide the genetics that their particular market demands.  Does that make them a master breeder or a smart businessperson?

In some cases these top herds have had to buy into new cow families because their main cow families are not ranking at the top any more.  This begs the question whether they are really master breeders or a master buyer?  I know it’s a tough question and I would say, of the main top herds today, many of them have generation after generation of their own breeding.

The same debate is true for show cattle.  Look at the cows that are winning at Madison and the Royal.  How many of them are bred and owned?  A large majority of the time, the original breeder sold that animal years ago, and it could be on its fourth or fifth ownership group now.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

While breeding a top show cow or high genomic animal takes a lot of work, I wonder if we give enough credit to the generation after generation it took of smart breeding to achieve that end result.  Are we too quick to simply look at the current prefix on the animal and let the breeding recognition stop there?  Today’s buzz words are “repeatability” and “sustainability” so I ask, “What is the mark of a truly great cattle breeder?”

For more information check out The Bullvine Bull Book or our Genetic Evaluation Resource Center.

Dairy Cattle Marketing Ethics – Do they exist?

You read the claims in ads all the time, #1 this and #1 one that.  You’re dazzled with amazing photos.  Can you believe what you see?  Are there really any ethics when it comes to dairy cattle marketing?

Ethics are a collection of principles of right conduct that shape the decisions people or organizations make. Practicing ethics in dairy cattle marketing means deliberately applying standards of fairness, or moral right and wrong, to marketing decision-making, behavior, and practice in the organization or on the farm.

Wild West Shootout

As I scroll through the major print publications, I see a wide variety of practices that may not abide by a standard definition of marketing ethics.  Pretty much every add you see has had the photo retouched, the cow cropped out and claims that they have the #1 this or the #1 that.You even see claims to be the #1 Genomics animal even when they have not been officially released.

I am not saying that this is totally wrong.  What I am saying is that there needs to be a standard or mutually agreed upon set of regulations that all dairy cattle advertising abides by. Currently it’s still a wild wild west where the people who design the ads are able to do whatever their creative heart’s desire.

Photo Ethics

Nowhere is this truer than in photos.  As we have highlighted in the past “Has Photo Enhancement Gone Too Far?” it seems to be a free-for-all when it comes to what some photographers will do to get a great photo.  I am sure in the minds of those who make these changes they think they are doing the correct thing. Are they really? Are you really helping the breeder sell more? Or are you hurting the industry as a whole because you are causing some to distrust the legitimacy of the image?

The New Rules of Dairy Cattle Marketing

As a graphic designer this excites me but as a dairy cattle breeder this scares me.  There needs to be a level of trust that readers can expect when they are reading these publications.  Some examples of rules would be:

  • If a photo has been retouched it needs to be identified
  • No retouching of an animal should be allowed
  • Can only claim to be #1 for something if it is validated by an official list
  • Unless there is an official conversion from one country’s ranking/evaluation to another there should be no claims made accordingly

The Bullvine Bottom Line

I remember when I first got into dairy cattle marketing almost 20 years ago.  At that point in time there was actually an industry accepted standard that all organizations had to abide by when publishing sire proof information.  But at the times have changed the rules and regulations have been lost.  The problem is that, with the loss of the rules, has come the loss of the credibility.  To rectify this, I wonder if it’s time to establish a new set of rules?  What is necessary?  What is possible? What rules would you like to see when it comes to marketing dairy cattle?

Want to take your marketing to the next level, download our free guide “The Dairy Breeders Guide to Facebook“.

To get a copy of the Dairy Marketing Code of Conduct please click here.

Dairy Cattle Showing: For Ego or Profit?

There is no question that, for many dairy breeders, there is nothing more exciting than winning at the Royal or Madison.  Along with the fame comes the fortune.  But what happens for the other 99% of people who don’t win?  Do they make any money?  Does their need for inner self-gratification get satisfied?

There are many reasons that breeders show their cattle at the local fair, such as supporting their local community, or helping teach their children the joys of the dairy cattle community.  However, when it comes to competing at the championship, state and national level, is there really justification for the time, effort and expense?

Over the years, I have seen a few things happen when it comes to making money in the show cattle business:

  1. A breeder either “gets lucky” or “by design” breeds a great one, and, if they are fortunate enough to know what they have, they sell it for a significant profit to one of the many cattle dealers that run the roads.
  2. When it comes to buying the top animals, it really comes down to a small group of buyers.  These buyers seem to trade cattle like they are playing cards, and it’s hard to tell if money is actually being made, or is it the same money going around in circles.
  3. Unknowing breeders purchase progeny from these cattle hoping that they can breed the next great one.  (For more on this read Great Show Cows: Can They Pass It On?)

Should Dairy Cattle be more like Race Horses?

The dairy cattle industry is not like the horse racing industry that has gambling revenue to support their cause.  I can still remember in Ontario when they wanted to add slot machines to the horse racing tracks and the breeders fought it tooth and nail.  In the end it more than quadrupled there prize money and made many breeders very very rich.  Is there any way we could add betting on show results?  (Oh wait that is a can of worms we may not want to touch. Watch for it in a future Bullvine article).

In reality, the only ones that really make money at this are the small few that have a class winner at Madison or the Royal, or those that are fortunate enough to get lucky with a homebred animal that can compete at the National level.  All the rest are spending a great deal of money to support their ego.

Athletes vs. Doctors

I equate it to the same amount of money that big time sports players make.  Yes, you see these million dollar contracts for the big name athletes.  However, for every one of those there are twenty that you never heard of that spent a great deal of time and energy chasing a dream.  The scary part is that, much like in real life, the big name athletes seem to make more money than say a doctor.  They’re good at a game.  Doctor’s save lives.  The same is true at the top sales.  You see the major show cattle selling for millions of dollars and yet the top LPI or TPI cattle don’t sell for as much.  Don’t the top TPI or LPI cows drive the most profit for dairy breeders? Shouldn’t they command the highest prices?

The Bullvine Bottom Line

When investing in show cattle the big question you need to answer is why you are doing it.  Are you investing to make a huge profit?  If so I wish you luck.  However, if you are investing because you love preparing  great cattle to parade in top showcase events or love the thrill of competing against the best in the business then more  power to you.  The big thing is know your own reasons and stay within what works for your operation.  Profit. Ego. Passion.  Where do you pull into the line?



Not sure how much to spend on that great 2 year old?
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You Can Bank On Amaze To Pump Up The Volume

She`s Set to AMAZE in 400 Ways. Lewisdale Eastside Gold Amaze VG 87 2YR, with BCA’s of 236-253-240, leads the field by a huge margin when it comes to producing embryos. On June 23rd, 2012 she produced her 400th embryo! These numbers are even more amazing when you consider she did it in a mere three years!

This Embryo Machine is a Bank Machine

There are a number of ways to make or save money by raising high quality Holsteins. It could be production of fat and protein. It could be milk with low somatic cells scores. It could be progeny that sell well in sales. Each of these is effective but Amaze shows the way to do it by producing embryos that convert to cash.

Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy - Grand Champion WDE and Royal '11

Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy – Grand Champion WDE and Royal ’11

Amaze is Surrounded by Success

Amaze is not only a prolific producer of embryos, she comes with a great pedigree and that makes the embryos very marketable. Her full sister is none other than Lewisdale Eastside Gold Missy, the Madison and Royal Supreme Champion and title holder All American and All Canadian. Her dam is Stadacona Outside Abel 26 Stars and nominated for Canadian Holstein Cow of the Year.

Amaze is Reaching for the Top

Amaze`s genetic indexes place her in the top 20% of the breed for production, top 2% for SCC and top 1% for conformation. Her Direct Genomic Values reflect her own performance with high values for conformation, feet and legs, SCC and Herd Life.

Around the World with AMAZE

Amaze embryos have been used extensively in North America and in more than 10 countries around the world including: Australia, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, France, Holland, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and UK.

Great Cows. Great Breeders. Great Future.

Great cows are bred by great cattle breeders. In Amaze`s case, she was bred by two PEI Holstein breeders, Lewisdale and Eastside. At less than four months of age she was sold to Abelaine and Sudview for whom she had a Baxter daughter that is now VG 88. Her original breeders bought her back during her first lactation. And thus began the record-breaking flushing program. The 400 embryos are from 24 flushes by 17 different sires, all of whom are high genomic bulls or bulls with high genetic conformation indexes.

Don`t Miss the AMAZE Take Home Message

Of course elite Holstein dairy cattle can enhance your farm profit margins. Using all the available tools and technology, these rewards can come by extra milk in the pail, trouble –free cows that require less labour or genetic sales around the world.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Success in the Holstein business comes in many different ways but Lewisdale Eastside Gold Amaze gives a whole new meaning to the term cash cow. There`s no business like embryo business! You can bank on it!



Not sure how much to spend on that great 2 year old?
Want to make sure you are investing your money wisely?
Download our Dairy Cow Investment Calculator.




It’s Time To Pull Together and Support One of Our Own

Andrea CroweFor those in Atlantic Canada, and more and more in the rest of Canada and the USA there is a fiery redhead that many have grown to know and love.  Andrea Crowe’s passion for dairy cattle is second to none.  She has worked at making Broad Cove and Hi-Calibre Holstein’s one of Atlantic Canada’s best.  However, nowadays Andrea has to turn that passion into the fight of her life.

Andrea Crowe has been in the hospital since last August and remains without a concrete diagnosis.  It looks like she will have to travel to the US for treatment at the Mayo Clinic.

It has always been Andrea’s dream to find, develop and breed the highest level of cattle available, hence the prefix Hi-Calibre.  Until this recent battle, you would find Andrea at the local shows as well as the Royal Winter Fair and every sale, show and Holstein event in between. “We enjoy the cattle as well as our Holstein friends we meet along the way.  Our newly built barn was designed with the cattle’s comfort in mind and the best possible way to show you our herd.” says Andrea.

Andrea Crowe

I can still remember the first time I met Andrea over 10 years ago, I thought I was young purchasing cattle at the major sales, but there was this little redhead peeking over her glasses, using her eye for cattle to pick out a good one.  And what an eye she has.  Check out some of the following successes Andrea has been involved in.










She was just grand champion at local county show


The Bullvine Bottom Line

It’s now time for the dairy community to do what it does best.  Step up and help one of our own.  To assist the family with the financial burdens associated with Andrea’s illness, a fundraiser is being organized. Brian and Amber Craswell have offered to host an embryo auction during the social following the Atlantic Summer Classic on August 11th at 7:00pm at the Cymbria Lions Club, 2184 Church Road, Rustico, PEI.

For more information on the ‘Friends of Andrea Fundraiser & Social’ please contact Angela Masters, or Brian Craswell, or Amber Craswell. Let’s pull together for Andrea.

Weekly Show and Sale Recap– 6/23/2012


  • Party at the Park Averages $30,500
    You couldn’t beat the setting for a sale – a gorgeous summer day in Chicago in a very unique setting that overlooked historic Wrigley Field! The Party at the Park Sale attracted a large and enthusiastic crowd and when the gavel came down for the last time, the event averaged $30,500 for a gross of $1,372,500. 45 lots sold to 31 different buyers on the day. Managed by Butler-Fellers Auctions, the lineup was filled with powerhouse genomic and type consignments, mainly first choice females with some individuals and embryos offered as well.

    • Topping the sale at $116,000 was Lot #2 – Coyne-Farms Srock Jill-ET, a 9/11 Shamrock at +2583 GTPI – the #9 GTPI female in the breed! Out of the VG-85 Coyne-Farms Ramos Jelly cow and consigned by Coyne Farms of New York, Jill sold to Matt Kimball of Maryland.
    • Two lots tied for 2nd high at $100,000. Lot #1 – Hartford Colt-P 315-Red-ET *PO, a 1/12 Colt P who is the highest GTPI red polled female at +2221, 315 traces back into the Terry Tory cow family. She was the consignment of Hartford Holsteins in Minnesota and was purchased by Westcoast Holsteins of Chilliwack, BC.
    • The other lot to bring six figures was Mr Chassity Pistol-ET *RC *PO, the 11/11 polled Colt P brother to Colt 45 and Gold Chip – out of the genomic giant Regancrest S Chassity-ET EX-92. Consigned by the Chassity Syndicate, Pistol will be entering service at Jetstream Genetics and was purchased by the Pistol Syndicate. Members include: Duane Zimmer, Blake Hansen, Tim Kleiss, Adam Kleiss, Elite Dairy Genomics, Bill Rauen, Chassity Syndicate, Farnear Holsteins, Frank & Diane Borba, Ed Fellers, Jeff Butler and Tim Rauen.
  • Record K&L sale
    The 12th Selection Sale of the Dutch trading firm K&L resulted in a record average of €13,090 over 17 sold animals. The top price of €31,000 was paid by Willsbro for Koepon Classy 104, an Explode daughter from Koepon Planet Classy 60. A British syndicate became the new owner of Willsbro Snowman Rose for €30,000.
  • Top-selling Snowman
    At the Genetic Elite Sale hosted by Holstein UK, Peter Horrell paid £15,000 for Crystalclear Christmas Snow (Snowman x Lightning). BB Alexander Georgia 2nd (from De-Su 6121) attracted a bid of £8200 and Wiltor Atwood Sharon (Shottle family) sold for £8000. The average over 38 calves was £4172.


  • Minnesota State Red & White Show
    June 21, 2012
    Hutchinson, MN
    Judge: Chad Ryan, Fond du Lac, WI
    51 head

    • Junior Champion: Strans-Jen-D Tequila-Red (Scientific Director-Red-ET), 1st fall yearling (daughter of Grand Champion, Tiffany), Reid Stransky and Cliff Helken, Owatonna, MN
    • Reserve Junior Champion: Greenlea Ad Ae-Red-ET (KHW Kite Advent-Red), 1st fall calf, S & D Heuer, A Gunderson & A Dykshorn, Litchfield, MN
    • Intermedaite Champion & Reserve Grand: Quality-Ridge Advn Abby-Red (KHW Kite Advent-Red-ET), 1st Sr. 3-year-old, Doug & Jody Fairbanks and Joe & Reid Stransky, Owatonna, MN
    • Reserve Intermediate Champion: Kara-Kesh Contender Spark-Red (Patience Showline Contender), 1st Sr. 2-year-old, Ryan Griffin, Thief River Falls, MN
    • Senior and Grand Champion: Jen-D Devil Tiffany-Red (Dutchline Red Devil-Red), 1st 5-year-old, Reid Stransky & Jeni Dingbaum, Owatonna, MN
    • Reserve Senior Champion: Mergold Adv Sandy-Red-ET (KHW Kite Advent-Red-ET), 1st Aged Cow J, J, & R Kappers and A Goldenberg, Spring Valley, MN

Fight the Power

For years a small few organizations have controlled the dairy industry.  No I am not talking about how A.I.  companies are seeking to control genomics, or genetic evaluation systems, sorry Ron.  What I am talking about is how a small few (mostly A.I. companies) have sought to control what breeders think.  It’s time to stand up and be heard and fight the power.

Having grown up on both sides of this fence it has been amazing to see the control that A.I. companies have over dairy breeders’ minds.  I can still remember when Champion was about to be released and the “rumors” that where swirling were insane.  Everything you could think of was being said about Albert Cormier and GenerVations.  Some of the stuff was not even possible and yet the rumor mill was fuelled with this because the other companies were threatened by a new player in the marketplace.  The great thing for the industry was that in typical Albert fashion he did not let it beat him down, but rather loved the challenge and met it head on.

More important than the marketing that any of the A.I. companies has done, is the ability to control the rumor mill.  Dairy breeders love great gossip.  Maybe it’s because as a dairy breeder you get limited contact with other breeders, or maybe it’s because most breeders are so passionate about what they do, but breeders do love good gossip.  Trust me, it does not take a day to have a rumor that starts on one farm spread all over the industry and this was even before Facebook and email.

I cannot tell you the number times I have had great conversations with many different breeders but put them in a group setting and they would be afraid to speak up.  As an industry we should not seek to ostracize those who are willing to speak up against the norm but rather encourage them to speak their mind.

Looking back on my upbringing one of the greatest things I ever learned was the ability to give reasons.  I cannot tell you how much it has helped me in my career.  Not because I am seeking to become judge the Royal or Madison (though if you would like me to, I am game), but rather it taught me how to form my own opinion and then have the confidence to present and defend that opinion in front of others.  On an average week I have to give 3-4 different presentations to groups of 100+ and it’s this the lessons I learned judging dairy cattle that make it a breeze for me.

The Bottom Line

I think it’s time more breeders speak up for what they believe in.  This is a great time to be a dairy breeder, but it’s also a time where the industry is going through great change.  It’s at this time the industry needs more breeders to speak up and be heard.  Let their voice be heard and make sure that the industry we all know and love will be just as great or even better for future generations.  We are not sheep or lemmings dam it, we are dairy breeders and it’s time to take control and speak for ourselves!

You Can’t Drive To The Future Using Rear View Mirrors!

By definition, being strategic requires that you look forward — identifying trends, opportunities, and threats. That’s how good drivers drive on super highways and it’s how good breeders keep moving forward too. You can choose the less risky route of staying in the parking lot but you won’t get anywhere. Here are a few ways to keep your herd moving toward the future.

Check out your blind spot

By the end of next year, even the skeptics will have to admit that genomics, smart phones and tablets are here to stay. The early adopters and best-practice breeders are using these devices. They love being able to see all incoming e-mail, social messaging, text messaging, and voice and video messaging in a single place. They`re using them as the new resource to learn about and manage almost every aspect of cattle breeding.

Traditional Marketing will Decrease.  New Marketing will skyrocket.

As dairy breeders zero in on genomics, finding the leaders, at the right price in the right location and instantly … will change the face of dairy cattle marketing.  The twice a year showcase or the every three to five years  reduction sale will gradually give way to a marketplace that is in “sell” mode 24-7 and 365 days of the year.  Sellers will move beyond single page ads, special events and the cattle ring for promotion as a whole new breed (pun intended) of niche players will be born with the intention of providing the best results from your advertising dollars.  The days of a few key players topping the markets with their well orchestrated, for-your-eyes only live marketing events will gradually give way to on line live video interviews, marketing and promotion one-on-one. Rather than the traditional “one-size-fits-all” advertising strategy, a targeted personalized approach will be required if you expect to have a reasonable chance to sell in the new marketplace.

Genomics will increase its impact by becoming more focused and data driven

Most dairy breeders recognize that genomics is a tool to improve selection. As results become more refined and defined the potential impact will have even more converts.  Global economic issues will be with us for years to come and that too will drive genomics development to target more and better ways to breed great cattle to their highest potentially in the fastest, healthiest and most economical way possible.

The Global Marketplace has attracted the Big Players

The continued growth of technology, social media, and easy communications now makes it possible a dairy breeder in China to come to your barn, see your cows and complete a sale with no middle men, expensive “tire-kicking” trips or costly international time zone, travel and financial issues.  Today it’s take-a-look and complete-the-deal. With the whole world able to look over your shoulder in your barn, big business definitely sees the potential and is ready to grab a piece of the pie.

Dairy cattle research is picking up speed

Remember the good old days (that would be 10 years ago) when we had to sit through breeder meetings and association animal meetings and hear about the difficulties of getting the right research done at the right time and at a reasonable cost?  Industry and government were supposed to be pulling together to fund research that would have an impact on more than the scientific community. Sometimes breeders were skeptical, or unaware, of the practical applications.  Remember CAAB?  Genomics has changed all that.  Now not only are the money streams more accessible and flowing, the really big players with the really big bucks are ready and willing to become the new best friends of the cattle breeding industry.

Farm Branding is the Express Lane to Success

You can no longer hope that a few expensive colour layouts in a magazine will give you the profile you’re looking for to sell those also expensive genetics that you’re investing in. Having good genetics, a great work ethic and savvy cow sense, is no longer enough to have you speeding through the rapidly expanding crowd where everybody says, “Been there. Bred that!”  The increased use of social media and digital marketing will be the new way for the cream to rise to the top.

The Buyer Experience

In the past, you knew who the “players” were and the rest didn’t blip on your radar.   Today, you’ve got one chance to make a good first impression.  You never know when someone’s phone will capture a video and or audio of your inventory (is that what she “really” looks like?) and share it around the world. You could try keeping your doors selectively  closed but that will send a message too and it could be a negative one!  You are caught between the camera and a hot place!

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Forward-looking decision-making: Although hindsight is 20/20, if you’re moving ahead you cannot spend your time looking backward at what happened in the past. The dairy business of the future is following the growth signs:  market supply and demand; new dairying technologies and genomics to name a few. This forward-looking focus will not only improve decision-making but will lead the way to a future that is built on the past but moving way faster than we ever though possible.  Keep moving on the dairy industry express lane or you could be stuck on the off-road ramp or, even worse, left in the parking lot!

Will there ever be another distinct bloodline?

Before the recent Kueffner Kows at Cowtown Sale Horace Backus, commented that he had never seen anything like it in all his years!  “The quality of every animal and the homebred breeding was just so good.  Just before the sale started, I took a moment to walk through one of the lines of cows while it was quiet and everyone was already gathered in the tent.  I stood looking at a line of maybe 40 animals, and thought I was standing at Madison seeing that many great cows all together.”  These comments reminded me of the ones he made before the 1998 Hanover Hill Dispersal where Horace said, “In the history of the Holstein Breed, there have only been four or five herds that have created a distinct blood herd.  Today we are selling a distinct bloodline herd.”  This got me think will there ever be another distinct bloodline herd?

Over the years, the marketplace has changed greatly.  The improvements in technology have been incredible.  It is now easier than ever to market, compare and transport your genetics to anywhere in the world.  To get a better understanding how each of these will play into the potential of having another distinct bloodline, we decided to take a closer look at each one.

Marketing to the World

In the era of Hanover Hill era buyers did come in person from around the world.  The world has changed greatly with the Internet.  I often wonder what a great marketer like Peter Heffering would have done in today’s time.  The ability to market to a much larger audience through the internet and Facebook is expanding the marketplace.  You are no longer just selling to the person next door or in the same country or the few who are able to travel to buy.  You are often selling to people half way around the world.  And more importantly than where they are, is how quickly and easily you can reach them.  You no longer have to run magazine ads in each country’s major breed magazine.  Today you simply post a quick smartphone picture, or better yet video, on your Facebook page and share it with the world.

Cross Country Comparisons

One of the things that contributed greatly to each country or region having its own distinct bloodlines was that the ability to compare performance data on in each country presented challenges.  In previous generations, it was hard enough getting everyone to talk in the same units (ex. Lbs. vs. kgs.) let alone the fact that they had different methods of evaluating things.  Then came Interbull and MACE proofs. That started to open up the marketplace, but for some the confidence in the MACE system was not there and for the most part most countries still had regionalized breeding and evaluating systems.  Then came genomics that has given breeders around the world the confidence no matter where the bull was proven to use him on their cattle.  We now see that there is no longer a negative stigma in North America on foreign proven bulls.  Moreover, many of the great international cow families are gaining significant respect in the North American marketplace, especially as sons of these cattle have proven themselves well on the North American genetic base.

Transportation of Genetics

All the great marketing and evaluation systems in the world mean nothing if you cannot get the genetics to the consumers.  Artificial insemination had a drastic impact on the ability of breeders to develop distinct bloodlines.  Instead of just running your own breeding program where you sell the odd breeding bull, artificial insemination meant that when you sold that bull to an AI center, he would now be able to reach the world market.  With AI companies also becoming less regional or country focused and more world focused, that meant you could sell a bull in Chicoutimi Quebec and his semen could be used in Kamifurano Japan.  Breeders no longer had to develop their own bloodlines and could draw on the best bloodlines from around the world.  Furthermore, as embryo transfer technology advanced you could also import and export embryos and further accelerate your breeding programs.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

Today breeding herds like De-Su limit the amount of genetics they sell and AI organizations like Select Sires are entering the female animal ownership side in order to develop a distinct product in the marketplace.  Nevertheless, I truly feel that with the overall changes in the global marketplace we have a much more level playing field through evaluation systems and technology and, therefore, it is highly unlikely that we will see the achievement of a distinct bloodline at the level reached by Hanover Hill.

Great Show Cows: Can they pass it on?

We see these huge sales prices for great show cows all the time. We recently saw RAINYRIDGE TALENT BARBARA EX-95 sell for $230,000 or Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-CAN selling in 2009 for $1.2 million . They only way to support sales prices like that are to breed great cattle from these cattle.  With that, we decided to take a closer look at how some of the great show cows from the past have done.

In our article Show Cows: All Type and NO Action?, we look at the pedigree of the current crop of show cattle.  In this article we are going to look at how some of the great show cows of the past 20 years have done on the breeding side of the equation.

Success Stories




41 Classified Daughters 21 (52%) are Excellent 19 (46%) are Very Good 8 Excellent Sons

Notable progeny:





Notable progeny:

  • STANHOPE SOVEREIGN                 EX-96-CAN    ST’07
    Gibson son at Foundation Sires
    1496 DAUS 82% GP+ 57 EX
  • WEDGWOOD LARAMIE                 EX-96-CAN    ST’08
    Lee son at Foundation Sires
    1017 DAUS 75% GP+ 10 EX



14 DAUS 100% GP+ 4 EX

Notable progeny:




26 DAUS 100% GP+  11 EX

Notable progeny:





Notable progeny:

The Bullvine Bottom Line

These five cattle are excellent examples of great show cattle that were able to pass it on.  In contrast, however, there is the great ACME STAR LILY EX-94-4YR-USA 8*, who despite being a 3 time grand champion at the Royal and probably one of the greatest show cows of all time, has been unable to pass that legacy on.  Others who have had this challenge include LAUDUC BROKER MANDY EX-96-4E-USA      5*, who despite have a great daughter- LAUDUC ASTRE MANILLE EX-CAN 6* (ALL-CANADIAN SR.2-YR 1997) – was also unable to pass it on through her sons.  This just goes to show that just because a cow may be the greatest show cow walking the planet at that moment, it does not guarantee that she will be able to pass it on.



Not sure how much to spend on that great 2 year old?
Want to make sure you are investing your money wisely?
Download our Dairy Cow Investment Calculator.




10 Ways Cool Calves Beat the Heat

Suddenly it is summer.  Where did all this suffocating heat come from? Of course, if people are feeling soggy, you can be sure calves are feeling it too! Short of inviting them in to share the air-conditioning there are several effective ways we can keep calves cool and stress free.


  1. Shady Ladies.
    Make sure to provide your calves with plenty of shade whether it is from trees, the hutch itself or supplemental shade.  Hutches that faced south in the winter can be re-aligned to capture shade and prevailing breezes. If necessary, construct a temporary shade canopy over their tops (14 feet or higher to allow for good airflow).
  2. Timely Care.
    Consider changing the time of day when handling calves is done.   Perform stressful activities (such as moving, grouping, handling, vaccinating, dehorning) early in the morning. Feed animals several hours before or after peak temperature and humidity times. Early morning and late afternoon feeding can avoid calves experiencing peak temperatures at the same time as their digestion peaks, which often occurs about four hours after feeding.
  3. Always Fresh ‘Cause You Keep Feeding it.
    Keep your calf starter fresh at all times and free of any moisture. Start your calves with a handful of feed and change it every day until they are eating their full allotment.
  4. How’s the Water?
    Provide cool  (50°F /10°C) drinking water (cows drink 50% more water at temperatures of 80°F/26.7°C and above compared to 40°F/4.4°C). It should not be a surprise for calves to double their water intake. Switching to five-gallon pails may also be helpful.  When heat stressed a calf can consume 3 to 6 gallons of water per day. To keep it fresh, empty and refill water pails several times throughout the day. More water changes (say every three hours) the more they will eat. The more they eat the more nutrients they consume and then they are better able to withstand heat stress.
  5. There’s Strength in Numbers so Increase Feeding Frequency.
    Research has also shown that calves fed three times a day have shown optimal growth, better feed efficiency, consume more starter prior to weaning and have greater chance of survival to lactation than calves fed twice daily. You should also research commercial products that target heat stress in their formulations.
  6. Make Your Bed …again and again.
    Changing bedding frequently to control fly populations. Use sand bedding to keep calves cooler.  Clean, dry sand also helps control fly populations, compared with straw or sawdust. Sawdust is better than straw for summer bedding.
  7. Keep it Clean.
    Cleaning and sanitizing water buckets regularly Warm weather promotes algae, mold and bacteria growth. Keeping water and milk pails clean and sanitized will help keep these populations down, as well as help with the fly population.
  8. Replenish Electrolytes.
    Consider more liberal use of electrolyte solutions, advises J.W. Schroeder, Dairy Specialist with North Dakota State University. In warm weather, calves are more prone to dehydration. Scouring calves should receive oral electrolyte solutions liberally, particularly during midday. Administer electrolytes by bottle early in the course of diarrhea because solution absorption likely will be better than if it’s given by a tube or free choice.
  9. No Flies on Us! 
    Unfortunately calves are a hot spot for flies. Using a milk replacer and a calf starter that includes a feed through larvicide can help to keep the fly population down. A reduced fly population may also reduce stress to the calf and the spread of diseases by flies. As mentioned previously, clean, dry sand bedding also helps control fly populations, compared with straw or sawdust. Implement good fly control practices that break up the life cycle to prevent build-up. Know that molasses, a common calf starter ingredient to aid in palatability, can be a tasty attractant for fly populations. Calf starters that utilize alternative natural palatability enhancers along with feed-through fly control technology are available.
  10. A Breath of Fresh Air
    Increase Air Flow and air exchange:  Hutches need good air flow in and around them.  In enclosed facilities natural cross ventilation is not possible, than a total air exchange every two minutes through a mechanized system of fans is a must.

 ….. this brings us to the best TIP of the summer!

Catch the Breeze: Elevate one side of the hutch. That’s right.  A slight “tip” will make a big difference.  In 2011, a Washington State University trial showed that elevating one side of the hutch de­creased internal hutch temperature and increased ventila­tion in warm weather.  We all want results and here’s some that they reported:

  • At the hottest times of the day, internal hutch temperatures were higher than outside temperatures when the hutch was on the ground. Internal hutch temperatures were lower than outside when the hutch was elevated.
  • Elevating the hutch improved air movement within the hutch.
  • Hutch elevation lowered afternoon respi­ratory rates in the calves — 58 versus 44 breaths per minute.
  • Hutch carbon dioxide levels were lower when the hutch was elevated.

Note to readers:  We tried this simple solution at Huntsdale and saw – and felt – immediate results.


When we think of heat stress our thoughts often go to the milking herd first, as heat and humidity can have a dramatic impact on milk production and therefore have a potential impact on our pocket books. We need to think outside the cow pen. The numbers are rising as fast as the thermometer. For example: In a 100 cow herd with 30% cull rate, 25% of the calves in the herd are exposed to heat stress, having been born at that time of the year. Heat stressed open heifers may calve at 26 months instead of 24. Basic additional costs are obvious: extra days raising; more replacements costs; less production in the future. Not so obvious are extra housing, extra feed; extra labour and medication costs. Hopefully, you are still on the positive profit side with these numbers, however, there is a strong chance that these heifers will not produce to their potential. Add in those losses in less milk production and you have probably wiped out your small margin of success. Multiply this result over a 100-cow herd and you could see your positive bottom line melt away in the heat as you lose between $5,000-$7,000!!!


Extreme heat does hurt your calves.  Heat stress also hurts you …. in your pocket! Make sure you cash in on cool calves!!

Weekly Show and Sale Recap– 6/16/2012


  • Kueffner Cows at Cowtown Complete Dispersal
    The sale averaged $17,685, with the majority of bidding coming from those attending the event. Heard from sale goers, “The last sale that was of this magnitude was the Final Chapter of Hanover Hill.” (

    • Looking the part of champion, Rainyridge Talent Barbara*RC (EX-95) helped bring River Valley Jerseys  of Tremont, IL, into the Holstein industry in a big way. The final bid was at $230,000. Barbara was Unanimous All-American and All-Canadian 5-Year-Old 2010 and HHM All-American Aged Cow in 2011. Barbara’s dam is RF Outside Breeze-ET (EX-95), the 2011 Southern Spring National Grand Champion. Her next dam is Rayverley Briana Milan-ET (2E-CAN) and then the internationally famous Rainyridge Tony Beauty (EX 5E 9*). She was offered by co-owners, Kueffner Holsteins and St. Jacobs ABC Inc. Boonsboro, MD.
    • $172,000 was the selling price for Ernest-Anthony Astoria-ET (VG-88, 2y). Astoria is a Goldwyn daughter of Ernest-Anthony Aphrodite-ET (2E-95) Nominated All-American 125,000-lb. Cow 2010 and a member of All-American Produce of Dam & Best 3 Females 2009. Aphrodite is a full sister to 2E-95 Ashlyns Angel, EX-92 Ashlyns Audrey and 3E-95 Ambrosia. Their dam is the All-Time All-American 4-Year-Old Cow 2E-96 GMD-DOM Tri-Day Ashlyn-ET.  Astoria was purchased by Arethusa Farms.
  • Party At The Park Sale
    • Lot 2: $116,000 Coyne-Farms Srock Jill-ET, a 9/11 Shamrock at +2583 GTPI – the #9 GTPI female in the breed.
    • Lot 1: $100,000 Hartford Colt-P 315-Red-ET *PO, a 1/12 Colt P who is the highest GTPI red polled female at +2221, 315 traces back into the Terry Tory cow family Buyer: Westcoast Holsteins, Chilliwack, BC
    • Lot 4: $100,000 Mr Chassity Pistol-ET *RC *PO, the 11/11 Colt P brother to Colt 45 and Gold Chip – out of the genomic giant Regancrest S Chassity-ET EX-92  Buyer: Pistol Syndicate
  • Genetic Elite Sale
    The Genetic Elite Sale, that was held at the Bristol Sale Centre, averaged £3583 on eight cows & calved heifers; £2607 on three served heifers; £4172 on 38 maiden heifers and £627 on 35 embryos. (

    • The top of the sale, Crystalclear MH Christmas Snow, which is a daughter of Larcrest Chessa, sold for 15,000gns to Peter Horrell. She was consigned by Crystalclear Holsteins and Manorhaven Holsteins.
    • Second high seller sold for 8200gns, BB Alexander Georgia 2nd ET, purchased by John Pyne and Sons and consigned by BB Farms. She was the first daughter of De-Su Oman 6121 to be sold in the UK.
    • Third high seller, Wiltor Atwood Sharon (3.63 PTAT), daughter of Washfold Bolton Sharon 2nd, sold for 8000gns to Mr McAufield from Co Antrim.  Sharon was consigned by D W and C E Jones.

Got the Horns to Mess with The Bullvine?

Do you think The Bullvine is too controversial?  Would you prefer to read just more of the same old fence sitting  that everyone else is  content to put out?  A week back, I had a conversation with a general manager of one of the major artificial insemination companies about The Bullvine.  As we have known each other for over 20 years, it was a candid conversation and he was bringing to my attention that, while he thought The Bullvine was great, there were many misconceptions about us out there.  With that in mind, I figured it is time to set the record straight.

Not All Our Content Is Meant To Cause a Stir

Yes many of our articles such as Has Photo Enhancement Gone Too Far?, Holstein vs. Jersey: Which Breed Is More Profitable? and Are You Ready For Genetically Modified Cattle?  have breeders talking.  There have also been many articles that are much more for educational purposes.  Good examples of these are Top 10 Questions to Ask Before You Sign That A.I. Contract, Charting the Right Course at Seagull Bay Dairy and one of my favorites Cristy Nurse: From Show Ring Beauty to World Class Rower who will be representing Canada as part of the women’s 8’s rowing team at the upcoming summer Olympics.

At The Bullvine, we want to express all sides of the story.  That is why there is more than one writer here at The Bullvine, each with a very distinct perspective on the industry.  I (Andrew Hunt) typically write the pieces that are strongly opinionated and Karen Hunt does the educational and breeder profile pieces.  You will notice that the articles that I write never include others in my opinion. They are very much my commentary and do not reflect that of others, sometimes not even that of the editor of this magazine.  Karen, on the other hand, uses her gift for writing and years of experience in the dairy cattle industry (check out our about us sections for more) to bring a fresh viewpoint to many of the challenges facing breeders today.

We Do Not Hate Big AI Companies

There seems to be a misconception that we hate all the large AI companies and play to the small organizations.  That could not be farther from the truth.  Over the years, we have been fortunate to build strong relationships with many of the people that make this industry great.  Remember that my brother is the COO of one of the largest AI organizations and that our editor was the information director for the Canadian Association of Animal Breeders for many years.  We don’t hate big AI, we just don’t cater to them either.

This is how we are different.  Instead of just kissing up  to whoever pays us the most money, we feel that we would like to keep our integrity and tell it as we see it.  We do not expect everyone to agree with what we are saying.  Heck, I would be upset if they did.  Rather we want to give all dairy breeders the opportunity to hear a fresh perspective and provide a forum for them to share their own comments.

That is why you see  comments from the likes of Ron Flatness and representatives from the smaller AI organizations.  It’s not because we agree 100% with everything they say.  Rather  we feel that everyone should be allowed to express their opinion.  In fact, if you read many of the comments on articles, you will actually see that we have disagreed with these people many times and that we also predict that, unless they can get lean and mean, none of these companies will be around in the end.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

For the few  who are afraid to do an interview with us because they think we are too political it’s time to man up. This industry was not formed by those who did not have the horns  to take a stand.  The future is led, not by those who play it safe, but rather by those who are willing to put it all  on the line.  Thank you to all those that have been very gracious in interviewing  with us. I am sure if you asked any of these people, they would tell you how easy it was and about the  great feedback that they have received because of doing the interview.  So take the Bullvine by the horns and honk if you’re not afraid!

Show Cows: All Type and NO Action?

The June 12th sale of RAINYRIDGE TALENT BARBARA EX-95 for $230,000 has me asking if she is really worth it. For years, there has been a stigma around the cows that win the big shows that they are all fake and don’t pack  genetic punch.  After all, we know how hard it is for a show cow to produce the next generation show winner.  Using a genetics perspective, we  decided to see what these show cows offer besides their good looks!  (i.e. Which ones have the brains to go with the good looks.)

We looked at the All-Canadian and All-American winners and the reserve and honorable mentions and here is what we found.


The 2011 All-American’s average an outstanding 92 points, but more importantly, they also average over 1500 TPI points and on average have 6 generations of VG or EX dams in their pedigree.

Notable standouts include:



With a TPI of 1800 Tidbit leads the way when it comes to the 2011 class. This reserve All-American Sr. 2yr old is backed by an outstanding 11 generations of VG or EX.  Bred by Pineland Farms of New Gloucester ME, Tidbit is now owned by Ferme Pierre Boulet. This Goldwyn has a strong type sire stack that has shown an ability to consistently produce impressive records.



Following close behind Tidbit is the All-American Fall Milking Yearling GARAY ALEXANDER DESTINY.  Destiny is backed by five generations of VG & EX cows back to the great SNOW-N DENISES DELLIA EX-95-2E-USA GMD DOM.



The HHM All-American Aged Cow in 2011 packs strong genetic punch for new owners River Valley Jerseys of Tremont, IL.  Bred for strong type back to one of the greatest show cows of all time RAINYRIDGE TONY BEAUTY EX-5E-CAN 9*, Barbara already has three VG daughters.  It’s no wonder that one of the greatest cattleman of this generation (Kueffner) and the type-breeding specialists (ST JACOBS ABC) took such interest in her,  I am sure there are great things  to come for her new owners.


Maybe it’s the different rules for scoring 2yr olds in Canada, but the Class of 2011  averages a strong 91 points which is slightly less than their US counterparts.  Similar to their US contemporaries they have an average of six generations VG or EX behind them.  They average 1199 LPI points (91% Rk. For LPI.)  It is worth noting that this places them in the top 10% of the population!



Leading the way on the Canadian side is WILLOWHOLME GOLDWYN JESSICA.  The honorable mention 5 year old has an LPI of over 2000 points.  This 4th generation VG or EX Goldwyn daughter has average production numbers, but gets her LPI points from high conformation and strong durability scores.



The 2011 Supreme Champion from WDE and the Royal Winter Fair, has substance to her good looks.  Her Outside Dam (STADACONA OUTSIDE ABEL), was a 2011 Canadian cow of the year nominee and has 100% of her daughters GP+ or better.  Missy herself already has a VG-87-2yr old daughter by Dolman.  Currently on an extensive flushing program, Missy’s genetic prowess is just beginning.



The reserve all Canadian 4yr old completes 7 generations of VG or EX.  Much like Jessica, Britany gets much of her 1881 LPI points from her +17 conformation score.  Bred for type, Brittany’s dam, JACOBS JASPER BEST VG-88 4*, has 100% of her nine daughters GP or better.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

At the end of the day, all dairy cows, including show cows, need to be genomically tested. While none of these show cows we have talked about will top the GLPI or GTPI list, they do have the credentials to produce the next generation of great ones.. Some will. Some won`t.   So, are show cows all type and no action?  Certainly not!  But success is in the selection.



Not sure how much to spend on that great 2 year old?
Want to make sure you are investing your money wisely?
Download our Dairy Cow Investment Calculator.


What Will The Cow of The Future Look Like?

Will she score 95 points? Will she produce 40,000lbs per year? Will the cow of the future be polled?  Will she produce less methane gas? In the future, consumer demand will shape everything about dairy farming, including what the dairy cow will look like.  Dairy consumption in emerging economies is rising fast.  In China alone it will triple by 2020.  As rice-paddies turn to pasture, breeder goals and ultimately the makeup of the modern dairy cow will change.

Over the past decade in North America, total milk production has increased in concert with the increased demand for dairy products from growing populations and increasing exports.  This increase in production was achieved without increasing cow numbers, which have held steady, or slightly decreased, for nearly two decades.  Production efficiency has therefore increased substantially with average production currently at 21,000 lbs. per cow per year.

While many things have contributed to the gain in production efficiency, one key area has been genetics.  One of the biggest changes in the genetics market has been the use of genomics.  Genomics has brought greatly increased reliability to estimated breeding values and is drastically decreasing the interval between generations (To read more check out The Genomic Advancement Race – The Battle for Genetic Supremacy).  The next steps will be health traits and profitability and not just the ones that we are currently evaluating.  We are getting ready to delve into better understanding of reproductive issues such as which cows are more efficient at converting feed to milk production (To read more check out Holstein vs. Jersey: Which Breed is More Profitable). Also rising on the priority list will be disease resistance (to read more check out Your Cattle Are Under Attack) and ultimately which cows are the healthiest, trouble free and most profitable.

As the revered management guru, Peter Drucker, says, “You cannot improve what you cannot measure.” Even though the dairy industry has a great system for evaluation production and conformation, there is much needed improvement in the areas of profitability and herd health.  These areas were once thought to be low heritability however, with genomics, traits such as somatic cell, and immune response can greatly impacted at the genomic level.  With Pfizer a company very focused on animal health now offering genomic testing, it’s only a matter of time before there is greater measurement in these areas.

This first steps in any effective improvement program requires accurate measurement.  While many conformation traits and overall production traits are measured intensely when you look at overall measurement of cow –by-cow profitability, there are some major gaps.  One of the biggest is accurate feed conversion metrics.  While there have been studies by breed vs. breed comparison, there is a much greater need to take this analysis to the cow by cow and ultimately the genetics evaluation level.

The other day I was talking with a human geneticist about the use of genomics and ultimately the ability for genomic manipulation of a population.  One of the key things he pointed out to me was how the dairy cattle industry really has the ability to lead the way when it comes to genomic advancements.  Not because of the ethics issues, which we will leave for another forum, but rather because the dairy industry already has such a system in place for evaluation of the progeny.  This ability to measure the exact effects of the manipulation will greatly accelerate the advancement process.

The Bottom Line

Over the years we have started to see less emphasis on stature, and increased focus on feet and legs and mammary systems.  The cow of the future, will not just be about their conformation, but rather their ability to efficiently convert feed and their resistance to disease.  With companies with the size and resources of Pfizer or their newly formed Zeotis entering the marketplace offering genomic tests, and maybe ultimately genomically modified cattle, the future may come much quicker than most breeders expect.  So what will the cow of the future look like?  We do not know exactly, but she will no doubt be the one that returns the most profit to her owners.  All this will be driven by consumer demand.
The Dairy Breeders No BS Guide to Genomics


Not sure what all this hype about genomics is all about?

Want to learn what it is and what it means to your breeding program?

Download this free guide.




Nobody wants to make decisions based on the wrong information.  Good breeders know that accuracy is the key to making successful breeding decisions. Wouldn`t it be wonderful to have perfect data at our fingertips? There`s nothing wrong with dreaming the impossible dream but, realistically, in the business of cattle breeding, you can’t wait for that golden sunrise when perfection is a sure thing and 100% repeatable.

THE PAST:  Almost-Perfect

Whenever we look back at animal-breeding history, a rosy glow settles over our perception of the past.  For more than fifty years, we have constantly improved our North American genetic evaluation methods and models, proudly proclaiming them to be, if not perfect, at least the very best. Many of us felt we were destined to be at the top in cattle breeding forever.  Then, the very success we reveled in spread our success and our genetics to everyone else. Accuracy was harder to ensure. Genetic evaluation methods and models are based on accurate recording of pedigree and performance data and all international input data is not created equal from country to country. Nevertheless we trusted the Animal Model (1989), the Test Day Model (Canada 1999) and Interbull (the international proof system). And it was still good.

AND THEN CAME GENOMICS:  New Dart!  New Target!

Hardly a decade into the 21st Century and Genomics comes along and changes our perception of the future.  Here is a revolutionary new tool or dart, if you will, to take genetic aim with.  Now there can be more focused selection much earlier in the bull or heifer’s life. Since that first official genomic evaluation in August 2009 accuracy has increased. Great! But now even the genetic target has changed.  It is bigger. Now we don’t only target selection of proven bulls and performance recorded cows, but selection of young bulls and heifers, shortly after their birth.  The full potential of what we can aim for has yet to be imagined.


In the interest of accurate information, it is important to look at everything that may be a negative influence on achieving this goal. In a May 2012 article entitled, “The Ongoing Challenge of Accurate Genomic Evaluations” Brian VanDoormal (CDN) points out those things that make precision targeting harder to achieve:

  • Non-random usage
  • MACE evaluations
  • Parent Average less accurate when the parents are foreign
  • Estimating unbiased proofs for foreign sires
  • High priced foreign proven sire semen used on higher quality females in higher quality herds.
  • Differential treatment adds to bias of non-random usage
  • Non-random usage of elite progeny proven sires
  • Non-random usage of high ranking genomic young bulls

VanDoormaal goes on to report that, “ CDN is actively researching methods to reduce or eliminate such biases and to better incorporate MACE evaluations of foreign sires and bull dams into Canadian genomic estimations and officially published proofs.” He emphasizes, “One immediate area of importance being researched is the development of methods to reduce bias in evaluations for foreign sires and bull dams.”

GENETIC EVALUATION ACCURACY: A Hard Target with Collateral Benefits

Each step that increases accuracy increases the trust that breeders can place in the information.  In fine tuning genetic evaluations we benefit from increased accuracy in predicting other traits that previously we didn`t have data on: calf health; fertility; resistance to disease; specific components of milk; hoof health.

Not only has the arrival of genomics changed how genetic evaluations are calculated but it has also significantly changed male and female selection strategies by A.I. companies and breeders as well as semen usage trends by producers. Even breeders who do not use AI will benefit from genomics because they will have available to them bulls that test genomically high but that were not selected for AI.  Previously there was a wider range of bulls sampled at great expense.  With genomics, the entire gene pool of sires is being much more accurately identified for their genetic merit.


For more than 100 years cattle breeders have moved the industry ahead by selecting for the traits they felt were most important. There was a progressive emphasis as the focus changed or was expanded:  amount of milk in a single day; total milk in a liftetime; butterfat; protein; and conformation. New models and young sire programs were developed. All of these had an impact but the potential for genomics impact is far greater.  With genomics, large numbers of young bulls can be tested and eliminated with an enormous reduction in time and cost to the breeder and the industry. This adds to the burden of responsibility for genetic evaluations to be accurate and account for non-random selection and/or under-evaluated progeny proofs.


Will Genetic Evaluations ever achieve 100% accuracy?  Only time will tell. The challenge we face now is to keep the system steadily improving for the impact having accurate information can have not only for cattle breeding today but for generations to come.

For more information check out our Genetic Evaluation Resource Center.

Hay, Hay! How to Make the Most of Tractor Time

Driving a tractor is not most people’s idea of a good time. However, the fresh air, the great views and bird watching make it well above time in an airplane, subway or car. Our three children, all experienced with the previous three, feel that any ride, which surpasses three hours at a time, can be described as “cruel, but not unusual, punishment”.

However, if your farm life is typical and you are constantly fielding questions about equipment repairs, early or late pregnancies and the latest scientific breakthrough, a little motorized time can actually be a gift. You can get things done on a tractor assuming it is raking, hauling, or lifting in the prescribed and expected manner. Later today, I will get to test the following theories.

Rake Hay While the Sun Shines: Of course you can’t read a book or a magazine while driving a tractor, but there’s nothing stopping you from writing one.  This self-imposed separation from papers, to-do-lists and yes, cows, milking and feeding, is a great space to develop that talent you don’t have enough time for.  What about singing?  No problem with the right key — being “pitchy” sounds perfect on a farm. Reframe what is important in your life from the highpoint of the tractor seat. Seeing the big picture is much easier – literally – from the top of a hill or from the back 40.  Admiring your handiwork (leg and tractor work) from afar gives an entirely different prospective than when you’re on hands and knees figuring out why that fencer isn’t working.

Cruising Right Along: Think about it!  No one can interrupt you.  This is the time to focus on that problem that is harder to solve than the perfectly straight rows you’re managing at the moment especially with no phone calls to interrupt you.  Seriously?  You have your phone with you on the tractor? That is just wrong. This is time for thinking outside the inbox. With a two to three hour window with no family or other work responsibilities weighing on you, you can put all your creative thought processes to solving those big picture problems.  When will you take your next real vacation? It should not involve heavy equipment.  Where will you go?  Again – it should not involve animals. Oh well, perhaps a zoo.  No feeding the animals.  Well…Marineland could make that more enjoyable. The point is everyone needs time to revive and refresh.  Away from the chaos.

Counting Your Blessings: If nothing else, tractor time gives you pause to consider the great things that being a dairy farmer brings to your life.  There go your neighbours down the road to their office jobs, traffic jams and stress-filled eight-hour days.  Granted your days are often double that but you have fresh air (mostly) and job satisfaction on a daily basis.  They’re going golfing you say? Seriously.  If putting small objects into small containers was really so satisfying, everyone would pay money to milk cows for you! Think about it. You’ve got tractor time.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

When, as far as the eye can see, you are the only one working in your field today, who needs anything more?

Disclaimer: No small animals were harmed (or run over) in the pondering of this article.

Weekly Show and Sale Recap– 6/09/2012


  • Expensive O-Style daughter
    As expected, two high genomic animals fetched the top prices at the Regel Holstein Dispersal (average $2,612) in Iowa. Sale topper was O-Style Nicci (2331 gTPI). At $30,000, that heifer from the Mark Marion family went to De-Su Holsteins. The second-most expensive lot ($21,000) was Regel Facebook Barb (2390 gTPI), with her dam being a Jeeves from the Juror Faith family. (Source: Holstein International)
  • Show-ring icon fetches top price
    In the UK, an era came to an end with the dispersal of the Neatishall herd of Louis and Fran Baugh. A total of 122 animals sold at an average price of £2,709. The highest price (£6,000) was paid for well-known show cow Neatishall Talent Ricki EX-93, while a Decker daughter from the same family fetched the second-highest price (£4,800). An ALH Dancer daughter (£4,650) completed the top-3. (Source: Holstein International)
  • ABA – Lantz Farm Guernsey Dispersal Averages $2,275
    The Lantz Farm Guernsey Dispersal was held on Tuesday, June 5th in Ellsworth, Wisconsin. The Lantz herd has long been known for high producing, fancy animals and the pedigrees in the catalog represented some of the most well-known cow families in the breed. Breezy Point P Racer, EX-93, the world-record holder for milk with 46,000M 2,175F and 1,400P was represented with eight family members. At the conclusion of the sale, 65 females averaged $2,275. (Source:
    • Topping the sale at $7,000 was the 2011 MN State Fair Reserve Grand Champion, Lance Advance Morgan. She is sired by Villa Crest Advance and from a dam with 26,000M and 1,100F. She finished her second lactation with 2-09 20,198M 4.5% 907F 3.6% 721P and will show as a 3rd calf 4-Year-Old after she freshens on Sept 1st. She is scored EX-90 92-MS. She was purchased by Myown Guernsey Farm of Chenoa, IL
    • A third generation EX cow sired by Ripley Farms R Oak Royalty-ET was the second high seller at $5,900. Fresh in April and milking over 80 pounds, this deep, framey cow had a fancy udder. Her EX-90 dam made over 110,000M lifetime with top records over 22,000M. She was purchased by Up The Creek Farm of Lester Prairie, MN
  • Wallacedale Jersey Stud Sets New Australian Record $5,886 Average For Female Lots
    Well known Gippsland Jersey Breeders Cliff, Marieka, Luke and Melanie Wallace of Poowong North staged the outstanding Future Fortunes Sale on their well appointed farm. A huge crowd of interested Jersey Breeders from all states and overseas along with many local dairymen overflowed the sale shed. (source:
    • Sale top of $16,500 was paid by Cobargo, NSW buyers C O’Meara and Family for Wallacedale Actions Belle 3, this young cow classified maximum VG 88 as a 2 year old cow and is backed by many generations of EX dams back to Duncan Belle. Next high of $16,000 was Wallacedale TBone Melanie 36 (ET), an outstanding daughter of the super brood cow Melanie P36 EX due August to Eclipes, she was selected by J & M Cockerill of Numurkah.
    • Third high of $14,000 was Wallacedale Regions Marie (ET), an unjoined daughter of the Royal Show Winning Peris Marie EX 91, she went to the partnership of L Bennett of Macorna and A Launder of Tarwin. Also at $14,000 was the last lot in the sale Attaview Shy rumour a January 12 imported Canadian ET heifer from a VG Centurian daughter of Rapid Bay Whistler Rumour EX 95. She was purchased by the Bushlea herd of the Kuhne Family, Leongatha South.


  • Alberta’s champions
    At this year’s Alberta Dairy Congress nobody could go past Maroch Idem Champion. Owned by Morsan Farms, the 7-year-old Champion daughter claimed Grand Champion ahead of two Dundee daughters from the Skycrest Holsteins barn: Skycrest Nutmeg and Tolamika Fanta. Junior Champion became Skycrest Jasper Pork N Beans ahead of Continental Braxton Macy. (Source: Holstein International)

How I Used Everything I Know About Animal Breeding to Choose My Wife

This Sunday I will be celebrating my sixth wedding anniversary with my amazing wife Zosia.  She truly is the love of my life.  Yes, she ranks higher than dairy cattle.  One of the things that I think is so amazing is how exactly opposite she is to me.  Maybe that resulted from   years of my father teaching me about corrective mating, but when I found Zosia, I ended up applying everything I knew about dairy cattle breeding to good practice in choosing my wife.

For years, I had dated some very lovely farm girls and one or two bimbos. Trust me there is a very big difference between the two.  While these hard working, passionate woman, meaning the farm girls not the bimbos, were amazing woman and many have gone on to great things in the cattle industry, it just didn’t feel right for me.  None of them seemed like they were “the one” until one day, I met a woman who had grown up, in downtown Toronto, or at least a country boy’s definition of downtown TO.

One of the first things she asked me was “can we go cow tipping?” Now for many that question would have been enough make them jump the fence and run out on that date.  Instead, since I had already ordered my prime rib, even after she had told me she was a vegetarian, I figured I should see the date through.  Maybe it was because of genetics.  I am myself the product of balanced breeding (father is 5.6 and mother is 5.9).  Maybe it was the challenge.  After all, she did jump out of the car before I had it parked, so she could avoid the awkward end-of –the-first-date goodbyes.  Nevertheless, there was something about this woman that had me hooked.

It wasn’t until later that I realized that it was because she was the perfect corrective mating for me.  Zosia, is smart, humble, and beautiful.  Three things I aspire to be.  For me I equate it to using Blitz (me) on a Demspy (Zosia).  I am your high producing, milk machine, while my wife is that hot 2 yr. old everyone would want to have (oh did I mention she was also studying to become a doctor?).

Even on the conformation traits we could not be more opposite.  She has big beautiful eyes, mine look like I am asleep most of the time (also a strong dominant trait as the last 4 generations of Hunt men all have this).  She is model slim   and, even after three kids, could walk down the fashion runway tomorrow (though she would never admit it).  Me, on the other hand, well let’s just say I put on the frosh 15 and never looked back.  She has the world’s cutest little head while mine might not fit in most small cars.  Oh wait! That’s not my head …that’s my ego.

So as any good young dairy breeder knows, it’s not about how good you look but rather how good your progeny look that counts, so we are shooting for the Class Extra status.  In our 6 years of marriage I have applied the other side of the animal breeding equation, resulting in three children.  At 5 (for those doing math he was born 10.5 months after the wedding day), almost 3, and 1.5 years, my wife has proven to be a very fertile woman, and I guess I am pushing to be a high conception sire.  This is also genetic as my brother has had three kids in 4 years as well.

The Kids

The better part is how amazing and amazingly different each of our children are.  While for years I had watched as we flushed cows and got daughters that could look so different, I have never had the perspective on it that I do now.  As any parent knows, it’s what makes your children different that makes them amazing.  While we breed dairy cattle for uniformity, I think that when it comes to our children we almost want the exact opposite.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

In the past when I set out to start quirky things like a dairy magazine just because I feel I have something to say, or quit  a lucrative  job because I think I would be happier running my own company, my wife has always been there with 110% support.  She is the rock to my weirdness and the perfect partner for me.  Please note:  we will not be flushing her to the next hot stud to come along.

Twenty Things Every Dairy Breeder Should Know About Inbreeding

When it works it’s called line breeding, when it doesn’t it could be a disaster. Here are 20 things every dairy breeder should know about inbreeding.

How does it happen?

1. Inbreeding results from the mating of related individuals.

2. Relationships between dairy animals are increasing over time because of selection toward similar breeding objectives.

Five possible reasons you can tell yourself not to be concerned about inbreeding

3. Outstanding bulls should be used if the benefits of genetic improvement exceed losses from any possible inbreeding depression

4. Inbreeding has played a role in development and improvement of specialized strains of livestock.

5. The positive aspect of inbreeding is that the genotypes of sperm or egg cells from inbred individuals are more predictable than for outbreds.

6. If the inbred animal were superior and transmitted its superiority with regularity, the advantages would be obvious.

7. Inbreeding can also be used to “purge” a line of cattle of undesirable recessive genes.

Ten realistic reasons to be concerned about inbreeding

8. Inbreeding is expensive. For cows that survive to freshen the first time, each 1% increase in inbreeding reduces lifetime net income by $22 to $24.

9. There is no magic level of inbreeding that is acceptable. Effects of inbreeding on performance of commercial dairy cattle are almost entirely negative.

10. Inbreeding decreases performance. Inbreeding decreases cow survival, single lactation production and reproductive performance.

11. Inbreeding increases negative factors. Inbreeding increases calf mortality, increases age at puberty through retarded growth, and increases rate of disposal or loss of replacement heifers prior to first calving.

12. Inbreeding should be managed in herd breeding programs rather than avoided.

13. Inbreeding in offspring differs for each sire-dam combination, making mate assignments important if inbreeding is to be managed properly.

14. Blanket recommendations of a bull as an “outcross” to groups of cows may not be effective in reducing the impact of inbreeding.

15. The development of large, specialized dairies in North America in recent years has been accompanied by decreased emphasis on individual animal identification.

16. Many large herd managers have questioned the benefits of individual cow ID to their operation. Avoidance of inbreeding losses is one such benefit.

17. When undesirable recessive genes appear in the homozygous state (bb), the condition is often fatal.

Two Thoughts to Take Away

18. Optimum methods to control inbreeding will choose the sire with highest genetic merit adjusted for inbreeding in a specific mating rather than avoiding some maximum level in inbreeding.

19. Complete, accurate pedigree data for cows to be mated and sires used as mates will be a necessary part of such mating decisions.


20. Losses due to inbreeding can be minimized through careful attention to accurate records. If we can’t estimate inbreeding in a mating because of limited pedigree data, we cannot avoid inbreeding or estimate its costs.

For more information check out The Bullvine Bull Book or our Genetic Evaluation Resource Center.


7 Reasons Why Your Dairy Farm Needs To Be On Facebook

While everyone knows they can use Facebook to connect with old friends or share photos with family, I am not sure how many dairy breeders realize what a huge impact having a Facebook page can have on marketing your dairy cattle.

Recent research shows how influential Facebook has become in our daily lives.  Here are seven reasons why your dairy farm needs to be engaged on Facebook:

  1. 77,000 Dairy Farmers On Facebook
    Sure there are over 350 million global users on Facebook, with Canada having the highest percentage penetration in the world.  However, what matters more is how many dairy farmers there are.  According to Facebook, there are 77,000 dairy farmers on Facebook, with most 50,000 of them in the USA.
  2. It’s Part of Our Daily Lives
    According to Facebook statistics 50% of active users log in every day.  Most cannot go without at least checking their Facebook page once or twice a day.
  3. Average Facebook User Spends 55 Minutes Per Day
    That’s nearly 1 hour per day, per user.  That is longer than it takes most dairy farmers to read most monthly dairy magazines.  That’s a lot of Facebook time.
  4. Average Facebook User Has 130 Friends
    Talk about a great way to get your message to a much larger audience.  Facebook and social media have the power to go viral.  Got a hot 2 yr. old you want people to know about, but don’t want to wait for the monthly magazine?  Promote her on Facebook (great example is the work Gary Hazeleger did in marketing Mapel Wood Shottle Lili or the work Hodglynn Holsteins is doing)
  5. Easiest Way to Keep Everyone Up to Date
    Unlike a website where someone has to come to your site and see what is new, Facebook allows you to keep them up-to-date in their news stream.  Once they “like” your page, all your posts and news items will be part of their daily stream.  This means when you post about that great new 2yr old or the potential show-winning heifer, you don’t have to go and tell them about it, it will already be in their news stream.
  6. Drive Traffic to Your Website
    Over 25% of our daily traffic to our website comes directly from Facebook.  As a new and fast- growing dairy cattle magazine this had been unbelievable in helping us to get The Bullvine name out there. (Check out The Bullvine on Facebook, while you are there, be sure to “Like” our page to be eligible for some great prizes coming soon)
  7. It’s Cheap and Easy
    Facebook does not require you to be some web design guru or computer wizard.  It’s designed to be used by everyone.  You can easily upload pictures, or better yet, a video (see Nothing Sells Like Video) and share it with your connections.

It’s not surprising that Facebook is so popular with dairy farmers, as dairy farmers have always been about community and Facebook is built around communities.  Facebook provides you not only the opportunity to share the great things that are going on at your farm, but also learn about many great things going on in the dairy cattle industry.  It also gives you the chance to connect with many dairy farmers from around the world and gain a better perspective on the industry.

To learn how to get your farm on Facebook download this free guide.

Top Ten Most Influential Holstein Breeders of All-Time

The great thing about the North American dairy breeding industry is how passionate breeders are about what they do.  This is what makes most dairy farmers get up in the morning to do hard work that many would not.  Over the years there have been many great breeders that have dedicated their lives to advancing the breed.  The following is our top 10 list of the ones who the Bullvine feels have had the biggest impact on the North American Holstein industry.

#10 Ferme Gillette

Like many entrants at the start of our list, Ferme Gillette is still building their name.  Master Breeder shields, Class Extra Sires, males and females at the top of the genomic list, honor list producers, All-Canadian awards, two Canadian cow of the year awards, and even a Guinness World Record.  The Patenaude family has already achieved many great achievements.  Ferme Gillette is owned and operated by Dr. Gilles and Lorette Patenaude, their four sons Marc, Louis, Vincent, and Mathiea and their families.  Numerous headliners call Gillette Farms home including offspring from these prominent maternal lines: Baler Twine, Roxys, Jericho, Juror Faith, Spottie, Elegance and more.

#9 Markwell Holsteins & Regancrest Farms

Markwell Holsteins and Regancrest Farms, like Gillette is continuing to build their legacies.  Both farms are built around strong foundation cows.  For Regancrest that is Snow-N-Denises Dellia and Queen of the Breed II.  Leading the way is the Remarkable Raven recognized for her brood-cow status.  Her genetics are among the most sought after around the world.  This cow family has produced such great daughters as Durham Daisy EX92, the honorable Mention All-American SR 2-YR Old in 2002.

#8 Rosafe Farms

In fleeing his turbulent Argentina Hector I. Astengo came to Canada and purchased the outstanding A.B.C. farms.   During its time Rosafe produced such great breeding stock as Temple Farm May, A.B.C. Inka May, A.B.C. Pontiac Pathfinder and the great A.B.C. Reflection Sovereign, probably the biggest contributor to their success.  While it was impossible to buy a Rosafe animal at private treaty, they did sell many animals through reduction sales.  Genetics from these sales have percolated down to every contemporary major league pedigree.  The success of the Rosafe herd, particularly in the show ring, was the propelling force behind one of the major movements in breed history.

#7 Romandale Farms

In the 1960’s and 1970’s the Romandale Farm’s herd owned by Stephen and George Roman was a commanding force in Holstein affairs.  In its glory years, it fielded North America’s leading show herd.  For a decade, it claimed the history setting record for All-Canadian bred and owned.  Romandale Farms was the home of show ring conquerors, potent brood cows and sires of vast influence. Promoted enthusiastically and merchandised with consummate skill.  The Romandale Holsteins were, in effect, a money press.

#6 Comestar Holstein

The bloodlines developed by the Comestar herd have wielded major impact on the Holstein world.  Through Comestar Laurie Sheik and her descendants, Comestar has made a name for themselves world wide as a force to be reckoned with.  Marc Comtois has never wavered in the kind of cow he wanted to breed and work with.  “She must have dairyness, good bone quality and good texture to her udder” – all the trademarks of the Laurie Sheik family.  Through such bulls as Stormatic, Lee, Lheros, and Outside it’s hard to find any pedigrees that have not been touched by Comestar.

#5 Roybrook Farms

As a result of his line-breeding (inbreeding when it works), Frederick Roy Ormiston rode the high crest of success and affluence. Often called “The Holstein Man’s Holstein Man”, an informal poll in the late 1980’s by Holstein World, voted him North America’s most admired breeder. Dismayed with the artificial insemination industry’s increasing reliance on statistics at the expense of common sense, he described some of the materials that the geneticists were placing before the Holstein public as “an insult to the human race”, Roy used his common sense to breed three of the most influential sires in history, Telstar, Starlite and Tempo all of which were line bred to Balsam Brae Pluto Sovereign.

#4 Mil-R-Mor Holsteins

No list can be complete without including the home of Glenridge Citation Roxy, two time Queen of the Breed.  Probably the greatest impact Mil-R-Mar has achieved was through Mil-R-Mor Roxette, dam of Hanover-Hill Raider and his full sister Hanover-Hill Star Roxy EX-92 2E, twice nominated All-American and producing four EX-94 offspring, three daughters, and one son.  These days we see the Roxy’s all over the world with great results in the show ring, bulls hitting the top Genomic rankings and family members selling for sky-high prices at auctions. All of them were out of different branches, which trace back to the one and only QUEEN; Roxy!

#3 Carnation Farms

The belief that quality milk came only from quality cows eventually led Elbridge Amos Stuart, owner of the evaporated milk company Carnation, to establish his own breeding farm, known as Carnation Farm. On his breeding farm, through practical science and application, Stuart was able to continue improving the quality and production of milk from his Carnation cows. In fact, Carnation cows held the world milk production record for 32 consecutive years. One cow in particular, Segis Pietertje Prospect, produced 37,381 pounds of milk during 1920. So proud was Stuart, he erected a statue of the cow to honor this record for milk production that held top honors for 16 years. It was through such accomplishments that Stuart was able to make significant contributions to dairy science while helping to improve the world’s food supply.

#2 Mount Victoria

The invincible blood that pumped through the veins of Thomas Basset Macaulay lead to the Mount Victoria herd having affected cattle populations in every land under the sun.  Macaulay an insurance executive actually got into Holstein cattle more by chance than by design.  When he discovered the farm he had purchased was more of a sand pile than great crop land he starting purchasing livestock.  Macaulay had very definite ideas on the subject of genetics.  His studies in corn breeding were more advanced than any that had been made at that time.  Over time six of the Mount Victoria females became known as “The Big Six”. They where Oakhurst Colantha Abbekerk, Ingleside Piete Posch, progenitors of the Abbekerk and Pietje families, Dixie Calantha Hartog, foundation dam of the Hartog family and Lady Meg Posh and Bohnheur Abberkerk Posch 2nd, cornerstones of the Posch and Bonheur tribes. Combined with the purchase of Johanna Rag Apple Pabst, Macaulay would go onto to change the Holstein breed as we know it.

#1 Hanover Hill Holsteins

Herds that have been able to create their own genetic brand name have been few and far between.  At Hanover Hill, a new bloodline was forged, not only through Starbuck, but also through the eight other class extra sires (often line bred) and a whole host of superior females.  Peter Heffering and Kenneth Trevena formed the greatest cattle breeding and marketing partnership the breed has ever known ( To learn more read Hanover Hill Holsteins” Peter Heffering 1931-2012).  It took the unique characteristics of each to make Hanover Hill great.  Peter had an eye for cattle and was a master marketer, but he would have been nothing without Ken Trevena taking care of the cattle at the home front.  Starting in the US and then moving to Canada the pair have had an immense impact the world over.  They were able to develop powerful cow families that combined high type individuals who shattered production records and produced potent sons and daughters.  They produced Holsteins that set the pace for many decades.

The Bullvine Bottom Line

While I am sure we could go further back and include herds such as Pabsts and Paclamars, I am wondering what herds you feel are the greatest of all time?  People are what make this business great.

Your Cattle Are Under Attack!

In the fight against cattle diseases it feels like dairy breeders are constantly dodging shrapnel. Where will BSE or TB strike next?  Have you been hit with mastitis, ketosis or metritis? Also, it is becoming harder and harder to fight back since there is a worldwide concerted effort to limit the use of antibiotics, particularly in food producing livestock. On top of that, animals are developing antibiotic resistance, making that course of action less and less effective.

After years of focusing on measurable traits – conformation, milk yield, protein yield – the dairy industry has started to take aim at health issues by recording somatic cell score evaluations. It is a small start in waging defense against disease. We must now take aim at an even bigger animal health picture, when looking at the future of our herds and our dairy industry.

You Already Have the Ultimate Weapon

The real fact is we already have the best disease defeating weapon at our disposal. It is the immune system of cattle.  Animals with superior immune systems can do it all:

  • Reduce disease
  •  Increase farm profit
  •  Improve milk quality
  •  Increase animal well being

DISEASE WARS – DNA Strikes Back!

Researchers at Ontario Veterinary College at Guelph University have identified that, when it comes to fighting disease, “One of the most attractive options available is to make use of the animal’s own immune response genes to select for healthier animals with naturally superior immunity.” The OVC group refers to these individuals as High Immune Responders. The really great news is that beyond the idea, the research and the studies is the fact that they have developed a patented test system to quickly identify these animals within dairy herds. This method is referred to as the High Immune Response (HIR) technology and they report that this approach can work well on both conventional and organic dairy farms.


The OVC group reports that there is clear evidence in cattle that it is possible to selectively breed for high (H), average (A) or low (L) – immune responsiveness and that H-responders can positively influence resistance to infectious disease. “In fact, early research by our group showed health and production benefits following genetic identification of cattle and pigs for enhanced IR. This included lower occurrence of mastitis in high immune responders in 2 out of 3 dairy herds tested, as well as improved response to vaccination and colostrum quality. “

We Have the Technology

The OVC group refers to these individuals with both higher and more optimally balanced antibody and cell-mediated immune responses, as High Immune Responders, and goes on to report that they have developed a patented test system to quickly identify these animals within dairy herds.

The HIR technology is designed to identify those cows and calves with robust and unbiased immune responsiveness that can be kept for future breeding to improve herd health, while low immune responders may be culled from the herd.

It is worth noting that, in general, a calf identified as a high responder will maintain that classification as a mature lactating cow.  Therefore animals only need to be tested and classified based on their IR breeding value once in their lifetime.

Breeders Want HIR!

Qualitative market research using a cross section of focus groups was conducted by an independent firm, Agri-Studies (Guelph, Ontario).  Results showed significant interest among dairy producers to use HIR to identify calves or cows with High Immune Response (75% of producers). The key benefit they saw was the ability to cull animals as calves and save the cost of raising animal that later may have significant health issues. They also saw the value of using sires that were classified as HIR to improve the health of their herds. Further market assessment and beta testing of dairy herds is now underway to finalize the transferability of the technology to the marketplace.

 It’s All About Results

In 2010, 690 cows from 58 herds across Canada were immunized using the patented system to evaluate their IR profiles. In this study approximately 15% of cows were high, 15% were low, and 70% were average immune responders with some slight differences between provinces

  • Health
    Preliminary results show that among all cases of clinical mastitis in the cows across Canada that were tested for immune response, cows classified as HIR had the lowest occurrence of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS).
  • Production
    Results to date have shown that breeding for optimal high immune response based on both antibody and cell-mediated immune responses would not compromise production.
  • Profit
    In Canada, it costs the dairy producer $110 to $320 per case of mastitis, and it has been estimated that almost 1 out of every 5 dairy quarters in Canada is infected with a mastitis-causing pathogen

High Immune Response (HIR) Animals Are Naturally Immune

HIR is a patented evaluation technology developed to identify dairy cattle with high adaptive immune response capability. Identification is safe, fast and effective.

Benefits include:

  • Lower disease occurrence and severity
  • Reduced treatment and veterinary costs
  • Increased response to vaccines
  • Increased colostrum quality
  • Cows as young as 2 months can be tested
  • Animals only need to be tested once in a lifetime
  • Testing is safe and does not interfere with any other diagnostic testing
  • Cost benefit analysis show significant savings to producers who identify HIR cows in their herd.

The Future is Now!

Further market assessment and beta testing of dairy herds is now underway to finalize the transferability of the technology to the marketplace.

 The Bullvine Bottom Line

No matter how scary the news makes the latest livestock health threat out to be, your herd’s natural immune defense system is the ultimate response.

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